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Prisoner Rape


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[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Feb 6 2006, 09:45 PM']I thought you just sold doors.  To prisons.
Sure..how do you think he's so good? Because he makes better doors that even HE can't break out of! It's pure genius!

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Theres a whole NGO dedicated to ending prison rape and lobbying for prisoners rights, but in the current american political climate such organizations are marginalized. If its ok to kill prisoners via capital punishment, rape isnt really seen as much of a problem. Plus to a great extent, its seen as just desserts or getting a "come-uppance". Lastly, the whole idea of perpetrators being "gay" a label that would immediately lower their status, is not part of the equation or discussion. Only the victims are seen as f-----ts. Furthermore, victims often are afraid to press charges or admit their victim status, though the medical personnel would know, because they will be afforded no protection from the perpetrators against whom they would need to initiate legal action. If you're sharing a cell with a person who violently attacks and rapes you, and then you want to press charges, but you will still be sharing rooms with that guy...do you really think he'll stop?

There is also a huge societal taboo about men admitting having been raped, and thus, if they were to admit it and press charges, their lives after prison - going home to a wife/girlfriend who knows you were raped etc. lowers his perceived "masculinity", not to mention the trauma and psychology of it.

Peace! :hippie:

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[quote name='peacenluvbaby' date='Feb 9 2006, 09:19 AM']Theres a whole NGO dedicated to ending prison rape and lobbying for prisoners rights, but in the current american political climate such organizations are marginalized.  If its ok to kill prisoners via capital punishment, rape isnt really seen as much of a problem. 
Peace! :hippie:

I think that is a bunch of BS

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What is BS? "That" is a very vague pronoun reference...

1. that an NGO exists? it does, the website is in the first posting. :P:
2. that such groups have little power or success in their efforts? ask a prisoner or two :shock:
3. that prisoners have rights? last I checked "human rights" should apply to all humans regardless of their criminal record. :weep: among those rights are the right to life, and bodily integrity/safety

Peace man! :hippie:

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:If its ok to kill prisoners via capital punishment, rape isnt really seen as much of a problem.
this is the BS part.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Feb 9 2006, 12:56 PM'] rape isnt really seen as much of a problem. 
this is the BS part.
You have to admit it's used frivolously in a lot of comedy. I'd have to say most Americans do not take prison rape seriously. You'd never imagine Letterman joking about (male-female) rapes on his show, but I'm betting he's used prison rape to make a joke.

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Kilroy the Ninja

[quote name='hot stuff' date='Feb 9 2006, 01:33 PM']I think society might view prison rape in the same context as smokers getting lung cancer.

As the sister of an incarcerated brother I hope and pray that my little brother is ok while in lock up. He's been there since last summer. Actually he's been moved about three times and now he's in a Federal Detention Center here in Houston. On the plus side, it's a fairly new prison and it is strictly for inmates who are awaiting trial, are being transferred, or are "short-timers" - which is the group my baby brother falls into. He's lucky in that the short-timers are the work cadre - basically they do the maintenance around the prison (kitchen, cleaning etc) which will afford him the priviledge of being able to have visitors anytime he is not working. Hopefully they'll get his visitor list straightened out and I can go see him before he gets out in September.

I'm afraid to ask him directly about whether or not he's been violated. When I've talked to him on the phone I simply ask if he's ok and how he's doing. I don't imagine he'd tell me if he was. And if he was, I pray I never find out who the perp was. It's a sad, sad day when I know that my brother has got two things going for him that *might* reduce his risk of being attacked: Hep C and HIV positive.

As Catholics we should do more for prisoners. I can't even send my brother a rosary - I'm not sure he's even allowed to have one.

I would like to know more about organizations that help protect prisoners basic human rights. Not everyone in prison is a murderer or a rapist. Some just do really stupid things.

Please pray for our nations prisoners and the prison system.

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I have a BIL who has been in prison most of his life for various crimes. I am sure parts of it have been pure hell.

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[quote name='Kilroy the Ninja' date='Feb 9 2006, 03:57 PM']As the sister of an incarcerated brother I hope and pray that my little brother is ok while in lock up.  He's been there since last summer.  Actually he's been moved about three times and now he's in a Federal Detention Center here in Houston.  On the plus side, it's a fairly new prison and it is strictly for inmates who are awaiting trial, are being transferred, or are "short-timers" - which is the group my baby brother falls into.  He's lucky in that the short-timers are the work cadre - basically they do the maintenance around the prison (kitchen, cleaning etc) which will afford him the priviledge of being able to have visitors anytime he is not working.  Hopefully they'll get his visitor list straightened out and I can go see him before he gets out in September.

I'm afraid to ask him directly about whether or not he's been violated.  When I've talked to him on the phone I simply ask if he's ok and how he's doing.  I don't imagine he'd tell me if he was.  And if he was, I pray I never find out who the perp was.  It's a sad, sad day when I know that my brother has got two things going for him that *might* reduce his risk of being attacked: Hep C and HIV positive.

As Catholics we should do more for prisoners.  I can't even send my brother a rosary - I'm not sure he's even allowed to have one.

I would like to know more about organizations that help protect prisoners basic human rights.  Not everyone in prison is a murderer or a rapist.  Some just do really stupid things.

Please pray for our nations prisoners and the prison system.

I will pray for your brother, I hope he is doing ok :( That's said that this stuff happens

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Feb 9 2006, 03:33 PM']I think society might view prison rape in the same context as smokers getting lung cancer.
Pretty much.

It's interesting that most people treat the thought of homosexual encounters with horror and revulsion, yet typically are able to laugh about prison rape.

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