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smoking marijuana


Should marijuana fall within the grouping of "drugs", which are immoral to partake of, within the CC?  

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Feb 7 2006, 11:00 PM']god put this on earth for us to smoke!  [right][snapback]879887[/snapback][/right]

While I don't presume to speak for God, I would put my money on it (hemp) being put here on this earth to make ropes from, not smoke.

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[quote name='Norseman82' date='Feb 8 2006, 12:36 PM']While I don't presume to speak for God, I would put my money on it (hemp) being put here on this earth to make ropes from, not smoke.
I was just wondering if my hemp necklace was illegal. :lol:

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[quote name='sidemunch88' date='Feb 8 2006, 11:17 AM']why not ban cigarettes then? they kill far more people than marijuana (which hasn't killed any one person BY ITSELF)

Sure ban them. Cigarettes only kill more ppl than marijuana because cigarettes are legal. Any kind of smoke in the lungs has, can, and will kill you. YOu dont think so prove it. Holy Mother Church has forbid the smoking of marijuana she has called it a drug and I obey her. I'm not going to let the pot smoking losers cause me to rebel from the True faith over something as stupid as pot.

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[quote]While I don't presume to speak for God, I would put my money on it (hemp) being put here on this earth to make ropes from, not smoke.[/quote]

There is a major difference between Hemp and Marij... Hemp is unharmful to your health as there is no THC content in hemp it is only a herb. You can smoke it if you want but it will do nothing to you. You can have a hemp salad and not even receive any toxins, actually people do and use it as a healthier replacement to letuce.... The plant is resemblance to marijuana but hemp has 9 leafs... weed only has 7 leafs. The hemp plants are much smaller in stature that marijuana. I know I used to work on a tabacoo/ hemp farm!

I think everyone needs to chill out here and learn the facts first before they start criticizing each other.


There are far more potent things out there than weed. In many cultures and religions its perfectly acceptable. As I stated before, it was perfectly legal and acceptable before the time of prohibition in the US. It just has never been lifted since.

Edited by Church Punk
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Wow... we found a lot of "Don't rep the church" on this thread.
I'm not going to waste my time arguing with every ignorant statement on what people think about marijuana without actually studying it. I'll just post a few links and if some people here want to go on being wrong about it, then you have that God given right to embrace being wrong.





Not to mention every pot head I know has become a total non-thinking dolt. I know a lot of burn outs. I have watched people that never smoked it to smoking it eight to ten times a day... they all lost their sense of right and wrong and became stupid.

Bottom line... it's a sin... if you love Christ, try not to sin. As Yoda would say "Do, or do not. There is no try."

God Bless,
[url="http://www.CatholicSwag.com"]http://www.CatholicSwag.com[/url] <-Catholic shirts that are drug free and can think freely.

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[quote name='Church Punk' date='Feb 8 2006, 02:11 PM']There is a major difference between Hemp and Marij... Hemp is unharmful to your health as there is no THC content in hemp it is only a herb. You can smoke it if you want but it will do nothing to you. You can have a hemp salad and not even receive any toxins, actually people do and use it as a healthier replacement to letuce....  The plant is resemblance to marijuana but hemp has 9 leafs... weed only has 7 leafs. The hemp plants are much smaller in stature that marijuana. I know I used to work on a tabacoo/ hemp farm!

I think everyone needs to chill out here and learn the facts first before they start criticizing each other.


There are far more potent things out there than weed. In many cultures and religions its perfectly acceptable. As I stated before, it was perfectly legal and acceptable before the time of prohibition in the US. It just has never been lifted since.

Those "facts" are not exactly facts.

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Feb 8 2006, 02:17 PM']Those "facts" are not exactly facts.

The facts about Hemp are! The website was just something I found, I just notice that no one seems to have posted any information on this in referance to their position, I was just trying to help.

And for the record, If the Church says no marijuana is a drug then I think we should obey Her! I for that matter as a Catholic, I have never smoked before.

But I just wanted to point out that in the grand scheme of things there are far more dangerous things to our faith than a bunch of pot smoking hippies. There are much more dangerous drugs that are out there, dispite their negative effect on the user that actually go to support corrupt regiemes and terrorist organizations. For the most part weed is an acception to this and as a society we could in fact take steps to eleminate the drug problems by implementing various programs that would promote this drug ahead of others in support to local average Joe farmers rather than terrorist!

Perhaps my view is biased from my geographical location, but what I have described is basically a reality here.

