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[quote name='Rick777' date='Feb 7 2006, 01:57 AM']Again, pipe smoking is as cool as a liberal theologian
oooh.... Rick's laying the smackdown!

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that's because you've been indoctrinated by american society with an anti-tobacco prejudice. don't worry, I understand... i forgive you your prejudices.

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:D: I was educated the same way dude. It truly is amazing when you discover the greatness outside of the anti-smoking propaganda. People who are taught to dislike smoking really don't know much about why people smoke in the first place, other than "peer pressure"... but of course that explanation can't hold... take it down an Aristotelian path of reason and you gotta come to the "un-peer pressured peer pressurer"... why did he take up tobacco smoking? :cool: and that's where you discover the real beauty and symbolism of the whole thing
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o boy, well now i've really accomplished the hijack of the music thread :cool:

oh well, serves her right for hijacking my pipe thread!


I think when it comes down to it, some Native American way back when had to come up with the bright idea of burning this tobacco leaf and letting the fumes pass through his body. There was no peer pressure for this guy, he's the first guy to come up with the idea. Why did he do it? Likely saw a religious symbolism in smoke rising to heaven, then as he was burning one particular leaf he discovered the soothing nature of the aroma of the tobacco leaf. He did it because he was enamoured with the idea, with the symbols and with the effects.

So too when you reach the European meeting of Native Americans... why did they adopt this habit from the Native Americans? okay, so now you could just say "peer pressure"... but to the Europeans Native Americans were not their peers, they were barbarians and savages! The European settlers more likely noticed the symbolism of the smoke passing through the body and rising to heaven and its calming effect on their soul... they noticed the loosening of the tongue to great intellectual conversation; they adopted the pipe and held it up as a symbol of the highest intellectual classes because they recognized the symbolism.

no public school health class talking about why people smoke will take that direction. it's all peer pressure and evil tobacco companies, which okay those are various material causes, but what is the formal cause? there is a great symbolism attached to smoking in our culture that is very much ignored by the current medical rage against smoking.

what is the symbolism? in my estimation it is the spiritual symbolism of smoke passing through your body and rising to heaven, the emotional symbolism of the calming of nerves, the intellectual symbolism of the stimulation of great thoughts and conversations as you sit and pass the time with this symbol

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so speaking of pipes, organ pipes are really awesome... you know... the harmony they make is a wonderful blessing to the church

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nice segway! good save!

I am actually currently taking an organ class at college. It's really cool, except I've always been a bum with my fingering and he's insisting on perfect fingering which is just adding confusion and difficulty for me onto the already new environment of an organ keyboard... oi but anyway, I love organ music and am learning how to play the pipe organ currently :cool:

{ps, if anyone wants to respond to my tobacco post I'm gonna go ahead and copy and paste it into the actual pipe tobacco thread so you can go there ;) [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=47258}"]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=47258}[/url]

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I would love to play piano (or organ for that matter) but I never learned how. I did take guitar for about 8 years, and my last teacher insisted on a different style of fingering that drove me nuts

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yeah, that's why I loved my piano teacher of ten years, she showed me the basics of fingering but then really let me develop a style of fingering that was natural for me... and I have really long fingers so I can really get away with a lot of stuff that isn't sticking strictly to the way the fingering is written to be best played and not interrupt the flow of the music or the ease at which I play it at all.

now I like Fr. Cyprian, he's a nice guy and everything, but it really drives me crazy that on top of all these differences in playing the organ I have to stay aware of, he insists I stick with the way the fingering is written :wacko:

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