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Something is wrong with the way they think.


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This is a prime example of a lawsuit from a typical liberal that I have to deal with. People like this are just looking to cheat people and get out of working. If this guy actually believes that Apple should be punished, it just goes to show how mindless he is. I've met far to many people like this one that think we have too much freedom and we need to be protected from ourselves... They've all been liberal dems. There is simply something wrong with the way most of them think. Just like the other thread I started shows.

People are responsible for their own well being with cases like these. Any lawyer to take a case like this should be disbarred, and so should any judge that doesn't throw it out.

God Bless :)
[url="http://www.CatholicSwag.com"]http://www.CatholicSwag.com[/url] <- Catholic shirts that bullets may pass through so don't sue me for not telling you.

[quote][i]Man Sues Apple Over [u]Potential [/u]Hearing Loss[/i]

SAN FRANCISCO -- A Louisiana man claims in a lawsuit that Apple's iPod music player can cause hearing loss in people who use it.

Apple has sold more than 42 million of the devices since they went on sale in 2001, including 14 million in the fourth quarter last year. The devices can produce sounds of more than 115 decibels, a volume that can damage the hearing of a person exposed to the sound for more than 28 seconds per day, according to the complaint.

The iPod players are "inherently defective in design and are not sufficiently adorned with adequate warnings regarding the likelihood of hearing loss," according to the complaint, filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in San Jose, Calif., on behalf of John Kiel Patterson of Louisiana.

The suit, which Patterson wants certified as a class-action, seeks compensation for unspecified damages and upgrades that will make iPods safer. Patterson's suit said he bought an iPod last year, but does not specify whether he suffered hearing loss from the device.

Patterson does not know if the device has damaged his hearing, said his attorney, Steve W. Berman, of Seattle. But that's beside the point of the lawsuit, which takes issue with the potential the iPod has to cause irreparable hearing loss, Berman said.

"He's bought a product which is not safe to use as currently sold on the market," Berman said. "He's paying for a product that's defective, and the law is pretty clear that if someone sold you a defective product they have a duty to repair it."

An Apple Computer Inc. spokeswoman, Kristin Huguet, declined to comment.

Although the iPod is more popular than other types of portable music players, its ability to cause noise-induced hearing isn't any higher, experts said.

"We have numerous products in the marketplace that have the potential to damage hearing," said Deanna Meinke, an audiology professor at the University of Northern Colorado. "The risk is there but the risk lies with the user and where they set the volume."

The Cupertino-based company ships a warning with each iPod that cautions "permanent hearing loss may occur if earphones or headphones are used at high volume."

Apple was forced to pull the iPod from store shelves in France and upgrade software on the device to limit sound to 100 decibels, but has not followed suit in the United States, according to the complaint. The headphones commonly referred to as ear buds, which ship with the iPod, also contribute to noise-induced hearing loss because they do not dilute the sound entering the ear and are closer to the ear canal than other sound sources, the complaint states.


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That's crazy.

He should know that Apple is only out to make our lives better. They could care less about making a profit, especially not if it's at the expense of their customers' health. They have the general public's best interest at heart, always.

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[quote name='Sojourner' date='Feb 2 2006, 02:12 PM']That's crazy.

He should know that Apple is only out to make our lives better. They could care less about making a profit, especially not if it's at the expense of their customers' health. They have the general public's best interest at heart, always.

Hey, Abby--your sarcasm is dripping.

Just thought you should know.


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[quote name='Thumper' date='Feb 2 2006, 03:21 PM']Hey, Abby--your sarcasm is dripping. 

Just thought you should know. 

Oops! Sorry. I hope you didn't sit in it!

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[quote name='Sojourner' date='Feb 2 2006, 02:23 PM']:blush:

Oops! Sorry. I hope you didn't sit in it!

Mmmm. Tastes like peppermint. :drool:

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[quote name='Thumper' date='Feb 2 2006, 03:27 PM']Mmmm.  Tastes like peppermint.   :drool:
Good. I like to keep my sarcasm nice and minty fresh.

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To the people who think that I mean this about all liberals...

We all should know that blanket statements do not mean everyone. This is common knowledge and therefore need not be mentioned.

God Bless :)

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[quote name='Era Might' date='Feb 2 2006, 04:17 PM']Catholics are a buncha homophobes.

Remember, blanket statements don't mean everyone.

Right, so when I say that conservatives are greedy dumbleknockers who use the unborn as political leverage, I don't mean everyone.

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[quote name='Sojourner' date='Feb 2 2006, 04:19 PM']:mellow:

Right, so when I say that conservatives are greedy dumbleknockers who use the unborn as political leverage, I don't mean everyone.