Edited by Church Punk
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[quote name='KnightofChrist' date='Feb 8 2006, 12:04 PM']Sure ban them.  Cigarettes only kill more ppl than marijuana because cigarettes are legal.  Any kind of smoke in the lungs has, can, and will kill you. YOu dont think so prove it.  Holy Mother Church has forbid the smoking of marijuana she has called it a drug and I obey her.  I'm not going to let the pot smoking losers cause me to rebel from the True faith over something as stupid as pot.

where does the Church forbid marijuana??? :lol:

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Feb 8 2006, 12:15 PM']Wow... we found a lot of "Don't rep the church" on this thread.
I'm not going to waste my time arguing with every ignorant statement on what people think about marijuana without actually studying it. I'll just post a few links and if some people here want to go on being wrong about it, then you have that God given right to embrace being wrong.[right][snapback]880502[/snapback][/right]
Is this the debate table? Or is this the "accept whatever ironmonk says at his word even if he won't prove it" room? :blink: It is interesting that having a discussion in the "debate room" is a "waste of your time."

[quote]Not to mention every pot head I know has become a total non-thinking dolt. I know a lot of burn outs. I have watched people that never smoked it to smoking it eight to ten times a day... they all lost their sense of right and wrong and became stupid.
Bottom line... it's a sin... if you love Christ, try not to sin. As Yoda would say "Do, or do not. There is no try."

God Bless,

I know a lot of Catholics that have become non-thinking dolts, but that doesn't make me want to outlaw the true Faith. Does it have that effect for you Ironmonk?

[quote]Those "facts" are not exactly facts.[/quote]

so why don't you prove that Ironmonk? why don't you "debate" as is the nature of this board? Or should we take your word as the gospel of truth without you proving it? :wacko:

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here's a novel idea: why not let people do whatever they want (legally not morally) as long as they don't harm anyone else? let em smoke if they want to! and let's not judge anyone here. so what if you smoke pot? that doesn't make you a bad person. so what if you like to get drunk? as long as you don't mitigate the safety of the general public, let things slide. everyone gets worked up about a lot of stuff, but in reality it doesn't matter. some hippie smokin dope in his basement listening to pink floyd should not be a governmental incident.
who are we to say tokin up is a sin?

also, sidemunch is on to something

Edited by smeagol
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[quote]Is this the debate table? Or is this the "accept whatever ironmonk says at his word even if he won't prove it" room? [/quote]
You have already been proven wrong. There is nothing more to type.

It has nothing to do with what I say, it has to do with what the Church teaches... and it is clear. Smoking marijuana is a sin. End of story.

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Marijuana is placed in a different category than tobacco or alcohol, and as such I think it is likely that it would fall into the category of illicit drugs that shouldn't be used.

At least culturally, in western civilization that all of us who are Roman by religion are a part of and thus should actively work to restore to high class, marijuana is an unnacceptable and harmful practice-- from a cultural perspective. Sure, there is a social connection formed, but it is a false social connection. Sure the mind is loosened, but it's a false liberation. The relationship of marijuana to tobacco is very much like the relationship of satan to God. It mimicks and distorts.

A really interesting artical from first things explains this cultural reason, which I think reflects a moral reason, that marijuana is different from tobacco smoking

[quote]The soul, of course, is a complex thing. Long ago Plato suggested that we consider it as divided into three parts-the appetitive, spirited, and rational-that correspond to the three basic kinds of human desires: the desire to satisfy physical appetites, the desire for recognition, and the desire for truth. Once this tripartite division is recalled, tobacco's relation to the soul becomes clear: the three prevalent types of smoking tobacco-cigarettes, cigars, and pipes-correspond to the three parts of the soul.
The uses of marijuana are twisted imitations of the uses of tobacco. Joints perversely imitate cigarettes in both their appearance and in their users' claim to be erotic. But while the claim is one thing, the reality is another. Eros requires both a healthy tension and a sense of discrimination in order to be truly human. Marijuana, however, eliminates both. Think of the counterculture of the 1960s, which, in preaching sexual liberation, actually destroyed the human part of our sexuality by robbing sex of any sense of mystery, standards, or fidelity. Where once sex was a magical moment between eternally committed lovers, it was now purely animalistic, something that had no more meaning than any other bodily function. The pot-smoker fancies himself an erotic man, but ends up being an unerotic animal.[/quote]http://www.firstthings.com/ftissues/ft9704/foley.html

I think because these cultural aspects are based on the substance of the real effects the two leaves have they really reflect a moral standard that should bind us.

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[quote name='sidemunch88' date='Feb 8 2006, 12:14 PM']The fact of the matter is that marijuana has been so demonized, that it is imprinted on everyone's mind that it is satanic.

I totally want you to prove that people think Mary Jane is Satanic

Since legalization of marijuana in Holland, heroin addiction levels have tripled

Edited by Cow of Shame
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