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Religious Names


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[quote name='ForHimAlone' date='Feb 8 2006, 04:35 PM']Which order are you hoping to enter?  You switch names at the different stages of formation?

The Dominican Order of the Preachers. Specifically The Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist.

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My would be Sr. Alphonsus Marie Liguori after St. Alphonsus Marie of Liguori founder of the Redemptorists.

I sort of "enlisted" St. Alphonsus when I was started to look at religious life again about 5 years ago. It has been a very INTERESTING relationship to say the least. Somewhere along the line, I do believe the tables have turned and he has adopted me :topsy:

Any how, I promised St. Alphonsus that if I did become a religious, I would take his take name in thanksgiving. Needless to say, I am taking him with me to Buffalo.

I don't think St. Dominic would mind too much!! :D:


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Can i just mention something?

I don't like sisters with men names. I think there is something beautiful in feminity, and i think you don't need to give that all up in the convent. Like i met a Sr. John Joseph, and it was just like weird. There was also a Sr. Benedicta in the same community. Using a feminine variation is always a good idea. And as some of you ladies are saying in here, adding Mary or Terese to another Male saint actually does work i think.

I however, off topic, am going to try the name Ephrem. He was a Syrian Hermit and Deacon who would get the famous songs of Heretics, and replace them with Orthodox Church Teaching!!! He became a Doctor of the Church.

Fr. Mark Augustine(confirmation) Ephrem(profession) Menegatti


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I really want to have the name chosen by the community but here are some of my favorites:

Sr. Marie Colette of the Holy Family: For Our Lady and St. Colette who is patroness of those who have lost parents. As a contemplative I want to devote myself to prayer for families esp. single parent families. The title of the Holy Family is in honor of my longest running devotion. I was not raised a Catholic but my family incorporated a lot of Catholic devotions into our home and I had a little statue of the Holy Family which inspired my earliest efforts at meditative prayer.

Sr. Mary Micheal of the Angels: For Our Lady and St. Micheal, who once appeared to my mother before I was born (I was then born on his feast day Sept. 29) and I have always loved him.

Sr. Marie Emanuelle of the Holy Family: This just popped in my head once and I really liked it.

Sr. Marie St. Scholastica of the Holy Family: I love St. Scholastica and I just can't take the saint out of her name. She loved her brother very much just like me!

God's peace always,

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[quote name='ForHimAlone' date='Feb 8 2006, 05:35 PM']Which order are you hoping to enter?  You switch names at the different stages of formation?

:lol_roll: :lol_roll: , LOL, thats what i was thinking as well!!!!
well maybe that can be a start of a new community that she could one day be opening up. never know!!!!! ;)

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Well I think my greatest inspiration has been JPII and even though he is not a saint yet, I'm sure he's in heaven...so would go for Sr. John or just Sr. Jo to make it sound cool! :smokey:

however, i would never be a good nun ... lol ... love guys too much to renounce them :D::D::D:

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If my vocation was to become a Religious Sister I'd like my name to be Sister Marie-Therese after our Blessed Mother who is the one who "grabbed" me a long time ago for Her Son and St. Therese whom I have a huge devotion to.

But alas my vocation is to be married so my first little girl will be name Marie-Therese instead! Especially since about two years ago I "gave" my vocation to both our Lady and St. Therese and asked them to please guide me to whichever vocation our Lord had chosen for me. So they did! They showed me that I'm to be married and be the mother to lots of Catholic babies!! So to honor them and in thanksgiving for showing me my way that's the name of my first girl!


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not long after JPII died i thought my religious name should be Sister John Paul or Sr. JP for short!!!! but then my parents started making fun of that idea so it was blown out of my mind.

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[quote name='Sixtina87' date='Feb 11 2006, 05:41 AM']not long after JPII died i thought my religious name should be Sister John Paul or Sr. JP for short!!!! but then my parents started making fun of that idea so it was blown out of my mind.

I don't think you should give up such a patron! What about Sister Karol or Sister Lolek? ;)

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I've been thinking about religious names for a while and I can't quite make up my mind; I'm tempted to leave it up to my future Mother Superior. However, I do have a favourite at the moment:

Sr. Petra Benedicta ( I know Petra sounds a odd in english, but it's a fairly common name in Sweden )

I like St. Peter because he is a wonderful reminder to me of God's forgiveness, grace and love, despite our selfishness and failure to put our total trust in Him. Also, because of his shortcomings and his humanity, something about St. Peter resonates with my own life and my own shortcomings before God. He gives me great hope!

Benedicta, of course, is after St. Benedict, the father of the order I'd like to join: The Benedictine Daughters of Mary.


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If I became a religious, I think I would choose the name Sister Maria Teresa, after the Blessed Mother and Mother Teresa. Or Maria Giovanna, Giovanna being after St. Joan of Arc and I love the Italian versions of names. Maybe it's because I'm part Italian :idontknow:

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[quote name='avemaria40' date='Feb 11 2006, 06:38 AM']If I became a religious, I think I would choose the name Sister Maria Teresa, after the Blessed Mother and Mother Teresa.  Or Maria Giovanna, Giovanna being after St. Joan of Arc and I love the Italian versions of names.  Maybe it's because I'm part Italian :idontknow:

I am part Italian too! I think that's why I've always been attracted to the name Chiara. I love the way the Italians name 'Clare'. Sr Chiara Maria, now that's cool!

And as to the previous post of Sr Karol? I have a friend who entered the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, who became a novice back in August. Her name is Sr Karol Marie now. :)


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the lords sheep

Mine would be Sr. Anthony Therese Mary. It just came to me a few years ago in prayer and it seems right.

As to whoever said they don't like Sisters with men's names.... I really think that the Sister's name is given to her by the Holy Spirit and that is who God has called her to be in her consecration. I would have never chosen Anthony on my own. Before, I had always wanted women's names; but now, I know that if I do become a Sister, this is the name I feel that resonates in my soul as a call from our Lord. My cousin, who's name is now Sr. Mary Michael, felt the same way before she entered, but that is the name that took root in her heart during her formation. It has nothing to do with denying femininity, and everything with answering the good Lord's call. Praise Jesus that He even considers to deem any of us worthy to be so united with Him!!
Peace in Christ,

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Lauren! You're not lurking anymore!

I think that having the Blessed Mother or another woman saint's name also helps it not sound as masculine either.

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