Something else that is common knowledge is that blanket statements can be true when it means a majority, but anyone with half a brain still knows that it is not everyone. There are exceptions.

Statements such as your statement above is simply an untruth based on what you have heard from liberals. Liberals talking about conservatives are like Jack Chick talking about Catholics. The things I say about liberals are truths based on what I have heard from liberals - at a state or National level. There are many flavors of liberals at the laity level... the majority have serious mental issues but I think the few good ones have been dooped. I think this because I constantly have seen lies come from the leaders of the liberals.

God Bless,

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Feb 2 2006, 04:34 PM']Something else that is common knowledge is that blanket statements can be true when it means a majority, but anyone with half a brain still knows that it is not everyone. There are exceptions.

Statements such as your statement above is simply an untruth based on what you have heard from liberals. Liberals talking about conservatives are like Jack Chick talking about Catholics. The things I say about liberals are truths based on what I have heard from liberals - at a state or National level. There are many flavors of liberals at the laity level... the majority have serious mental issues but I think the few good ones have been dooped. I think this because I constantly have seen lies come from the leaders of the liberals.
God Bless,

Actually, I've never heard a liberal say that conservatives use the unborn as political leverage. I've observed that all on my own.

But maybe that's just the liberal voices in my head talking.

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Desert Walker

[quote name='Sojourner' date='Feb 2 2006, 02:39 PM']:blink:

Actually, I've never heard a liberal say that conservatives use the unborn as political leverage. I've observed that all on my own.

But maybe that's just the liberal voices in my head talking.

Of course some conservative politicians use the unborn for political leverage. They're politicians after all. :rolleyes:

It's the same (in concept not in literal comparison) as liberal politicians using quotes from the Bible for political leverage.

Hmmm... come to think of it though, if a conservative actually changes policy in a pro-life manner for political leverage... isn't that better than a liberal NOT doing so for political leverage.......?


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[quote name='Desert Walker' date='Feb 2 2006, 04:54 PM']Of course some conservative politicians use the unborn for political leverage.  They're politicians after all. :rolleyes:

It's the same (in concept not in literal comparison) as liberal politicians using quotes from the Bible for political leverage.

Hmmm... come to think of it though, if a conservative actually changes policy in a pro-life manner for political leverage... isn't that better than a liberal NOT doing so for political leverage.......?

I'd be happy with either a liberal or a conservative changing policy in a pro-life manner.

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All this liberal vs. conservative stuff is really amusing. Long may it continue. Americans are crazy and obsessed with polarising politics (that was a blanket statement, but of course I don't mean everyone.)

PS I'm kidding about the Americans being crazy part, of course. :topsy:

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[quote name='Sojourner' date='Feb 2 2006, 01:12 PM']That's crazy.

He should know that Apple is only out to make our lives better. They could care less about making a profit, especially not if it's at the expense of their customers' health. They have the general public's best interest at heart, always.
Thank you, Abby, for your completely non-sequitor remark.

The issue here is not the morality, interests, or motivations of Steve Jobs and the folks at Apple Computers.

The point is that this is just another in a long list of ridiculous lawsuits in which people are eager to sue for any possible injury that may be incured by mis-using products.

The world can never be a completely safe place, and almost anything can cause injury or damage if improperly or unsafely used.

Almost any stereo system or audio device can cause hearing loss if played at screamingly loud volumes. They all have volume controls which can be turned up or down. If someone lacks the good sense to listen to his music at reasonable levels, it is his fault, not that of the manufacturer.

People need to use some common sense and take some responsiblity for their own lives, rather than always blaming others, and trying to make a quick buck off their own misfortune or stupidity.

Blow out your eardrums by blasting the stereo cranked all the way up - Sue the stereo manufacturer!

Fail to exercise proper gun safety and shoot yourself - Sue the gun manufacturer!

Race a car 100 mph while stone drunk and injure yourself in an accident - Sue the auto manufacturer! And sue the brewer of the beer you were drinking as well!

Stuff yourself like a pig with junk food every day and get fat - Sue the burger place!

Spill hot coffee on yourself at a restaurant - Sue the restaurant!

Injure yourself while burgling someone's home - Sue the home owner for providing an "unsafe environment"! (That actually happened!)

And so on and so forth . . .

This is the kind of insanity perpetuated by the liberal philosophy of entitlement.

(And I'm sure the plaintiffs and the lawyers are totally disinterested in getting money for themselves, and care only about the public's best interests! <_< )

(And, fyi, Steve Jobs is a life-long liberal Democrat who has made substantial contributions to the Democratic party - in case you're trying to turn this into a "caring liberals vs. greedy Republican corporate types" thing)

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