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[quote name='jezic' date='Feb 3 2006, 03:34 PM']and for the record, the supreme court of the us supports limitations on it as well (i realize that doesn't mean much anymore, but i thought i would throw it out there. :))

The other thing is that the Muslims are really mad about this. Not like just a little bit, they are already asking Bin Laden to blow up Denmark.

umm call me a fence sitter, but I'm somewhat in the middle on this one. The press should use respect with regards to how they protray people (and their religion especially). I get angry when I see those paitings of Mary covered in whatever it was.

Yet the other half of me says that the muslim outcry, the response, is totally inappropiate. Resorting to violence when your offended is absolutely the wrong thing to do.

Both sides could be at fault here. We need to be learning how to get along in this world, not pushing peoples buttons and certainly not threatening to kill people over cartoons.

Edited by rkwright
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[quote name='rkwright' date='Feb 3 2006, 02:46 PM']umm call me a fence sitter, but I'm somewhat in the middle on this one.  The press should use respect with regards to how they protray people (and their religion especially).  I get angry when I see those paitings of Mary covered in whatever it was. 

Yet the other half of me says that the muslim outcry, the response, is totally inappropiate.  Resorting to violence when your offended is absolutely the wrong thing to do. 

Both sides could be at fault here.  We need to be learning how to get along in this world, not pushing peoples buttons and certainly not threatening to kill people over cartoons.

the interesting thing is that the Muslims have always acted this way about their religion. They defend it fiercely.

They shouldn't be threatening to kill, i am certainly with you there. The thing is that they will act now. i don't think it is the "freedom of whatever" to nearly send the world into a huge fight.

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I'm looking at some pictures from reuters covering the whole thing. I haven't actually seen the cartoon, but just pictures of the people rioting. Theres one of them in England with people holding up signs saying (in english) "Slay those who insult Islam" and "Europe you will pay. Demolition is on its way"

This is what really scares me about this religion. It seems so incompatible with the rest of the world. They need to really shape up, learn to get along with everyone else, or we're looking at a repeat of the crusades except on a world scale. You here on the news that Islam is a peaceful religion, and these people are just fanactics, but there sure are a lot of them running around it seems like. Theres a very interesting article over at Catholic.com called the Endless Jihad that puts things under a new light.

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Interestingly enough though, these same muslims have no problem with "death to jews' cartoons in their newspapers.

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Very interesting is how the West's political correctness kicks in when Islam is lampooned but if Christ, Our Lady, the Papacy or the Church are viciously slandered nobody no matter how 'tolerant' bats an eyelid. Guess Catholics don't count, eh?

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Feb 4 2006, 12:22 AM']They are hypocrites.

Cmom I dont even wanna say what I think of European people and I live in Europe. You know I am an Afro-Carribean 3rd generation immigrant. I used to be proud to have been born in Britain, to be part of its legacy and an inheritor of its traditions the traditions of the only European country without a codified constitution where the Medieval ideal of kinship endures ensuring the government will not violate our rights even though they're not set in stone. Now...keh...I'm just GLAD not to be of the European stock so that I can claim some kind of culture wherein the people have guts.

God Bless America where people actually have the cojones to fight for something!

Edited by Myles
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You know, I was deeply morally and spiritually offended by The DaVinci Code. The basic tenants of that book completely attacked my Faith. However, except for voicing my disgust with that stupid book, I did not act violently.

MY faith is a faith of sonship, not slavery. When JPII reiterated the ancient greeting, 'Be Not Afraid' that was not just a suggestion--it is a transforming command---our faith should lead us to 'be not afraid'. Muslims, whose religion is one of slavery and fear as the basis of their relationship with God, act out the way they believe is right. It is fear which drives the riots and the jihads. They are afraid, because they don't believe God is their Father, he is merely their master.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Jan 31 2006, 05:05 PM']It should also be remembered that, unlike Christianity, Islam strictly forbids any artistic portrayal of God or religious figures (or any representations of living things, for that matter).

Even so, that doesn't give them an excuse to boycott a country. If they're really that mad, they should assasinate the journalists, not boycott the government. The governmnet can't do anything about it since they have something called free speech. Also, with all that racket, more people have seen the comic lol. Also last I heard the EU was going to punish Saudi if it didnt stop the protests and the boycott.

