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[quote]All the baby boys that Herod had killed are martyrs. They died for (or because of) Christ [/quote]

The aborted babies are NOT the Holy Innocents! The Holy Innocents did die for Christ! some random baby who is being aborted by a malicious doctor this second is not dying for Christ!

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[quote name='StThomasMore' date='Feb 4 2006, 01:06 AM']The aborted babies are NOT the Holy Innocents! The Holy Innocents did die for Christ! some random baby who is being aborted by a malicious doctor this second is not dying for Christ!

Do you know that most women who gwet abortions don't want to?
Just wondering because it doesn't sound like you do.

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[quote name='StThomasMore' date='Feb 4 2006, 12:02 AM']ha! they are by no means martyrs! I hate abortion just as much as you! I find it evil and disgusting and if it werent against the rules of this board to use profanity I would go on to cuss about it! Here are some examples of true martyrs: St Lucy, St Agnes, St Thomas More, St John Fisher, Louis XVI King of France, Marie Antoinette Queen of France! come on, really! Those people that I named died for Christ! those babies didnt! The aborted are dying because their parents believe that sex is more important that life!

Ha? Why do you find your being in error so funny? Aborted Babies are Martyrs, and that is no laughing matter..

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thanks knight... I think you showed how extreme that website and group is.

StThomasMore, you should really read everything that these wonderful people, like Paph, MissionSeeker and the others have showed you. Hopefully it will help you to form a better understand of the fullness of what the Church teaches and not just sound bytes.

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[quote]From Catholic Culture.com[/quote]

of course you get a Liberal and bias review!

[quote]In this section, I focus solely on the traditional Latin Mass based on the Missal of 1962 which is used by the S.S.P.X. and by the F.S.S.P. After much study, I've come to the conclusion that, validity issues aside, the "Novus Ordo Mass" is inherently, tragically flawed, something my instincts and "common sense" have told me since I was a child. The very name of this Mass -- "Novus Ordo," i.e., "New Order" -- should make anyone with a true Catholic nature cringe, and its effects are so incredibly sad it almost hurts to think about it. It has turned out to be a "New Mass" for a "New Religion" -- and that religion ain't Catholic."[/quote]

She is talking about the abuses here! I have seen the abuses, so I know! It's just really gross! The way you see Jesus treated at some NOs will make you cry!

[quote]"We must stop supporting the that which reeks of "the spirit of Vatican II," i.e., modernism -- the heterodox seminaries, the "Novus Ordo masses," . . . We must support only the true Catholic Faith -- the Faith of the Fathers -- with its traditional Latin Mass, traditional Sacraments, and traditional teaching." (The Church as Battered Bride)[/quote]

If you compare a NO to a TLM you wont be able to tell that the NO was based on the TLM! the NO is so irreverant! you know what I mean! I want to stop the Spirit of VII! really! It is taring the church apart!

[quote]"All of the material and resources offered are pre-Vatican II."

A telling example of this is in the section dedicated to the writings of the Popes. Though most of the major encyclicals pre-1963 are included, not a single document since the Council is included. The same is true of other resources. The only exception to this is the documents of the Council itself. [/quote]
I can see why she chooses things from pre Vatican II popes! The Vatican II popes have all been weak! We need a stronger hiarchy, and get weak Popes! we need a Third Vatican Restoration Council, but will that ever happen--- NO!

[quote]This "dictionary" is filled with sarcasitic remarks about the New Mass, current Church terminology, and the post-Conciliar Church. The overall effect is one of encouraging Catholics to disregard the authority of the Church on these issues.[/quote]

The Dictionary of Dissent is utterly hilarious! you will laught out loud when you read it! It's just a big joke and these Liberals who wrote this review are taking it too seriously.

This is an excellent site! You are just prejudice against Trads!

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[quote name='StThomasMore' date='Feb 4 2006, 12:06 AM']The aborted babies are NOT the Holy Innocents! The Holy Innocents did die for Christ! some random baby who is being aborted by a malicious doctor this second is not dying for Christ!

Please do you have proof, Sir? No Sir, you do not. BTW to be a martyr can also mean by definition VICTIM; especially : a great or constant sufferer.

