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Communities I'm discerning with...


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I'm discerning with:

The Dominican Contemplative Nuns of Buffalo, NY and Lockport, LA.

I live in Buffalo and they're about 10 minutes away. I've felt attracted to their way of life since I first visited the Monastery. They're loyal to the Holy Father, have a reverent Liturgy and they live the life.

About the Lockport Dominicans- I hope and pray and feel that this is where the Lord wants me. I've been in contact with their awesome and very patient novice mistress for more than half a year. I haven't visited yet, but I already feel as if Our Lord was drawing me there. Everything about that monastery attracts me, and they are like Buffalo, but something about them makes their community so much more to me. There's been some recent controversy surrounding this community, but then again, any good work and community has its trials.

I'm also discerning with the Carmelite communities in Buffalo, NY and Valparaiso, NE. But I think Carmel might just be a long phase.

Well that's about it... just thought you might be interested.

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and Saint Dominic,

Edited by caitlin1030
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Dominicans are awesome!! I love the Dominican Nuns of the Perpetual Rosary in Camden, NJ.
I think you have to visit both places ALOT and see where you fit in. One visit does not do it. And you have to think, do you want an established community as the Domincans near you, or a new foundation.
Best of luck and WELCOME!

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hey Caitlin!!!!

Where did you find that picture of the nun at prayer??? it looks so fimiliar!!!! And i also agree about not bring up the lockport thing, we dont need the mods closeing this one down either. just to say!!!!

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[quote name='alicemary' date='Feb 4 2006, 09:58 AM']Dominicans are awesome!! I love the Dominican Nuns of the Perpetual Rosary in Camden, NJ.
I think you have to visit both places ALOT and see where you fit in. One visit does not do it. And you have to think, do you want an established community as the Domincans near you, or a new foundation.
Best of luck and WELCOME!

Or how about the Dominican Nuns of Our Lady of the Rosary in Summit, NJ

:lol_roll: :D: :blush: :sweat: ;) ^_^

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Please be assurred of my continued prayers for you during this wonderful journey to serving our lord. How wonderful you have opened your heart to the call to religious life, the Dominicans and Carmelites are both beautiful communities, and sometimes it's hard to know, but communicate and visit the communities often or as often as you can and keep praying to our eucharistic lord and Blessed Mother, and in time you'll see where he's calling you!

God Bless You!

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Just a quick reminder to avoid debate in this part of the phorum. If you have something which you feel needs debating take it to the Debate Table. Refer to the following rule from our Phorum Guidelines (located at the top right hand corner of your screen, right under the Donate tab).

"Any negative criticism of the current Magisterium will result in deletion, and a warning from the moderators. This includes but is not limited to criticism of the Novus Ordo mass and/or our Holy Father."

This rule includes negative/unwarranted criticisms and personal attacks against priests, nuns, bishops, cardinals, religious orders, etc. If there is real serious concern which needs to be addressed and may result in a debate take it to the debate table--there are many learned Catholics who debate over there daily and may know more about these orders than some of the rest of us. :)

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