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[url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/4681294.stm"]Embassies burn in cartoon protest [/url]

Fresh from Syria...

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[quote name='Myles' date='Feb 4 2006, 10:24 AM'][url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/4681294.stm"]Embassies burn in cartoon protest [/url]

Fresh from Syria...

That's just peachy. They better not set up something similar to that in Lebanon.

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[quote name='musturde' date='Feb 4 2006, 04:28 PM']That's just peachy. They better not set up something similar to that in Lebanon.

Lord help us if Lebanon erupts into violence again... :ohno:

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[quote name='Myles' date='Feb 4 2006, 12:25 AM']Cmom I dont even wanna say what I think of European people and I live in Europe. You know I am an Afro-Carribean 3rd generation immigrant. I used to be proud to have been born in Britain, to be part of its legacy and an inheritor of its traditions the traditions of the only European country without a codified constitution where the Medieval ideal of kinship endures ensuring the government will not violate our rights even though they're not set in stone. Now...keh...I'm just GLAD not to be of the European stock so that I can claim some kind of culture wherein the people have guts.

God Bless America where people actually have the cojones to fight for something!
Have you lived in America, or are you basing this on internet articles? Anyway, you're entitled to your opinion, but personally I think it's wrong to insult people's ethnology. If you live here, you are part of whatever problems Europe is facing (which tbh, are much the same ones as the rest of the world) and you, with your Afro-Caribbean ancestors, are just as much a part of it as me, with my European ones. You can't just turn around and say "meh, I'm of superior stock so it's nothing to do with me."

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[quote name='Deeds' date='Feb 4 2006, 05:56 PM']Have you lived in America, or are you basing this on internet articles? Anyway, you're entitled to your opinion, but personally I think it's wrong to insult people's ethnology. If you live here, you are part of whatever problems Europe is facing (which tbh, are much the same ones as the rest of the world) and you, with your Afro-Caribbean ancestors, are just as much a part of it as me, with my European ones. You can't just turn around and say "meh, I'm of superior stock so it's nothing to do with me."

I didnt mean to offend you. Actually, my words were very far from my true feelings. Indeed, had I no care for Europe I would not bother getting worked up about it. Simply I see a continent which I love very much and more particularly the country of Great Britain betraying itself to political correctness. Prime example was what happened yesterday: People who objected to the hate protestors in London were warded off by the police but inspite of their incitement to hatred the protestors were protected? :huh:

All of a sudden everyone is becoming aware of religious sensibilities e.g. Jack Straw. Where were his sensibilities when the Jerry Springer musical came out? Or when the Da Vinci Code film was being made in Hyde Park and around W1? I dont mind being told to shutup cos I'm Catholic what I do mind is being told, as I was today, that Christians have a martyr complex and have no right to complain whereas we shouldn't incite Muslims because of the possible repercussions.

I'm sorry to me thats spinelessness, fear of being attacked leads to you taking one stance on tolerance with one religious group and another stance with another religious group. How can we be claiming to promote freedom and equality when we dont even treat our own people equally and of all things because we're afraid to.

Maybe being a Londoner breeds an attitude in you. But the ethnically English people I knew wouldn't let anyone come into their manor and take liberties. That would get 'sorted'. Yet now the leadership of this nation cowers and shudders before violence unable to treat one religious group with the same disrespect they've shown to Christians. Where is the pride that I loved about this country? The heart? The strength? Daresay the arrogance of the islander mentality? I never thought I would ever see the day that I would look at the 'Great' in Great Britain and wonder where it vanished to.

I expected the English mentality to be the good old 'Come on over here if you think your hard enough then?' But I am shocked, saddened and deeply dissapointed to see that it has not been so over this episode which is something I cannot hide. I'm not saying I have no responsibilities towards this country or the continent of Europe (though being Euroskeptical I'd say less towards the latter) I'm just dissapointed that I cant find more Englishmen to stand up to these bully boy tactics and stop playing the PC tune.

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I think the main concern in this case is the reaction.

This clearly dilineates between the Christian and the Muslim faith. When bad things are said/done about Christians we get angry, we write letters, and we boycott. But you couldn't find 10 Christians who would attack the freedom of speech, nor take attitudes like these thousands of muslims:



I mean... thousands... calling for blood.

real holocaust....
sever heads...

Religion of peace my ---

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