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[quote name='rkwright' date='Feb 4 2006, 01:15 AM']thanks knight... I think you showed how extreme that website and group is.

StThomasMore, you should really read everything that these wonderful people, like Paph, MissionSeeker and the others have showed you.  Hopefully it will help you to form a better understand of the fullness of what the Church teaches and not just sound bytes.

thanks RKWright.

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[quote]thanks knight... I think you showed how extreme that website and group is. [/quote]

that is a very mean and insulting thing to say!


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[quote name='StThomasMore' date='Feb 4 2006, 01:16 AM']
I can see why she chooses things from pre Vatican II popes! The Vatican II popes have all been weak! We need a stronger hiarchy, and get weak Popes! we need a Third Vatican Restoration Council, but will that ever happen--- NO!
This is an excellent site! You are just prejudice against Trads!

I think you'll get your wish with this pope.

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I[quote] think you'll get your wish with this pope. [/quote]

If His Holieness wanted to have a Council to restore the Traditional Mass and Sacraments, he wouldnt be throwing away Limbo right now!

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[quote name='StThomasMore' date='Feb 4 2006, 12:48 AM']
The CCC is partially not authoritive. It was NOT NEEDED IN THE FIRST PLACE! look at all the Catechisms we already had! for the beginner: The Baltimore Catechism. For More Intermediate: The Catechism of St Pius X. And for the more well-read: The Catechism of the Council of Trent. The Catechism of the Council of Trent is amazing! it is probably the best Catechism you can buy! It is 25 times better that the CCC and it is about the same thickness! You should all really get a refund for your CCC and get instead the CCT!
You are NOT qualified to decide what is authoritative or needed by the Church.
You are NOT the Magisterium of the Church.

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[quote name='StThomasMore' date='Feb 4 2006, 12:20 AM']that is a very mean and insulting thing to say!


It is a group you (no doubt others however sad) are a part of, once she made a website for all to see and others believed what they saw and defended her flawed teaching, it became a group.

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[quote name='StThomasMore' date='Feb 4 2006, 01:20 AM']that is a very mean and insulting thing to say!

All the more reason that it could be a potentially harmful site (I know you'll hate that phrase but please hear me out).
An indivdual person is way more likely to be in error (or grave error) than a group who is know to the Church and teaches by what the Church says rather than [i]how that particular person interprets it or that person's personal oppions[/i]

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[quote name='StThomasMore' date='Feb 4 2006, 12:22 AM']I

If His Holieness wanted to have a Council to restore the Traditional Mass and Sacraments, he wouldnt be throwing away Limbo right now!

Hows he going to throw away something that does not exist? Thats just impossiable.

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[quote name='StThomasMore' date='Feb 4 2006, 01:16 AM']of course you get a Liberal and bias review!
Prove its liberal. don't throw accusations out without any backing at all.
[quote]She is talking about the abuses here! I have seen the abuses, so I know! It's just really gross! The way you see Jesus treated at some NOs will make you cry!
If you compare a NO to a TLM you wont be able to tell that the NO was based on the TLM! the NO is so irreverant! you know what I mean! I want to stop the Spirit of VII! really! It is taring the church apart!
No its people on the extremes that tearing the Church apart. That includes the people who abuse the NO, AND groups like the SSPX. However, the Church will continue through this no doubt. She always has and always will.
[quote]I can see why she chooses things from pre Vatican II popes! The Vatican II popes have all been weak! We need a stronger hiarchy, and get weak Popes! we need a Third Vatican Restoration Council, but will that ever happen--- NO!
Thats a your opinion to have, but I don't appreciate you attacking our Pope. Regardless of what you think, those men were put there for a reason, God chose them to lead His Church.
[quote]The Dictionary of Dissent is utterly hilarious! you will laught out loud when you read it! It's just a big joke and these Liberals who wrote this review are taking it too seriously.
There you go throwing 'liberals' out like its nothing. Its a good way encourage emotions that have nothing to do with the real facts. and I didn't laugh out loud when I read those definations, especially not the Anti-Semitic one.
This is an excellent site! You are just prejudice against Trads!
Another baseless claim.

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