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Comic Book Heroes


Who's the greatest comic book hero of all time?  

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This poll must absolutely positively be a contest between Superman, Batman, and Spiderman. You cannot, in good conscience, choose any of the other ones over any of those three (I might forgive a Captain Marvel cause it sounds like he's one from a past age that could possibly be on the same playing field)

Of course, I would still seriously call into question whether your conscience has been properly formed if you picked Spiderman over Batman and Superman. Spiderman's gotta go above all the other ones on the list, but he still can't surpass Batman or Superman.

So it really is a poll about those two. This is a question that perhaps may never be settled... Batman or Superman. I must deliberate greatly before I decide.

(And for anyone who thinks Wonder Woman is a viable option: you're doing nothing but fueling the femi-nazi gender hating fire-- that wonder woman would only be wonderful if she was in the kitchen makin me cookies!!!)

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I decided to go with Batman. While Superman is obviously the only other legitimate choice on this poll, I think I must say that anyone can be sent to another planet where the star's radiation gives them amazing powers that the rest of the people don't have... but Bruce Wayne was merely born into a noble rich family inheriting his parents fortune and wealth-- he fits the mold of a knight of nobility, and the fact that he did something extremely worthwhile with his inheretiance and actually built up this dark knight charecter to fight against criminals is much more virtuous than superman.

as to who would win in a fight-- it depends. If it was known ahead of time that a fight would be occuring, if one of them had to find the other first and fight him, then batman would win because he would be prepared-- he'd have cryptonite, he'd find him and attack with the element of surprise.

but if they were just randomly walkin in a back alley and bumped into each other, Superman could mug batman and beat him up very easily. I mean, batman doesn't just carry kryptonite around with him all the time... he should take a lesson from the boyscouts though, you never know when superman will randomly attack you

of course, after the fight Wonder Woman could nurse them back to health and give them the warm meal she's been slavin over a hot oven making the whole day :cool:


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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Feb 8 2006, 07:38 PM']as to who would win in a fight-- it depends.  If it was known ahead of time that a fight would be occuring, if one of them had to find the other first and fight him, then batman would win because he would be prepared-- he'd have cryptonite, he'd find him and attack with the element of surprise.

Well, Frank Miller's [i]The Dark Knight Returns [/i]concludes with the famous battle between Batman and Superman, in which Batman wins before faking his own death.

" . . . I want you . . . to remember, Clark . . .
. . . in all the years to come . . .
. . . in your most private moments . . .

I want you to remember . . . my hand . . . at your throat . . .
. . . I want . . . you to remember . . .
. . . the one man who beat you . . ."

Of course, Bruce uses lots of kryptonite, heavy artillery, and a high-powered mechanical exo-skeleton.

In TDKR, Superman has "sold-out" to the government. It's fun stuff, if you can tolerate Frank Miller's wacky anarchist/leftist politics (but he gets some good jabs at conventional liberals in there too).

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[quote]Of course, Bruce uses lots of kryptonite, heavy artillery, and a high-powered mechanical exo-skeleton.[/quote]

I wouldn't picture it any other way. :cool:

Batman has the capacity to defeat Superman in a fight he can prepare for and plan... but in a spur of the moment fight Superman would get him good.

You know what would be really cool? If someone like Chesterton wrote a novel with superman and batman and all them. You know, instead of what's his face with anarchist tendencies, you have the great literary defender of civilization against anarchism and socialism writing the script... I mean you know the villain of the story would be the anarchists... well, maybe the grocers :cool:,

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Of those listed... no contest Bats

However DareDevil (a good Catholic boy), Nightcrawler (or should I say Fr Vagner), and Hellboy (intresting concept...a catholic ) are all fav's of mine.

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Feb 8 2006, 09:37 PM']I wouldn't picture it any other way. :cool:

Batman has the capacity to defeat Superman in a fight he can prepare for and plan... but in a spur of the moment fight Superman would get him good.

