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Religious Names


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I know we did this a long time ago, but I think it's really fun to see what names you all would pick for a religious name. Please state the name you like and why you would have that name.

Marie Josephine - For the Blessed Mother and her husband, Joseph who is the "patron of my vocation"

Mary Lawrence - For the Blessed Mother and Brother Lawrence, a Carmelite lay brother (1605-1691), who is well-known for his deep contemplation in his continual "practice of the presence of God."

Mary Margaret - For the Blessed Mother and St. Margaret of Cortona

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If i could choose my religious name it would be my confirmation name/saint.

My Confirmation name is sixtina after St. sixtus II who was beheaded for holding mass services under grounds when it was forbidden. The name Sixtina has a different story. A FSGM Sister by the name of Sixtina who became Mother Sixtina, started the communties mission in Brazil. Mother Sixtina later found out she had cancer and died. Well, the Sisters today still tlak about her and its even mentioned on the website...a friend of mine took that name as her religious name but i was told that the Sisters didnt like that idea...but she was given that name anyways....so for me its more personal and then more as a rememberance of the sisters.

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Well I like my name, Lauren Mary. BUT if I had to pick a religious name it would be after the Blessed Saint Faustina because of my devotion to The Divine Mercy and besides, I love her story. She was also cannonized on my birthday in 2000 (although I was born waaaayyy before that).

Edited by Laurentina1975
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Well, I don't know what my vocation is but if I was to become a sister I would choose:
Marie Dominic - Marie after the Blessed Mother and Dominic after my favorite saint Dominic Savio.

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Maria Elizabeth of the Indwelling Trinity. :D: After our Blessed Mother, of course, and my favourite Blessed!! Bl Elizabeth of the Trinity is amazing, and I love it how, the Trinity dwells in each of us!!

Edited by memtherose
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For my perpetual professed name I would like it to be

Sister Josepha MaterEucharistiae O.P.

For my novice name

Something liike Sister Geneveive Marie

Postulant name

Sister Amanda Therese


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[quote name='AlterDominicus' date='Feb 8 2006, 02:26 PM']For my perpetual professed name I would like it to be

Sister Josepha MaterEucharistiae O.P.

For my novice name

Something liike Sister Geneveive Marie

Postulant name

Sister Amanda Therese


Which order are you hoping to enter? You switch names at the different stages of formation?

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[quote name='ForHimAlone' date='Feb 8 2006, 03:35 PM']Which order are you hoping to enter?  You switch names at the different stages of formation?

I was wondering that as well. I will receive my full religious name when I receive the habit, God, in His great mercy, willing.

I can't fathom my name right now. So many have popped into my head.

My favorite saints are Teresa of Avila, Teresa of the Andes and Mary Magdalene de Pazzi.

I love the way the Italians say her name.... Maria Maddalena de Pazzi, so I was thinking of Maddalena Maria of the Sacred Passion (or of the Divine Mercy, I'm not sure. . .). I do know that you suggest 3 names and Mother may choose one of yours, after praying about it, or she may not.

Yours in Jesus,


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Ave + Maria

I used to be worried about this, because I don't have any really special devotion to a saint to make the choice obvious, yet I don't want to "get stuck" with some generic religious name.

This past weekend, however, some girls and I went down to visit "my nuns" down at the [url="http://www.stjudemonastery.org"]Dominican Monastery of St. Jude[/url]. (Ora pro me!) Since I had asked how they got their name, they all told the stories of the various ways they received their religious names. One sister was destined for the name Sr. Mary of the Sacred Heart--she was born on the feast of the Sacred Heart, grown up with a huge devotion, then entered the monastery on the feast of St. Margaret Mary (I think; or vice versa). Another sister hadn't chosen any names right up close before her clothing. The prioress warned her time was running out, so she went and prayed in the chapel before Our Lord. St. Mary Magdalen came to mind. So she went and told Mother, "I have something to tell you." "I have something to tell YOU!" responded Mother, and here they both had been inspired to think of that same name.

So the upshot of it all is I don't know what my name will be, and am completely happy waiting on the Lord.

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I would chose Rita Marie of the Crown of Thorns, Marie after our blessed mother who is my patron and Rita after the patron of which both St. Rita and the Parish are dear to me, and if I could chose an ending it'd be the crown of thorns because I have a special devotion.

Edited by TeresaAvila
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I'm a bit of a francophile, and I love all things French--especially the saints!

I would love Sr. Rose Marie after St. Rose Philippine Duchesne. She lived and worked in my city, and my first house was right by her shrine (it was actually on a street named, "Duchesne").

For that same reason, I would pick Sr. Mary Madeline Sophie. Madeline Sophie Barat was St. Rose Philippine's superior (actually the foundress of the Society of the Sacred Heart) who sent her to St. Charles.

My third choice is Sr. Genevieve Marie. She's the patroness of Paris.

There is a possibility that these will change as the choice gets nearer.

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[u]Sr. Amata Maria [/u]

Amata, means Beloved. (hey, anyone around here heard of a book by that title, lol) And that is what I would like to honour in my name, the idea which was instrumental in my conversion, the fact that God loved us first. Our Holy Father, who, back when he was just a Cardinal, was the mirror of God's love for me, taught me more about this fact by his example than I ever learned in RCIA. Of course his words are good, too :)

"I proclaim to you a great joy: God is here, you are beloved, and this stands firm forever."~ Cardinal Ratzinger
"We have come to believe in God's love: in these words the Christian can express the fundamental decision of his life.." ~ Papa Ratzi

St. Amata, was an irreligious youth (me!) She was the neice of St. Clare and a friend of St. Dominic, which is poifect for the religious community I'd like to join (The Sr. Servants of the Eternal Word, who have a franciscan/dominican charism)

[u]Sr. Maria Abramo[/u]
The catechism points out Mamma Maria and Abraham as the two principle models of the "obedience of faith" which creatures owe their God. Since I've gone through long periods of dryness, this has been fundamental to my spiritual life. I would love to trust God as surely as they did ... Just think: they were both willing to sacrafice their sons ...

[u]Sr. Mary Rose[/u]
After Our Lady of course, and St. Rose of Viterbo. She was a 3rd order Franciscan ... when she was just a girl, she marched into the streets and defended the Pope against heretics who had seized the city. She was banished, but in the end, the people converted, and she returned. She wanted to be a Poor Clare nun, but they refused her, and she humbly submitted to their judgement . She died a few years later , at the age of 18. The Pope ordered her body to be buried inside the monastery that had refused her. I think her body is incorrupt.

Is she not way cool?

If I choose a title (I'm not sure how the Sister Servants do that part?) I'd like it to be "of Gethsemani" or "of the Annunciation" ... obedience to God on special display!!

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' date='Feb 8 2006, 06:58 PM'][u]Sr. Amata Maria [/u]

Amata, means Beloved. (hey, anyone around here heard of a book by that title, lol)  And that  is what I would like to honour in my name, the idea which was instrumental in my conversion, the fact that God loved us first. Our Holy Father, who, back when he was just a Cardinal, was the mirror of God's love for me, taught me more about this fact by his example than I ever learned in RCIA. Of course his words are good, too :)

Yeah, only a million times. I won the Dogeared Award for reading Amata Means Beloved by Sister Mary Catharine, the most times! lol.

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