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smoking marijuana


Should marijuana fall within the grouping of "drugs", which are immoral to partake of, within the CC?  

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The Pope hates dope, and he works for the Man up stairs so beware! Burning one now aint worth burning in the lake of fire later.

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good job iron monk!

Though I thought your position just quoting the catechism was a bit weak at first (the CCC just says drugs, and its hard to infer how much it is talking about as others have mentioned caffine, alcohol, ect.).

But your articles, especially the 1st one straight from the vatican speaks out against "soft drugs" which is obviously marijuana.

Marijuana may have less effects than say alcohol, but it does have that tendency to be a gateway drug to other harder drugs. I have heard that stat that Cow has pointed out a few times (Holland tripling herion abuse since marijuana legalization)

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[quote name='rkwright' date='Feb 10 2006, 03:09 PM']good job iron monk!

Though I thought your position just quoting the catechism was a bit weak at first (the CCC just says drugs, and its hard to infer how much it is talking about as others have mentioned caffine, alcohol, ect.).

But your articles, especially the 1st one straight from the vatican speaks out against "soft drugs" which is obviously marijuana. 

Marijuana may have less effects than say alcohol, but it does have that tendency to be a gateway drug to other harder drugs.  I have heard that stat that Cow has pointed out a few times (Holland tripling herion abuse since marijuana legalization)


My best friend from high school up to about age 24 went from hating drugs to trying a little pot one night, smoking it every now and then.... then doing shrooms... smoke a little opium.... now the last time I seen him he's doing eight balls, dealing cocaine, and living a life of pagan orgies. I haven't talked to him since. I got him to stop drinking and smoking pot earlier, but I had to be around him every day to keep him from it. When I got a job that had different hours, all he had was our other "friends" who were all druggies. We normally hung out with about 10 other people, but we'd throw parties with about 40 people on average.

I've seen a lot of people go the route above. It's sad.

There are a lot of people that use it. Satan is working on us slowing with things of pleasure that will dull our wits.

God Bless,

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this has turned out to be a great thread


that was not even me who was typeing that stuff isaid

me and ardillacid share the same account


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[quote name='sidemunch88' date='Feb 10 2006, 05:23 PM']so is beer
and cigs

and the sun

Moderate amounts of beer and the sun is not bad for people.

Cigs and marijuana are always bad.

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of course cigs are not in the same category as marijuana, nor can they necessarily be considered always bad

and pipe tobacco smoking is simply divine :cool:

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I would like to add my 2cents for what it is worth.....

i smoked pot for 11 years....started off as a recreational user, ended up with the tolerance of a 300 lb male (im a 140 lb female)..otherwise TOTALLY addicted.

i was 30 and my life was really dependant on good green crystally homegrown dank herb.

i came to know Christ, through his mother and re converted to His true church...but i continued to puff. somedays id puff tuff, somedays it was just once a day....but it really got in the way of everything i wanted my life to be about..but i kept puffing because of all the arguments y'all are making above in favor of herb. believe me, i grew up with parents who smoked herb, i was on Phish and Dead tour for most of my young adult life, it was my culture!

Satan had his grip on me.

finally i got up enough courage to really make a GOOD CONFESSION to a really hip and holy preist. I laid it all down for him. GOD already knew my sin...and to confess it was so freeing!

This hip and holy preist told me that smoking herb was an ugly thing for any christian to do, that it was a way of satan slowly enslaving us. He said to equate it to pronography, "i only have one peep at the picture" is like saying "i only have one puff of pot" they both make your soul ugly.

no matter what your friends who can handle it say, it is not a good thing. i dont care what country accepts it, intoxication is nothing to mess around with. and i bet that those friends who can "handle it" are pulling some sort of bluff. I bluffed it for 11 years that i could handle it, but really it was handling me.

now granted im only 7 months totally free of dependance, but its been a strong 7 months. i greive over the lost years, espically for all the memories of my kids that are lost in a fog of pot smoke.

It is the way of the world, do not be seduced by it. even if it is the "alternative" world, do not be tricked into thinking it is ok, just because the "conservatives" hate it.

