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The horror, the horror...!

Desert Walker

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Desert Walker



[url="http://www.nymetro.com/news/features/15589/"]NY Metro article[/url]http://www.nymetro.com/news/features/15589/

:maddest: what the heck is going on!? :madrant:

Edited by Desert Walker
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This is merely a symptom of a vast, sweeping cultural malaise. What is heartbreaking is that it is our children who are truly suffering.

Look past the smiles of these kids and they are dying inside.

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Guest Defensor

Those kids are in high school?! :wacko: Let me put my shock into context. I am in the first class of men at a formerly all girls college which has a substantial population of lesbian and bisexual girls. For the most part they are liberal but some are extremely liberal. Anyway, I'd would say that none of the girls at my school have the audacity to perform those kind of acts in public.

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well, if you want to know you could ask satan.

Though honestly, and this is kind of bad to say, but i wonder if this isn't close to the truth. It almost seems possible in our society.

It is times like these that make me wonder if we could ever be a good Christian society again. It is a long hill ahead of us.

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That was my high school. I mean, not literally. I went to high school in Jersey. But that's exactly what my high school was like.

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At my school, where students did stuff like this, the students were so violent and angry that the teachers were afraid of them.

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[quote name='frozencell' date='Feb 3 2006, 11:57 AM']I cant' read it. What's the gist?
Kids labelling themselves as polisexual and having relationships with girls and boys at the same time with varying degrees of intimacy and seeming acceptance by parents and peers,

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[quote]It’s also true that the “puddle” is just one clique at Stuyvesant, and that Stuyvesant can hardly be considered a typical high school. [b]It attracts the brightest public-school students in New York, and that may be an environment conducive to fewer sexual inhibitions. “In our school,” Elle says, “people are getting a better education, so they’re more open-minded.”[/b] [/quote]
There you have it, folks.

This pretty much sums up the whole problem with modern liberal elitist attitudes, and the liberal social indoctrination that passes for "education" in much of modern America.

Essentially "We behave like cheap whores and perverts because we're so much smarter than those ignorant dummies with their Christian morality."

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Unfortunately this isn't that uncommon or unaccepted. At my high school (which was a regular public high school) this type of thing didn't happen in a "cuddle puddle" but if you wanted to "experiment" everyone knew what group you could be part of. I was friends with a lot of them, but they liked to keep me "innocent" so they didn't talk about anything or do anything around me. But, it is real and parents don't know it is out there. A lot of teenagers are pushed into those relationships not because they feel they are homosexual or anything but rather because they are looking for love or a connection with another person. It is so sad, but yet true. It makes one wonder what we can do to help these kids feel loved without having to become sexually deviant.

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am I the only one who thought those kids were all losers and so they make out with each other to compensate? It's kind of pathetic.

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crazymaine catholic

it's disgusting. i think the fact that sex has become so commonplace, that this is an activity to do when bored. it's so "normal" now that kids do this as pure recreation even in school. it doesn't help that many teachers would encourage these kids to act on their desires, which is horrible to do with high school and middle school kids. where are the people to tell these kids what is good and bad? at that age, many of these kids just don't know. how can parents and teachers stand idly by while these kids set themselves up for terrible problems later on?

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