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[quote name='musturde' date='Feb 5 2006, 02:52 PM']Yeah, just great. I think it's more complicated than closedmindedness. Beiruts very open minded and if they were to protest it would have been fine. I think some of it may have to do with just messing with the stability of the country.
[url="http://in.today.reuters.com/News/newsArticle.aspx?type=worldNews&storyID=2006-02-05T204847Z_01_NOOTR_RTRJONC_0_India-235339-4.xml"]here's an article that shows it a bit better[/url]

here are some valueble quotes from the article:
"This has nothing to do with Islam at all," Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora told Future television. "Destabilising security and vandalism give a wrong image of Islam. Prophet Mohammad cannot be defended this way."

On Sunday's violence in Beirut, Mohammad Rashid Qabani, Lebanon's top Sunni Muslim cleric, said no matter how strongly Muslims felt about the cartoons they must exercise restraint.

"We don't want the expression of our condemnation (of the cartoons) to be used by some to portray a distorted image of Islam," he said. "Today is a big test for us. Let our expression of condemnation be according to the values of Islam."

The world's leading Islamic body condemned the violence.

"Overreactions surpassing the limits of peaceful democratic acts ... are dangerous and detrimental to the efforts to defend the legitimate case of the Muslim world," the 57-nation Organisation of the Islamic Conference said in a statement from its Secretary General Ekmelettin Ihsanoglu, adding:

"(Ihsanoglu) expresses his disapproval over these regrettable and deplorable incidents."

According to [url="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060205/ap_on_re_mi_ea/prophet_drawings_53;_ylt=AqLfwBERKKLigH6__xRHBzXbEfQA;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl"]this article[/url] a Maronite Church was attacked with stones. :ohno:

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[url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/4683894.stm"]Embassy burning shocks Beirut residents [/url]

Reaction from Lebanon

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there is an element, at least by my estimation, of fundamental hostility on the part of Islam. This reaction towards a cartoon shows the immense irrational answers that Islam offers to its adherents.

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Ash Wednesday

Some muslim cleric (maybe he was moderate) said on the news that it's considered heresy and is an outrage only if the people publishing an image of Mohammed were muslim (which they obviously were not). He probably is speaking on behalf of a moderate group whose whole religion is being hijacked by extremists who still think like people in the middle ages.

It would be unbelievably ironic if the muslims offended by the depiction of mohammed as a terrorist are the same ones that hold signs up in the streets calling for more 9/11s and holocausts. <_<

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Ash Wednesday

To be completely honest with you, I find myself feeling the same way at times, and to my own surprise find myself feeling a certain amount of anger towards Islam and even Muslims. It concerns me though, and it's not really something I'm happy about, because I question whether or not that is sinful, and I also have a really good friend who is a muslim (well, a very secularized, non-practicing one that likes cheap non-halal meat, sausage and bacon, smoking cigarettes, alcohol and Christmas) He is one of the most wonderful and generous people I've ever known. He is technically muslim, but he feels that Islam is screwing itself over.

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Actually Ash, the opposite is true in your above post about blasphemy.

It is very western/Christian to say blasphemy only applies to those who believe. Whoever you saw on TV must be a VERY progressive muslim.

Most muslims see infedels (nonbelievers) as having a less-than-human social status. We see this clearly in historical treatment of "others" within muslim societies and even in their treatment of other muslim sects (each other).

A muslim's culpability for blasphemy is muted because hey are a chosen one, already part of the way of Islam. It's not looked well upon but it is not as big a deal as we see in this vase.

Whereas, when a non-muslim blasphemes, it is far far worse, because, to them we are already infidels and so defiling their god or their prophet is much worse.

It is the reverse of Christians, who should probably be more outraged when blasphemy happens, but we let people off the hook if they do not believe... ignorance of God makes them incapable of sinning against Him.

The wierdest thing is that there are tons of pictures of Mohammed out there. Muslims in the middle ages made sacred art, and their are alot of non-muslim depictions too.

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Edited by PadreSantiago
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1. I don't care what Ilsam satnds for or how thery word it; killing and commiting hateful crimes in reaction to cartoons cannot be justified.

2. On a different note, we could learn ourselves about the sanctity that ilsam is giving their prophet and maybe we should try to uphold such a sanctity ourselves; though lets not take it to violent extremes.

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[quote name='Sojourner' date='Feb 2 2006, 02:35 PM']That's why they have all the beautiful non-pictoral designs on mosques.

That is true...however don't forget that they use inscriptions.

I guess no-one burned down any embassies when German newspapers showed a Rottweiler picture when Pope Ben was elected! :blink:

I believe that all these riots are just fruit of intolerance and ignorance!

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You know there is a part of me that's actually kind of glad that the Muslims are reacting like this. Maybe Europe will now come together and fight against the true enemy that is radical Islam.

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