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Harmony in Church Music


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I think we should have more Gregorian chant at Mass that isn't harmonized and i think hymn singing should be taught in CCD so that kids can be encouraged to sing to God.

It's disheartening to hear of all the Protestant and Orthodox churches having amazing music and chants when the Catholic Church has a treasury of music but noone at your own particular parish has ever heard of it let alone knows how to sing it.

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well... good harmony is opposed to modern music

but there's some atonal stuff out there that can be considered harmony but it sounds like crrrrrap

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And then there's dissonance, which can be wonderful. :)

This is best mastered by the king of all liturgical instruments, the organ...and rightfully so because the organ is closest to the human singing voice, which too can sing some great dissonances. :)

Wonderful harmonies those!

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dissonance is nice, but too much of it is just awful. i'm in a choir right now and we're singing this piece that our conductor wrote....it's weird and atonal, and there's more dissonance than sweet sounding harmony

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Feb 7 2006, 12:45 AM']  Sometimes, during the Mass settings I'll sing along in harmony, instead of going with the melody.  [right][snapback]878212[/snapback][/right]
GAAAAHhh! You sound like my wife. She can find the harmony in every ever-loving song ever written, and even a few that haven't been! And me, who isn't all that musically astute (I'm like Bing Crosby, I can't read music, but if you sing it for me, I can hit it no prob.) I tend to be led off key (read: makes Karen wince) when she sings harmony next to me. Indeed, when we were in a music group at church before we had kids, I had to stand on opposite side of the group from her harmonizing. You know how uncomfortable it was for an avowed Methodist to stand away from his only Catholic shield? And on top of that, next the a guitar playing nun????

It's amazing that I ever agreed with God on my joining the Catholic church. :P:

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When we sing we pray twice; when we sing well, we sing thrice; when we sing in parts we pray a bunch; when we sing well and in parts, we storm heaven.
I want to learn to play the organ.

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[quote name='she_who_is_not' date='Feb 9 2006, 11:38 AM']When we sing we pray twice;  when we sing well, we sing thrice;  when we sing in parts we pray a bunch; when we sing well and in parts, we storm heaven.
I want to learn to play the organ.
So...William Hung must resort to only being able to pray twice :D:

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most music programs on the elementary level are more like "music appreciation" and not singing.

When I was in elementary school, you were required to do choir. Now they cut back and start their kids in choir in 5th grade, and it's optional.

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In catholic school we had music every Friday, everyone was required to sing, even if they couldn't. :)
Sister said even if you couldn't sing well, God appreciated the effort.

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