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smoking marijuana


Should marijuana fall within the grouping of "drugs", which are immoral to partake of, within the CC?  

80 members have voted

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I've never tried it... The closest I came to trying it was dressing up as Shaggy for Hallowe'en one year... my friend was supposed to come to the party as ScoobyDoo)

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[quote name='OLAM Dad' date='Feb 7 2006, 06:32 PM']Alcohol can be drunk in moderation, therefore avoiding the prohibition on drunkedness.  If the same can be said of marijuana then I would submit that it is not sinful.  I don't think, however, that it is possible to smoke/eat marijuana and not become 'drunk'.
Just as it is possible to drink lightly and not get drunk, it is also possible to smoke and not get "drunk". There is a "tipsy" stage.

[quote name='Norseman82' date='Feb 7 2006, 09:26 PM']Alcohol is legal.  Marijuana is not.  End of discussion.
Marijuana is not illegal in all countries. You assume that everyone is bound by the laws of the United States. Besides, it is asking [i]should[/i] it be considered a drug. smell of elderberries it up and take a side.

[quote name='Socrates' date='Feb 7 2006, 09:38 PM']Yeah, I'm always sure to exercise moderation when shootin' up heroin and snorting crack!
Big difference between those drugs and marijuana.

[quote name='Lil Red' date='Feb 7 2006, 09:51 PM']CCC #2291: [i]The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.[/i]

grave offense = mortal sin
Someone has said this already I know but many things are considered drugs. The most important one I would think would be alcohol. The use of that drug somehow though is not a grave offense. I don't know if it's because it is part of such ancient tradition or what. Marijuana in some places might be part of tradition too. Who knows?

For anything: "Complete abstinence is easier than perfect moderation." --St. Augustine

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Feb 8 2006, 12:09 AM']Bro,

That is why we have the Church, because our beliefs can lead us down the wrong path.

It is a sin.
Topic based look up in the Catechism for those who want to know the faith...

I am currious why dairy keeps putting these polls out here. The Catholic teachings are not a democracy.
God Bless,
marijuana is not illegal everywhere.... not everyone lives in the united states....

[quote name='ironmonk' date='Feb 8 2006, 12:13 AM']Marijuana is a greater sin than getting drunk. Getting drunk is not illegal. Still a sin, but not illegal. Therefore marijuana is a sin on two points, instead of just one like getting drunk. You can have a few drinks and not be drunk. One toke and the sin is in.

There are something like 429 carcinogenics in marijuana. People have died from smoking it. People get in car accidents from smoking it.

Inhaling any kind of smoke into our lungs does serious damage. People die from smoke inhailation, therefore it's a bad idea to put it in our lungs willfully.
God Bless,
being drunk in public is a crime. driving while drunk is a crime and people get in wrecks because of alcohol. people die because of alcohol. alcohol can damage our liver. should i then conclude that it is a bad idea to put it into our bodies willfully?

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Feb 7 2006, 11:13 PM']

There are something like 429 carcinogenics in marijuana. People have died from smoking it. People get in car accidents from smoking it.

God Bless,

Wrong. There is not a SINGLE death that is attributable to marijuana alone. There are always other factors, e.g. alcohol, sleep dep, medication etc

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I think that smoking cigarettes should be outlawed before marijuana. The effects of cigarette are far more destructive than weed.

Why is it acceptable to drink beer and smoke cigarettes but not smoke weed?

Lets for a moment take a look at the consequences each of the above-mentioned habits.


-Drunkenness – May lead to many other sinful behavior by inhibiting your decision making abilities
-Lose of control of body.
-Results in eruption of sudden rage in some.
-Bar fights
-Automobile accidents
-Boating accidents
-Major hang-overs
-Blood shot eyes.
-You have to pee often
-Addictive use may lead to liver disease, kidney failure and heart attack.
-Can be addictive.
-Social thing to do, plus Jesus drank!


-Purposefully inhaling Hydro-Cyanide and other poisonous chemicals
-Highly addictive.
-Root cause of many health problems, heart disease, lung disease, cancer etc.
-Loose of endurance
-You don’t get high from cigarettes
-Given the above, there is not much purpose to cigarette smoking.
-Tobacco companies are horrible.
-Working in the tabacco fields is the must gut busting job you will find!
-Incredible waste of money!