You know what would be really cool?  If someone like Chesterton wrote a novel with superman and batman and all them.  You know, instead of what's his face with anarchist tendencies, you have the great literary defender of civilization against anarchism and socialism writing the script... I mean you know the villain of the story would be the anarchists... well, maybe the grocers :cool:,
Back in 2000, I wrote the script for a Batman graphic novel (never submitted it - it broke all the DC rules, and the plot was a bit too close to DKR.)
It was a dark, bleak satire, which ended up pitting the Dark Knight against basically all of Gotham, which had fallen prey to political-correctness and moral relativism, and could no longer tolerate Bats' "brutal" and "intolerant" methods. The Joker, released from Arkham, becomes a major celebrity, while Batman becomes once more an outlaw, after caught beating a murderer on video. A new wonder-drug, promising to end violent and anti-social behavior threatens to put crime-fighters out of business, while public opinion has turned squarely against Batman.

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that sounds sweet.

but then if it were Chesterton, the eternal optimist about human nature, there would be a twist where batman discovers the average everyday common man is still on his side and has always been on his side... :cool: And you'd have to have someone throughout the whole deal, perhaps Alfred, continue to refuse to lose belief in the common man still being on his side, refusing to believe that everyone has gone mad and really buys into political correctness and social engineering... and maybe Bruce will loose all hope but at the end something has to redeem it for him.

haha I might as well just re-write The Man who was Thursday to have Batman be the main charecter :cool:

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The iconic, the implacable, the last son of Krypton. Superman all the way. He is everything. he is the end all and be all of superheroes.

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Batman because he's just a regular guy. He doesn't really have the superpowers that Superman and Spiderman have. Also Superman really bugs me because his real identity is the superhero and to fit in with the world he assumes the role of this weak man. It makes me think he thinks little of humanity. And I just like the idea of people who can really actually lose easily still fighting.... It's a thing.

From Kill Bill vol 2: "An essential characteristic of the superhero mythology is, there's the superhero, and there's the alter ego. Batman is actually Bruce Wayne, Spider-Man is actually Peter Parker. When he wakes up in the morning, he's Peter Parker. He has to put on a costume to become Spider-Man. And it is in that characteristic that Superman stands alone. Superman did not become Superman, Superman was born Superman. When Superman wakes up in the morning, he's Superman. His alter ego is Clark Kent. His outfit with the big red "S", that's the blanket he was wrapped in as a baby when the Kents found him. Those are his clothes. What Kent wears, the glasses, the business suit, that's the costume. That's the costume Superman wears to blend in with us. Clark Kent is how Superman views us. And what are the characteristics of Clark Kent? He's weak, he's unsure of himself... he's a coward. Clark Kent is Superman's critique on the whole human race."

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batman is leading ? ... bah!
the question wasnt "who had the most failed movie franchise named after them...
sure the last BatMan started the story over and is, according to some people "the good one"
ok... so it took a handfull of batman movies to get it right?
the Superman thing was milked to death also - and they'll do it again
these people are the "flavor of the day" superheroes
..meanwhile wolverine and others have had a following all the while - and with no commercial prodding (untill recently in Wolverine's case)

more commercial exposure doesnt = the greatest

i voted wolverine
but capt. marvel was the cool dude in his day - shazam! so its cool he is an option, thanx!

i second with Spiderman ... because i also dig a hero who doesnt go about life with a chip on his shoulder
on that note - The Phantom (aka "ghost who walks") is #3 on my list :cool:

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Feb 8 2006, 11:51 PM']Back in 2000, I wrote the script for a Batman graphic novel (never submitted it - it broke all the DC rules, and the plot was a bit too close to DKR.)
It was a dark, bleak satire, which ended up pitting the Dark Knight against basically all of Gotham, which had fallen prey to political-correctness and moral relativism, and could no longer tolerate Bats' "brutal" and "intolerant" methods.  The Joker, released from Arkham, becomes a major celebrity, while Batman becomes once more an outlaw, after caught beating a murderer on video.  A new wonder-drug, promising to end violent and anti-social behavior threatens to put crime-fighters out of business, while public opinion has turned squarely against Batman.
that sounds like a saweet idea
you sould create a different crime fighter of your own and write a novel

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