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Danish Cartoons


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[quote name='God Conquers' date='Feb 4 2006, 01:25 PM']I mean... thousands... calling for blood.

real holocaust....
sever heads...
Religion of peace my ---
Yeah. <_<

I have several times tried to read the Koran. (A translation, at least, and yes I know it can't really be translated. Anyway.) It's too schizophrenic to get through. :idontknow: So I can't personally verify the religion of peace supposition, and I suspect all commenters of bias.

The evidence sure is contrary, though.

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Oh ya, let's not forget holding the government and all citizens responsible for the actions of a second-rate newspaper.

A danish embassy was burned down today.

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[quote name='Luthien' date='Feb 4 2006, 03:59 PM']The Muslims overracted.

Remember the riots that began in France last fall? This sort of thing is becoming a frequent even in Europe, wonder when it will start in the United States and Canada?

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[quote name='tomasio127' date='Feb 4 2006, 02:27 PM']Remember the riots that began in France last fall? This sort of thing is becoming a frequent even in Europe, wonder when it will start in the United States and Canada?
I don't see it happening in the US. In what city do you think it would start? As far as I am aware, the muslims here are not concentrated in large, impoverished groups. All the muslims [i]I[/i] know are medical doctors! :idontknow:

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[quote name='philothea' date='Feb 4 2006, 04:32 PM']I don't see it happening in the US.  In what city do you think it would start?  As far as I am aware, the muslims here are not concentrated in large, impoverished groups.  All the muslims [i]I[/i] know are medical doctors!  :idontknow:

Have you heard of Dearborn, MI?

[quote]Dearborn is home to over 29,000 Arab-Americans, the second largest population within the U.S. (New York, New York has nearly 70,000). Arabs first settled here to work in the automotive industry. In January 2005, a new Arab American National Museum opened as a result of this large concentrated population. The city is also home to the Dearborn Mosque. Because of the Arab influence in Dearborn, store signs and billboards written in Arabic are common sights.[/quote]

There are also many Muslims in other cities in Southeast Michigan.

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[url="http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060204/NEWS01/602040409/1006/NEWS01"]The Indy Star had a story relating to this today ...[/url]

Apparently our local Muslims think the reaction abroad was "extreme."

[quote]Had the cartoons been published in America, Muslims would have protested, staged boycotts and objected through letter writing and media campaigns, he said.[/quote]

I say we give it a try and see if he's right!

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[url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4676210.stm"]European press review [/url] on the cartoons courtesy of the beeb.

Incredible I never imagined that it would the continentals and not the British who would insist on equality of everyone under the law. The surprises just keep on coming.

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ermm, just to clarify... Arab is an ethnic, not religious group... there are tons of Christian Arabs... especially in NA.

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[url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/4680948.stm"]Two Jordanian newspaper editors who published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad have been arrested.[/url]

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[quote name='Sojourner' date='Feb 4 2006, 02:56 PM']Apparently our local Muslims think the reaction abroad was "extreme."
I say we give it a try and see if he's right!

Well, burning down Embassies in Syria does sound extreme.

There was the added bonus that Muslim activists from Denmark were circulating 15, not 12 cartoons, and the extra 3 that had never been published or even made by the newspaper people depict Mohammed with a pig's nose (pork/pigs are unclean) and another shows pedophilia and the third shows a man raping a dog (or being raped...I didnt see them). :maddest: If Christians were told that such cartoons - rape/pedophilia - were made about Jesus, we'd be a lot madder than just a bomb-turban one. So the strength of the reaction is partly due to misinformation provided by Muslim activists themselves. :annoyed: I heard this guy from the Danish Muslim group that circulated the cartoons in the Middle East, and he said "we never said that the other 3 were from the paper, we just wanted to show what kinds of things were being made about Muslims in Europe" but there is no proof that the last 3 extra-offensive ones were ever published or even made by Europeans.....

I hate propaganda!!!!!! American, Muslim, European!!!!! Disinformation smells of elderberries!!!!!!!!! :maddest:

Peace! :hippie:

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[quote name='musturde' date='Feb 4 2006, 04:28 PM']That's just peachy. They better not set up something similar to that in Lebanon.

[url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/help/3681938.stm"]Danish embassy in Beirut torched[/url]

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At last some MPs stand up and show that the pride of Great Britain has not been drained from the blood of this country. [url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4682262.stm"]Cartoon protest slogans condemned [/url].


[quote]O Lord, our God, arise,
Scatter our enemies,
And make them fall.
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
On thee our hopes we fix:
God save us all. --Verse II, British Anthem[/quote]

Edited by Myles
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[quote name='Myles' date='Feb 5 2006, 04:42 AM'][url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/help/3681938.stm"]Danish embassy in Beirut torched[/url]

Yeah, just great. I think it's more complicated than closedmindedness. Beiruts very open minded and if they were to protest it would have been fine. I think some of it may have to do with just messing with the stability of the country.
[url="http://in.today.reuters.com/News/newsArticle.aspx?type=worldNews&storyID=2006-02-05T204847Z_01_NOOTR_RTRJONC_0_India-235339-4.xml"]here's an article that shows it a bit better[/url]

here are some valueble quotes from the article:
"This has nothing to do with Islam at all," Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora told Future television. "Destabilising security and vandalism give a wrong image of Islam. Prophet Mohammad cannot be defended this way."

On Sunday's violence in Beirut, Mohammad Rashid Qabani, Lebanon's top Sunni Muslim cleric, said no matter how strongly Muslims felt about the cartoons they must exercise restraint.

"We don't want the expression of our condemnation (of the cartoons) to be used by some to portray a distorted image of Islam," he said. "Today is a big test for us. Let our expression of condemnation be according to the values of Islam."

The world's leading Islamic body condemned the violence.

"Overreactions surpassing the limits of peaceful democratic acts ... are dangerous and detrimental to the efforts to defend the legitimate case of the Muslim world," the 57-nation Organisation of the Islamic Conference said in a statement from its Secretary General Ekmelettin Ihsanoglu, adding:

"(Ihsanoglu) expresses his disapproval over these regrettable and deplorable incidents."

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