-Purposefully inhaling THC’s and other poisonous chemicals
-You get high
-Maintain body control
-Is a depressant IE: a mellow drug resulting in people wanting to sit around and do nothing
-You get the munchies
-If made legal you can grow your own.
-Minimal addictive agent.
-Medicinal purposes
-Can be a gate way drug to other things, however can also be used as a gateway drug to clean up. IE: heroin uses can use marijuana as a step down to coming clean.
-Support Canada’s economy!

All of this being said, I my self do not smoke cigarettes or weed. But I guess I can be kindda biased here because I live in Canada. Smoking marijuana is socially acceptable. Even the cops do it. Oh ya, and if you are completely not into it dont even bother going to BC they smoke up everywhere! On the fairies, in the bus stops, on their lunch break!

Edited by Church Punk
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[quote name='Rick777' date='Feb 8 2006, 12:50 AM']Marijuana is and should stay illegal.

It isn't illegal. In denver that is. or in minnesota as long as it is a rather small amount

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The fact of the matter is that marijuana has been so demonized, that it is imprinted on everyone's mind that it is satanic. They don't know why they believe that, but they believe it nonetheless

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[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='Feb 8 2006, 12:49 AM']you have yet to show me where I ever said that
you said my views were short-sighted so i assumed you disagreed with what i had said. my apologies for making that inference

sidemunch is on the right track

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Feb 7 2006, 11:00 PM']no one has ever died from smoking marijuana, god put this on earth for us to smoke!  Now go look up booze related deaths per year and tell me which is the greater sin.

Oh my... ever heard of LUNG CANCER? Did you know smoking one joint is like smoking 5 cigs?

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[quote name='hugheyforlife' date='Feb 8 2006, 06:24 AM']Marijuana is not illegal in all countries. You assume that everyone is bound by the laws of the United States. Besides, it is asking [i]should[/i] it be considered a drug.

I only responded the way I was taught.

[quote name='hugheyforlife' date='Feb 8 2006, 06:24 AM'] smell of elderberries it up and take a side.

I don't particularly like your tone of voice, kid. Respect your elders.

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Apologies. I didn't mean it in a disrespectful tone. I guess I can see where it could have been offensive though.

and for the record -- i don't smoke pot.

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I think if we look at the process by which marijuana is grown and distributed in most of North America, it is clear that for the most part it would resemble the days of prohibition. Which by the way, marijuana was prohibited along with hemp products (it was legal prior to prohibition).

Unlike other drugs, marijuana, for the most part, is not grown in some South American country funding corrupt governments and causing severe social injustice. Rather it is grown in rural counties in Canada and the US or hydroponically. In my area there are many high-end green houses that grow weed. The do so via underground networks, much like in prohibition. In BC they have grow opps all over the province. Most of which is done hydroponically resulting it greater yield and THC content. There is even your average Joe that grows weed in his backyard and simply sells as extra cash. I don’t know how it is in the US but I am sure there are similar operations going on. The money that is funneled does not go to regimes of hate and violence, but rather to average Joe farmers. However there have been very negative consequences to those who operate on much large scales illegally… IE the case in Alberta where 4 RCMP officers were murdered and the murderer in turn took his own life. This was an extreme case and the first of its kind in Canada. There has also been the operation that was broken down in Barrie ON, by which they had infiltrated an old brewery and wired it using 1000s of car batteries to operate off the grid, the result of this was major fines and possible jail time. These are results of criminally minded people that have succumbed to greed. If these were legalized farms there would be no issue and the operation would still be running and the 4 officers would still be alive (there were obvious for larger issues that the grow opp at play on this one).

That said legalizing marijuana would thus create a sub industry much like the alcohol industry. This would perhaps allow for a recess in the tobacco industry, which is far more destructive drug.

Marijuana is already legal in certain quantities, that is, not to grow or sell but to possess and consume. There has not been any real social degradation as it is a free choice of people, if this choice is not hurting anyone accept the user who made the choice, why does the government find it necessary to harass these individuals with such severe punishments for part taking in something that only affects a select few?

Through the integration of legalization of marijuana it will promote growth from within the country to registered farmers, thus keeping any foreign import of the drug at bay and not supporting any corrupt governments accept our own!

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