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Concecration of Russia

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Well here it is, I am very confused: was it completed in its full as Our Lady of Fatima requested in 1984 by John Paul II?

If this was accomplished do we have any proof it was. I was always under the impression that it was NOT accomplished due to the Pope not mentioning Russia in specific and not being in unison with ALL the bishops of the world.

Now in my research I have read articles that are from both sides of this argument, made by upstanding Priest supporting both arguments.

In my Church we have a Marian hour every Friday, by which we beseech Our Lady of Fatima for her help and guidance and make Reparation to her Immaculate Heart.

Now that part where I am confused is that we pray for the Pope to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart. If this has already been accomplished why do we still do this? Is it just a bonehead move by the organizers at my Church? Or is there more to it?

The conditions that Our Lady placed upon this consecration are what I understand to be as follows:

- The Pope together with all the worlds Bishops must make consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart Of Mary.
- If this is done correctly, Russia will be converted to Catholicism and following world as a whole.
- Peace will be granted to the whole world for a period.

Maybe I don’t see it, or maybe it is in an intermediate period…but none of the promises that Our Lady made have happened! Which leads me to believe one of four things. A) I do not have the whole truth about the conditions of the consecration and the promises that Mary told Sr. Lucy. B) Due to the contradicting statements by priest, bishops and cardinals of both mind sets it appears that one side is lying and one side is telling the truth C) I have the facts about the consecration and it has never taken place due to the result and status of the world. It appears to be getting worse not better, Russia has not been converted to Catholicism, they continue to promote their communist values, despite change government styles to democracy. They still have the most abortions performed on the planet. They still are a feeding ground for pornography and child porn. Etc. And D) The consecration has taken place, but peace is being delayed for some reason.

Well what are your thoughts on these statements? As you can see I am confessed and would like to be enlightened on this issue.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Feb 12 2006, 06:27 PM']The Church says it was done, so there is no debate. :)

Does the Church "Officially say this" because I have yet to find anything solid or a quote from JP II himself saying that he infact achieved it! I have found many quotes from Cardinals saying it was achieved and I have also found quotes from Cardinals saying that it wasnt achieved.

[quote]  it has not happened yet. All the world's bishops did not participate.[/quote]

This is what I was under the impression of.

Another friend and scholar of mine said that Russia is in the process of converting. But it doesnt look like it. its been almost 20 years since the so called Concecration and it seems like things have gotten much worse than better!!!!

So why all the controversy? We do some Church officals say its been done and forget about it, and why do some say it is yet to be completed?

In 2000 JP II said that the message of Fatima is more relevent today than ever before?

What is going on here?

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If Our Lady Specifically asked for Russia to be concecrated, why wouldnt the Pope and all other Popes before him specifically Concecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart. She didnt ask for the world, but Russia specifically.

This just isnt making any sense to me. Maybe she didnt really ask for Russia????

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In her writings, Sister Lucia, one of the Fatima seers, confirms that the consecration of Russia was accomplished on March 25, 1984.

You can click [url="http://www.ewtn.com/expert/answers/Fatima1984.htm"]here[/url] to read Sister's letters.

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Don't you know Sister Lucia was a prisoner of the Vatican? We can't trust her letters.

Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids.

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[quote name='StThomasMore' date='Feb 12 2006, 07:32 PM']it has not happened yet. All the world's bishops did not participate.
It doesn't matter. JP2 did it on the behalf of all the world's Bishops as the Supreme Pontiff + Vicar of Christ.

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[quote]It doesn't matter. JP2 did it on the behalf of all the world's Bishops as the Supreme Pontiff + Vicar of Christ.[/quote]

Yes it does matter. He did not follow the request of God's Mother.

[quote]Don't you know Sister Lucia was a prisoner of the Vatican? We can't trust her letters.[/quote]

So true!

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[quote name='Era Might' date='Feb 12 2006, 11:34 PM']Don't you know Sister Lucia was a prisoner of the Vatican? We can't trust her letters.

[quote name='StThomasMore' date='Feb 13 2006, 01:26 AM']So true!


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great article from one of my FAVORITE apostolates, Fr. Fox is trey Holy and Traditional.....any of the literature or articles from this website is on par with the official church teachings

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[quote name='StThomasMore' date='Feb 13 2006, 12:26 AM']Yes it does matter. He did not follow the request of God's Mother.
So true!
This was a JOKE dearie

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i don't recall Mary saying that the Consecration would fix all of the problems of Russia. In fact, i think she just asked us to do it without telling us a whole lot about why.

If you would like StThomas, you could make your own personal consecration of Russia to Mary's Immaculate Heart. Then you know it would be done (well at least as much as you can do that.)

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