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Discerning priesthood with Home Missionaries!


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Hi ya'll!!

I'm following the call to the priesthood and am seriously looking to join the Glenmary Home Missioners (HQ in Cincinnati OH). They spread the faith to rural areas lacking catholic churches or priests throughout the South and Appalachia ! If I continue with them to be an aspirant, I would go to the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, OH.

Has anyone had any good or bad experiences with them or the Josephinum or heard anything about their reputation? I'd appreciate ur insight!!

I've already gone on a mission trip with them throughout Kentucky...

I love the traditional orthodox ways too! I'd wear the cassock all day if I could! LOL!

God Bless!

Naples, FL

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Welcome, Shawn.

Another future priest. :cool:

I've never heard of the Glenmary Home Missioners but their charism sounds very neat. It's going to be like Deliverance everyday for you!

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Glenmary was founded in the 1930's and is the only order that specializes exclusively in missionary work with the US.
Glenmarians take the 3 vows, but they have some latitude. For example, some Glenmarians live without electricity, others in regular homes. Some wear the collar, others do not. It's a very "personalized" order of priests, brothers, and sisters, who love community and are often stationed in ones or twos throughout small mission parishes in their active ministries under the patroness of Our Lady of the Fields.

They are known for social outreach, respect of local customs, love of nature, home building, and care of the poor and consider all people living in the county that they are assigned to as their parishoners.

Their site is www.glenmary.org and their vocation slogan is "Looking for work that matters?"

I'm looking forward to being stationed in Northwest Alabama on a mission placement for about 40 days...!

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I was a regular volunteer at the Glenmary Farms in Vanceburg for 4 years while in school here in the south. I love the charisma of the Glenmarians and have a high respect for them. The community is very unassuming, humble, but very hard-working people. While others live out their charisma preaching the Word, taking care of the sick, feeding the homeless, caring for orphans, teaching in schools, etc. ,the Glenmarians decided to live among the poor of God's people ministering to them by living a simple life and letting the Word and Love of God be visible in the simplicity of their lives. The Josephinum happens to be one of the best theological schools of the South. To be a Glenamarian is work for God not so much with your mouth or your mind or your feet but through your heart. Goodluck and say hello to Father Bob Poandl for me please.

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[quote name='Laurentina1975' date='Feb 4 2006, 12:23 PM']What is their website, anyone know?
Yes, [url="http://www.glenmary.org/default.htm"]it's right here.[/url] :)

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If you visit Glenmary's website: www.glenmary.org, and click on "Looking for Work that Matters?" you'll get to their website, where you can read a story I wrote about the mission trip I participated in!

God Bless!

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  • 2 weeks later...

What a blessing you are and thank you for answering the call to the priesthood, YAY another future priest, our prayers are working!! This sounds like a wonderful community and I see on their website they have just gotten a new church dedicated in danville arkansas, How awesome!!! I will keep you and this community in my prayers!!

God Bless You! :saint:

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[quote name='TeresaAvila' date='Feb 16 2006, 02:03 PM']What a blessing you are and thank you for answering the call to the priesthood, YAY another future priest, our prayers are working!! This sounds like a wonderful community and I see on their website they have just gotten a new church dedicated in danville arkansas, How awesome!!! I will keep you and this community in my prayers!!

God Bless You!  :saint:

Thanks again!!!!


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Are you in the seminary now?
I was just wondering cuz you got the collar on and all.....
I'm just nosey as all heck too, but anywhooo.....

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[quote name='Laurentina1975' date='Feb 16 2006, 02:45 PM']Shawn,
Are you in the seminary now?
I was just wondering cuz you got the collar on and all.....
I'm just nosey as all heck too, but anywhooo.....

He he......!!

Well actually, I used Microsoft Paint to cut my head from another pic and pasted it on the collar pic.... fancy huh? LOL :blink:

I wish I was, so I could wear a cassock, but I probably won't be entering until the Fall, if everything goes ok!


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Sounds like a great order. As seminarian I can tell it is big day when you first get you Cassock and clerics. Here at my Sem it takes place 2 months into you first year on a special day called Cassock Day. Anyway you will be in my prayers
God Bless

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[quote name='ThyWillBeDone' date='Feb 16 2006, 03:15 PM']Sounds like a great order. As seminarian I can tell it is big day when you first get you Cassock and clerics. Here at my Sem it takes place 2 months into you first year on a special day called Cassock Day. Anyway you will be in my prayers
God Bless

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll get to wear the cassock until 1st Theology, as college seminarians at the Josephinum wear civies, I've heard :sadder:

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Yeah that the way it works most places, it not that big a deal it not all about what you wear, the seminary is great place to be no matter what you are wearing
God Bless

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