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Are you a homophobe?

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

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[quote name='Light and Truth' date='Feb 1 2006, 12:39 AM']25  -  Your score rates you as "high-grade non-homophobic."

I recently found out that a friend of mine is lesbian.  To my knowledge, she doesn't have a girlfriend, not is she actively looking for one at least at this point in her life.  She doesn't go to church any more and hasn't for some few years.  Her dad's side of her family is really conservative judgemental Christian and her mom's side is really hardcore and atheist.  If judgement is all she knows Christians to show, then what kind of witness would I be if I rejected her friendship since last fall simply because of what gender she was attracted to?  As long as it does not harm my walk, I would like to remain friends with her, but I would also like to be a better witness.  It would be nice if she knew how Christianity isn't just about judgement but about a love that surpasses all others and accepts all who wish it while aspiring to be better through Christ.  I hope one day I will really know what it means in life to hate the sin but love the sinner in a way that really makes a difference.

I have the similar situation. My best friend is gay and he went to our regular church groups and told everyone that he came out of the closet though. They all shuned him and told him to never come back. Because of this, a backlash insued. He tried his best to destroy all of the Christian groups on campus by stopping funding to the organizations. Campus Crusade for Christ became non existent, BSU came to a screeching halt, FCA almost went under. I mean he became a mad man.

But he always hanged around me though and I tried my best and continue to try my best to be a witness to him about forgiveness and love since the people in the organizations wronged him. They even went as far as not to talk to him while he was walking on campus. This really hurt him, and caused the campus commuinty to feel his wrath.

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[quote name='desertwoman' date='Feb 1 2006, 05:19 AM']I have the similar situation.  My best friend is gay and he went to our regular church groups and told everyone that he came out of the closet though.  They all shuned him and told him to never come back.  Because of this, a backlash insued.  He tried his best to destroy all of the Christian groups on campus by stopping funding to the organizations.  Campus Crusade for Christ became non existent, BSU came to a screeching halt, FCA almost went under.  I mean he became a mad man.

But he always hanged around me though and I tried my best and continue to try my best to be a witness to him about forgiveness and love since the people in the organizations wronged him.  They even went as far as not to talk to him while he was walking on campus.  This really hurt him, and caused the campus commuinty to feel his wrath.
That's really sad. The church's job isn't to shun sinners but to lead them towards repentence

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53 - Your score rates you as "homophobic."

Like I care what CBS says...

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[quote name='thedude' date='Feb 2 2006, 04:41 PM']53  -  Your score rates you as "homophobic."

Like I care what CBS says...
Uh, dude, it's PBS. Have some respect.

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Feb 2 2006, 03:42 PM']Uh, dude, it's PBS.  Have some respect.
OK PBS. I still don't care what CBS thinks... The only ones I took a hard line on were marriage and if it was acceptable.

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Fulton Sheen Warrior


[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Feb 2 2006, 03:42 PM']Uh, dude, it's PBS.  Have some respect.

"63- Your score rates you as "homophobic"

PBS? Oh, sorry after taking that quiz I didn't notice the P. :rolleyes:

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49- Non-homophobic...oh you have to love PBS, hidden among the antiques roadshow bits and info about henry the 8th we get these little jewels of wisdom...

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