I would highly reccomend Fr. Corapis talk on addictions for anyone whishing to get more info on the subject. For any of you that dont know Fr. Corapi, he is a very HIP and HOLY preist, who confirms that Marijuana is a no no for any person who is truley living life in Christ Jesus.

i mean, come on, could you see St Paul puffin on a joint? How about Padre Pio doing bong hits, i dont think so!

Get REAL, Get the Eucharist!!!!!

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[quote name='simplemama' date='Feb 11 2006, 10:30 AM']now granted im only 7 months totally free of dependance, but its been a strong 7 months.  i greive over the lost years, espically for all the memories of my kids that are lost in a fog of pot smoke. 

i mean, come on, could you see St Paul puffin on a joint?  How about Padre Pio doing bong hits, i dont think so!

Get REAL, Get the Eucharist!!!!!
Good for 'yer & good post.

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[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='Feb 12 2006, 01:22 AM']Good for 'yer & good post.
simplemama, you shall be henceforth known as 'thread killa'. :)

There is not a whole lot more anybody can say at this point. Welcome home and welcome back to the real world.

Oh, and welcome to Phatmass. :)

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Lol simplemama beat me to it

but i'd like ot give my input too
i used to smoke loads of weed, actually my nickname used to be Mighty Toke. i was always a Catholic but i didnt really care i mean i believed in Christ and just kept telling myself that God put weed on this earth for us to smoke so it cant be bad,

when i smoked weed i was very much in control of what i was doing, i must say i always reacted well to weed i never got paranoid or sick, what is called a whitey and i could go to college and work "mashed/stoned"
but i did also remember my memory started to get worse.
i used to much prefer geting mashed that getting drunk because i lost my control and would remember absolutley nothing from the night b4.
i used to smoke at least 5 joints a day and i would b4 anything, if i had any but i was never addicted, i could go for months without touching it and then smoke it again, i also never think that i was worse in health from smoking it, i also dont belive that smokin 1 joint is that same as 5 cigs, but i also only started to smoke purees or smoke it in bongs and vapourisers.

the reason i kept toking was because i enjoyed it so much but then we could we say that just because ppl like and enjoy to do things they should be acceptable?

the reason i stopped was that i realised it was a waste of time, energy and especially money and that time and money i used to use for toking could be used to learn more about my faith and to more importantly help others.

i dont feel that marijuana is bad for us in a medical sense it can be very gd for us if taken properly and correct dosages. but i definatley dont think its right for us to smoke it.

with drink u can drink a drink and not even feel at all "tipsy" some ppl say that u get high even from 1 or a few tokes, which is very true u feel it very quickly, although when u smoke it heavely u start to get a tolereance.
even if u dont get stoned on 1 toke or a few tokes i just cant see the point because weed doesnt have a particularly nice "taste" so why spend money on it and smoke it? alcohol tastes nice like a beer or a bit of wine but a burning joint doesnt "taste" nice.

i think the point is that we should all just stay sober and the way i see it is:
would u go to communion after having 1 drink?
would u go to communion after having 1 toke?

i think that any substance that harms our health through abuse or just plain being harmful or that altar our consience and makes us not be ourselves is bad and sinful.

we need to be in the right frame of mind all the time and be alert and ready for when Christ comes again cos we just dont know the day or hour.

imagine is Jesus came again while we were mashed/stoned? for what? that small amount of pleasure of being high, its just simply not worth it.

lol i think we have much bigger fish to fry than to be smokin weed.

i dont belive that we should just let ppl do what they like if they want to smoke weed, its like children they will naturally chose the easiest and most pleasureable and more "fun" path even though it is not the right way.
anything that any1 does affects society

basically i dont believe that smokin weed in anyway is constructive

thanks and God Bless :D:

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Smoking marijuana is very bad. [url="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060214/ap_on_fe_st/bizzare_bust;_ylt=AketzYe.fSFmF9iC7G2eDKOs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3NTc-"]There's a Yahoo news article[/url] about a woman trying to buy pot from a police station. The odd thing is, this woman was my freshman college roommate. Smoking marijuana will impair your judgement on a number of things. :ohno:

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