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unsecured access

Brother Adam

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Jan 31 2006, 12:29 PM']muhaaaa

Apparently Church Scholars can delete their posts. :

Hey! No fair.

I think you should put your triple post back.

I think you should put your triple post back.

I think you should put your triple post back.

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Jan 31 2006, 11:15 AM']Upon further consideration I apply this analogy:

Just because some one leaves town for two years, and does not know how to lock their doors, does this give you the right to sit on thier couch?

A better analogy would be: If someone decides to move away and store everything in your house and when you come home, you, to your bewilderment find everything there.

We can be right that it's wrong, but we need to be right for the right reasons and not wrong analogies. :)

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[quote name='scardella' date='Jan 31 2006, 11:02 AM']private forum? :scratchhead:

scardella's heard to much... :ninja: :disguise: :detective:

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Birgitta Noel

[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Jan 31 2006, 12:15 PM']scardella's heard to much... :ninja:  :disguise:  :detective:

LOL, yes, I know, we may have to ter-muh-nate him :ninja:

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There was a talk amongst students and a few articles online about this very topic and it seems like it is legal. Or rather to say, it isn't illegal. As for moral? Maybe. It isn't moral, at least in my mind, if I sit in someone's yard and use it but if I have permission to do it then it is moral. In a way I am stealing from the ISP because I am not a suscriber, however, the suscriber that gave me permission to use his network does pay the ISP and the ISP (in most places) accounts for unauthorized use in their cost (which bugs me because a lot of people don't have wireless and they are paying for unauthorized wireless use anyways). You are just making use of the part of the bandwidth the ISP doesn't provide but charges for anyways. So, it seems in my mind to be okay if you clear it with the person who set up and runs the network.

For a coffee shop, use it if you use the coffee shop often. If not, like you just parked and it is like "Oh, there is a signal here" I wouldn't use it as I would never end up support the coffee shop/.

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A good rule of thumb is, "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is."

If you're not paying for the access (or using it with permission from the person who is), I wouldn't do it.

The filesharing comparison someone made earlier is an apt one. Remember when everyone was all excited about being able to share songs digitally? Then the RIAA starting suing 12 year olds for downloading music.

I think if you have to ask, "Is this stealing?" it probably is.

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It would be illegal because you are using up bandwidth that the person had paid for thereby decreasing the bandwidth that they have at their disposal. One pays for a certain speed connection when they purchase internet acces. If someone else is using the connection then the capacity to transfer data is reduced for the person who owns the connection while the other person intrudes on their system.

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[quote name='Sojourner' date='Jan 31 2006, 11:49 AM']A good rule of thumb is, "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is."

If you're not paying for the access (or using it with permission from the person who is), I wouldn't do it.

The filesharing comparison someone made earlier is an apt one. Remember when everyone was all excited about being able to share songs digitally? Then the RIAA starting suing 12 year olds for downloading music.

I think if you have to ask, "Is this stealing?" it probably is.

And then the RIAA sues a women who didn't have a computer when she was "downloading" her songs and we all sit back and laugh.

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[quote name='BullnaChinaShop' date='Jan 31 2006, 04:46 PM']It would be illegal because you are using up bandwidth that the person had paid for thereby decreasing the bandwidth that they have at their disposal.  One pays for a certain speed connection when they purchase internet acces.  If someone else is using the connection then the capacity to transfer data is reduced for the person who owns the connection while the other person intrudes on their system.

excellent answer

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crazymaine catholic

so i definitely change my answer that i gave earlier. the more i hear about it, the more i agree it's not ok. kind of how music downloading went. at first, seemed ok. not so anymore.

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