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smoking marijuana


Should marijuana fall within the grouping of "drugs", which are immoral to partake of, within the CC?  

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[quote name='sidemunch88' post='879798' date='Feb 7 2006, 10:34 PM']
what constitutes a drug here Lil Red? Alcohol? CAffeine? oh shinobi i cannot have my morning coffee because it is a drug and therefore a mortal sin. :lol: Oh and no more smoking ppl, those who smoke are GOING TO HELL because it is a drug and harms your health :lol_pound:
(clears throat) that last thing... if the person knows how harmful smoking is to health, they could be mortally sinning... go ahead. Ask Fr. Corapi :D:

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I would say that pot IS a drug, as are cigarettes, cigars, heroine, cocaine, etc.
Each drug does need to be evaluated separately, since each is very different and has different risks.
Drugs, when used non-medicinally, have no spiritual purpose. Then again, neither do video games and many other forms of entertainment. Nonetheless, I think that these are all acceptable activities, in moderation. Most drugs, however, are impossible to use in moderation, as even the first use carries the risk of death and other symptoms. I think that pot, being one of the safest drugs, is able to be used in moderation, as dairy says. Cigarettes, too, and I might be mistaken, but cigarettes might be more addicting than pot, and offer fewer "benefits" and more dangers. Alcoholic drinks do at least quench the thirst and make your body feel warm (especially when in Russia). However, getting drunk is not morally right, since when you are drunk you cannot control yourself. I think that drugs are the same way. Personally, I would not smoke anything. I also plan on severly limiting my alcohol intake, mainly because my dad is an alcoholic (and alcoholism is hereditary).

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After reading over Page 5, I still think that it [u]might[/u] (I have no vast experience with pot) be possible to use pot in moderation. However, I think that it should still be avoided at all costs, primarily due to the ease of abuse and due to the ease of leading into more dangerous practices. No matter one's original intention, it would be hard to keep one from abusing it in some manner. We must avoid this near occasion of sin.
Alcohol is similar to this, but not the same. Yes, it affects us differently, and is slightly less likely to easily lead us to abuses in various ways. Alcohol need not be avoided at all costs due to this, but still should be heavily monitored.
I still say that cigarettes are pointless due to their small effect and great harm, and that they should be avoided at all costs. Cigars I am unfamiliar with.

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[quote name='CatholicAndFanatical' post='961919' date='Apr 26 2006, 12:21 PM']
I didnt get to read all pages because im at work, but this is very very interesting to me.

Has a Priest came in here and said what the Church's stance is and how it is defined? Unless the CC come out right and says MJ is wrong, it is open to speculation.

here's 2 quotes from the Catechism

God created man a rational being, conferring on him the dignity of a person who can initiate and control his own actions. "God willed that man should be ‘left in the hand of his own counsel,' so that he might of his own accord seek his Creator and freely attain his full and blessed perfection by cleaving to him."26

Man is rational and therefore like God; he is created with free will and is master over his acts.

The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.

we already established earlier in the thread that JP2 clearly was referring to Marijuana when condemning the use of soft drugs. dairygirl4u2c ackowledged it and then said her problem was that they didn't say why it's different than ciggarettes and alcohol. The true question this thread is really about is whether marijuana can be used in moderation...so I move to this point


Moderation: can be defined as a once a month, three times a month thing.


now, let me try to understand this...

are you saying by moderation, it's ok to get high off of marijuana if you only do it once a month???

if so, than the argument is flawed since you would surrender your free will by getting high even once.

"To use drugs, notes the Pope, is always illicit because it involves an unjustified and irrational abdication of our capabilities to think, choose and act as persons. It's also false to speak of any "right" to drugs, because we never have any right to abdicate the personal dignity that God has given us. Using drugs, John Paul II has said, not only damages our health but also frustrates our capacity to live in community and to offer ourselves to others."

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Michael Lopez

My brother has suffered from epilepsy and grandmal seizures for most of his 33 years on earth. The last 2 years he has been apart of Californias cannabis compassionate care system, along with other medications they Doctors have subsided the seizures 100% the last 2 years where my brother has been seizure free. Like in all DRUGS over the counter or natural drugs ALL CAN BE ABUSED. My brother goes to Church also and is a responible father. He does not smoke marijuana though, he eats it in brownies and other edibles, and it is regulated in doseage. There are legetimate uses for this drug to be re-classified. My brother also told me this drug has a Sativa (which are useful to those who have nuero-problems like my brother and Indica which is more for those who have body pain and ailments. The system needs to target only medical use only though, (we cant go willy nilly and have the stuff in a 7-11 or am/pm I AM SURLY NOT FOR THAT)

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[quote name='Michael Lopez' post='994162' date='May 31 2006, 09:20 PM']
My brother has suffered from epilepsy and grandmal seizures for most of his 33 years on earth. The last 2 years he has been apart of Californias cannabis compassionate care system, along with other medications they Doctors have subsided the seizures 100% the last 2 years where my brother has been seizure free. Like in all DRUGS over the counter or natural drugs ALL CAN BE ABUSED. My brother goes to Church also and is a responible father. He does not smoke marijuana though, he eats it in brownies and other edibles, and it is regulated in doseage. There are legetimate uses for this drug to be re-classified. My brother also told me this drug has a Sativa (which are useful to those who have nuero-problems like my brother and Indica which is more for those who have body pain and ailments. The system needs to target only medical use only though, (we cant go willy nilly and have the stuff in a 7-11 or am/pm I AM SURLY NOT FOR THAT)

that would be classified as strictly therapeutic grounds

The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. [b]Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense[/b]. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.

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Michael Lopez

My brother does stress though in conjunction with all the drugs he takes to keep seizures at bay, one also should get The anointing of the sick.

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I would define moderation as a "small high", just as moderation for alcohol would be no more than a buzz. However, I do not know about how easily this light high could be obtained without going overboard. Perhaps in edible form it would be easier. However, the extent of abuse of the drug would likely make it not worth the trouble of legalizing it, even though, provided what I said here about moderation, it might be morally permissable to use without abusing.

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