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Bush lies in SOTU


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If I stretch my mind, too many facts intrude upon my worldview.

The google sat thing was a non sequiter.

I think.

I'll look it up.

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Desert Walker

If you're going to talk about Bush's State of the Onion Address you really should read this article by Peggy Noonan.


[quote]Thursday, February 2, 2006 12:01 a.m. EST

The president's State of the Union Address will be little noted and not long remembered. There was a sense that he was talking at, not to, the country. He asserted more than he persuaded, and he chose to redeclare his beliefs rather than argue for them in any depth. If you believe, as he does, that the No. 1 priority for the American government at this point in history is to lead an international movement for political democracy, and if you believe, as he truly seems to, that political democracy is in and of itself a certain bringer of world-wide peace, than this speech was for you. If not, not. It went through a reported 30 drafts, was touched by many hands, and seemed it. Not precisely a pudding without a theme, but a thin porridge.

It was the first State of the Union Mr. Bush has given in which Congress seemed utterly pre-9/11 in terms of battle lines drawn. Exactly half the chamber repeatedly leapt to its feet to applaud this banality or that. The other half remained resolutely glued to its widely cushioned seats. It seemed a metaphor for the Democratic Party: We don't know where to stand or what to stand for, and in fact we're not good at standing for anything anyway, but at least we know we can't stand Republicans.

There was only one unforgettable moment, and that was in a cutaway shot, of Hillary Clinton, who simply must do something about her face. When the president joked that two people his father loves are turning 60 this year, himself and Bill Clinton--why does he think constant references to that relationship work for him?--it was Mrs. Clinton's job to look mildly amused, or pleasant, or relatively friendly, or nonhostile. Mrs. Clinton has two natural looks, the first being a dull and sated cynicism, the second the bright-eyed throaty chuckler who greets visiting rubes from Utica. The camera caught the first; by the time she realized she was the shot, she apparently didn't feel she could morph into the second. This canniest of politicians still cannot fake benignity.[/quote]

Perhaps the President himself was not even aware of what he was saying for this reason:
[quote]It went through a reported 30 drafts, was touched by many hands, and seemed it. [/quote]

When are politicians going to wake up and realize that it's not a good idea to ask other people what they should say and think? <_<

Edited by Desert Walker
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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Desert Walker' date='Feb 3 2006, 11:32 AM']If you're going to talk about Bush's State of the Onion Address you really should read this article by Peggy Noonan.
State of the Onion Address... :rolling: I'm sorry, it's just a great typo! :lol:

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Ash Wednesday

[quote]Get off the Bush-bashing bandwagon. It's so tired and mainstream. [/quote]

Well said. I used to be more sympathetic to the left than I am now, because the level of their hatred towards not just the president, but their own country, is just sickening. (Actually, Padre's posts are mild in comparison to those on the Democratic Underground website) Ever since the election they've been clawing each other's eyes out over the direction of the Democratic party.

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Desert Walker
:D: Yeah I wish I had done it unintentionally. I just like to call it that because then I can say

the Onion is making me cry...... :lol_roll: :lol:
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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' date='Feb 3 2006, 09:49 AM']I used to be more sympathetic to the left than I am now, because the level of their hatred towards not just the president, but their own country, is just sickening.[right][snapback]874334[/snapback][/right][/quote]

I think you're actually going to start seeing more and more young people supporting Bush over the next couple of years. Because Bush-hating has become so mainstream -- and hence, no longer controversial -- many kids aren't finding the stance as exciting or "cool" as it used to be. And really, how cool can something be when even your parents are joining in?

What is REALLY controversial right now among young people is saying, "I support Bush." That takes guts. You want to be a rebel, shake things up? Be a vocal Bush supporter.

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[quote name='Nathan' date='Feb 3 2006, 10:27 AM']Every single time Padre posts some new revelation about the "corruption" of George W. Bush, the members of Phatmass systematically pick it apart and prove it to be a false charge. Yet he keeps on persisting...

It's time to get a new hobby, Padre. Get off the Bush-bashing bandwagon. It's so tired and mainstream.
What hobby would you prefer he have? Pope bashing?

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[quote name='Nathan' date='Feb 3 2006, 11:14 AM']I think you're actually going to start seeing more and more young people supporting Bush over the next couple of years. Because Bush-hating has become so mainstream -- and hence, no longer controversial -- many kids aren't finding the stance as exciting or "cool" as it used to be. And really, how cool can something be when even your parents are joining in?

What is REALLY controversial right now among young people is saying, "I support Bush." That takes guts. You want to be a rebel, shake things up? Be a vocal Bush supporter.

You know I would love to respect the opinions of the ardent Bush supporters on the Phorum. But I have yet to see any criticism of Bush met with "You know I can see that". Have there been some goofy criticisms of Bush? Yup. This topic of this thread is a good example. I have plenty of real life friends who are Bush supporters. But they recognize the fact that he (as we all do) has done some things worthy of criticism. They will even admit to the fact that Bush has done some things that drive them crazy.

But as I've said, none of the Bush backers here would ever dare have the temerity to admit to that.

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[quote name='Mrs. Bro. Adam' date='Feb 3 2006, 12:10 PM']Ardent Clinton supporters will not admit that Clinton ever did anything inappropiate or wrong while in office.....

So that makes it all ok then?

I'm saying its impossible to take these opinions seriously when the attitude is " He can do no wrong"

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Of course Bush makes mistakes :) , but we are tired of hearing he is the devil incarnate and responsible for everything wrong from A to Z.
Why is Congress never blamed?

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[quote name='Mrs. Bro. Adam' date='Feb 3 2006, 12:17 PM']I'm saying the same thing about Clinton and his supporters.

Yeah you mentioned that already.

And I'm saying its not right for either camp. I can't respect the opinion of an ardent Clinton supporter any more than an ardent Bush supporter if they can't recognize some of the failings as well.

But since there is a shortage of pro clinton threads it seems to be a moot point on the Clinton thing.

I'm asking if anyone dares to break rank and state something critical about Bush?

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