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Michael Jackson to sing Pope John Paul II's

Dust's Sister

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Darvon, now you've got that horrible song stuck in my head, and it won't leave!!!

"Heal the world......make it a better place....for you and for me and the entire human race....there are people dying, if you care enough for living, make it a better place for you and for me...."

NOOOOOOO! GET IT OUT!!! :club: :bash: :guitar:

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Oh I really like his music, but I do not believe he is a good choice to sing JPII's stuff. There are so many other artists (with better reputations) that could do it. Michael Jackson has serious problems.

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Well, he has good music, I'll give him that . . . . still, I don't think I'd feel right of having Jacko sing religious songs. . . .at least they're not having Tom Cruise star in a film.

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"Let him who is without sin cast the first stone."

I know that I am a sinner just like Michael Jackson and Jeffrey Dahmer, and that we all deserve hell but God sent His Only Son because He is merciful and doesn't want to punish as we deserve.

I was being sincere when I suggested euthanasia. We need the death penalty for serial child molesters. It is good for them and for us.

In some states, the Statutes of Limitations are ridiculously short for child molestation. Meanwhile, pedophilia as a research problem doesn't receive the same attention as other psychiatric disorders although it is a social scourge and costs the governement a lot of money for both the penal system and for the healthcare costs of the victim.

All this has got to change and it's going to. I've got to get through law school first.

1. I am going to lobby for the death penalty for serial child molesters. It's the compassionate answer.

2. I am already writing to state elected officials to extend the Statutes of Limitations to the lifespan of the victim. It needs to be this way in all fifty states.

3. I am going to lobby for funding for research.

TCW, U.S. Senate, 2008.

Anybody want to help me with tuition?

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[quote name='theculturewarrior' date='Feb 2 2006, 01:17 PM']Did Jesus share his bed with children and have books on his coffee table with sexually suggestive pictures of children?

This is the type of person that I am referring to as Ignorant.... Jesus did love children and also shared his time with them... He even went as far to tell the adults to let the children get closer as they tried to push them away. As far as the pictures of children, Michael Jackson has a library of over 1.2 million books and the sherrifs dept. actually only found 2 expensive collector item books that had pictures of naked innocent children and later findings were reported these were books fans sent him as a gifts. The handful of porn magazines that were found were owned my some of his staff members who have now been dissmissed.

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[quote name='siebersusi' date='Feb 2 2006, 02:43 PM']This is the type of person that I am referring to as Ignorant.... Jesus did love children and also shared his time with them... He even went as far to tell the adults to let the children get closer as they tried to push them away. As far as the pictures of children, Michael Jackson has a library of over 1.2 million books and the sherrifs dept. actually only found 2 expensive collector item books that had pictures of  naked innocent children and later findings were reported [b]these were books fans sent him as a gifts.[/b] The handful of porn magazines that were found were owned my some of his staff members who have now been dissmissed.

Why didn't he throw them away?

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[quote name='theculturewarrior' date='Feb 2 2006, 02:38 PM']
I was being sincere when I suggested euthanasia. We need the death penalty for serial child molesters. It is good for them and for us.


I hate to get off topic but, according to Cam & the CCC you're wrong.

[quote]Anybody want to help me with tuition?[/quote]


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[quote name='siebersusi' date='Feb 2 2006, 01:43 PM']This is the type of person that I am referring to as Ignorant.... Jesus did love children and also shared his time with them... He even went as far to tell the adults to let the children get closer as they tried to push them away. As far as the pictures of children, Michael Jackson has a library of over 1.2 million books and the sherrifs dept. actually only found 2 expensive collector item books that had pictures of  naked innocent children and later findings were reported these were books fans sent him as a gifts. The handful of porn magazines that were found were owned my some of his staff members who have now been dissmissed.

Ignorant? An effeminant. middle aged man is sharing his bed with children and telling the American public that it's not that big a deal even though he settled out of court once before in a child molestation scandal? Wake up! He's a pedophile!

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[quote name='catholicinsd' date='Feb 2 2006, 01:49 PM']I hate to get off topic but, according to Cam & the CCC you're wrong.

It's not euthanasia when the government does it, although I refered to it as such. The death penalty is perfectly licit and valid and Catholic, and it is appropriate for some child molesters.

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[quote name='theculturewarrior' date='Feb 2 2006, 02:53 PM']It's not euthanasia when the government does it, although I refered to it as such. The death penalty is perfectly licit and valid and Catholic, and it is appropriate for some child molesters.

I disagree. Perhaps we should start new topic....

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[quote name='theculturewarrior' date='Feb 2 2006, 01:38 PM']"Let him who is without sin cast the first stone."


Why don't you take your own advice!

Blessed are those you are persecuted they shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven :rolleyes:

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OK I feel the apprehension around Jack... believe me I do.

but nothing my papa wrote will be ugly no matter who sings it.

I don't like Mike... I really really don't like him. But I don't hate him. Adn I love my papa.

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Dust's Sister

[quote name='azaelia' date='Feb 2 2006, 02:15 PM']Um, good for him? Since when did donating to charities make one a good person?

since when would it make it a bad person?

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Before you all get bent out of shape over this news just want you all to know that La Nuova is not one of the most respected newspapers in Italy. I know, I lived in Rome. This paper is a cross section between a small time paper and the Inquirer. Why people read this stuff? Go figure. Rest easy my friends, the thoughts and words our Holy Father is safe! At least for now.

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