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Are you a homophobe?

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

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[quote name='Era Might' date='Jan 30 2006, 09:27 PM']this fascination with homosexual persons is very unhealthy. Homosexuality becomes the abomination of abominations, as if no other sin exists.

I think you are wrong in thinking that the sin becomes the abomination of abominations as if no other sin exists.

Typically when someone does something like that it's an emotional outlash because homosexuality is the topic that is the center of the issue. Such as forcing a six year old to read books that says it's ok to have homosexual realations.

Something to consider you are only seeing one very small part of the person's life holding the sign. If there was a school book saying it was ok to fornicate then that same person would be out there and they would have a "God hates fornicators" sign. 1 Corin. 6 is quite clear on various sins. Knowing what is written in the Scriptures and in Church documents, God does indeed hate those actions. Some less intelligent people might say "God hates fornicators", but we all know that He does hate the act, not the person. He wants people to change for Him, but if they don't, there is a grave chance that they will not go to Heaven. Our souls are serious matters.

It is not a fear of homosexuality, it is a serious issue that too may people take too lightly. Hate the sin, love the sinner.

What do we fear about pedophiles... that they will hurt our children. What do people fear about homsexuals... that they will warp our children... and they have been. The media has been pushing the homosexual lifestyle for many years. Now, homosexuality has been growing because of shows like TRL. Many impressionable teens saw it as a reasonable alternative so they tried it and became confused. Swinging is another big thing... I cannot believe how many people swing.

I think we should stand up for our faith and expose the term for what it is.

The term "homophobia" is another attack on the family, and the Church. The Church says it's wrong so the Church "must" be homophobic.

I think I'm going to stay saying to people who use the term "Don't be familiphobic.".

Also, the whole thing is from PBS - they are totally familiphobic with their pushing of sins as an acceptable lifestyle.

God Bless,
[url="http://www.CatholicSwag.com"]http://www.CatholicSwag.com[/url] <-- A familiphobic free website.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Jan 30 2006, 07:46 PM']It's a great stategy - if you think there is anything wrong with homosexuality, it means you yourself are a repressed homosexual.

I actually think that's been a very effective way to quell opposition to the "gay" agenda.

You got that right!

27 - Your score rates you as "non-homophobic

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[quote name='avemaria40' date='Jan 30 2006, 08:33 PM']I would consider those who key people's cars and kill them for being homosexual homophobic.

I don't think I would use the term "homophobic", because I don't think such people have an "irrational fear of homosexuals". they have hatred and it is as wrong and evil as any hatred of a human person is or can be.

however, I wouldn't blame any man for striking another man who tries to make a move on them. That would be justifiable anger, and I put down that I probably would.

that doesn't mean beat the carp out of the guy, but any man who makes a sexual advance to another man ought to expect to get a black eye or a bloody nose.

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[quote]If there was a school book saying it was ok to fornicate then that same person would be out there and they would have a "God hates fornicators" sign.[/quote]

Why aren't they out there with signs that say "God hates prideful men"? "God hates gossipers"? "God hates the uncharitable"? "God hates the uncompassionate"? "God hates people who do not feed and clothe the poor"? "God hates people who are not peacemakers"?

What is the fascination with sins of the flesh?

And children are taught heterosexual education every day. They are taught how to use prophylactics. They are taught the birds and the bees right in school.

[quote]He wants people to change for Him, but if they don't, there is a grave chance that they will not go to Heaven. Our souls are serious matters.[/quote]

And nobody ever changes because a Christian shouts at them and tells them God hates them. There was a name for these people. They were called Pharisees.

How did the Lord treat the woman taken in adultery? Did he shout "God hates you, change"? How did he treat the rich young man? This is one of my favorite passages in the whole Bible. It specifies Jesus looked at him, "and looking on him he LOVED him".

God so LOVED the world that he gave his only begotten Son. He so loved homosexuals that he gave his only begotten Son. He so loved Fornicators that he gave his only begotten Son. He so loved the blasphemous that he gave his only begotten Son.

Who are we to tell people otherwise?

[quote]It is not a fear of homosexuality, it is a serious issue that too may people take too lightly. Hate the sin, love the sinner. [/quote]

Fear? No, I don't think it's fear. It's self righteousness. It's pride in knowing the Truth. It's like the servant who was forgiven his debt, but later held his own servant to a debt. What did the master do then? He made him pay every last penny.

[quote]What do we fear about pedophiles... that they will hurt our children. What do people fear about homsexuals... that they will warp our children... and they have been. The media has been pushing the homosexual lifestyle for many years.[/quote]

The media has been pushing many things for many years now. Hatred, envy, blasphemy, pride, discord, impurity of heart, sloth, gluttony, avarice, wrath. The sins of the flesh are nothing compared to the sins of the spirit.

Where are the marches against all these?

[quote]The term "homophobia" is another attack on the family, and the Church. The Church says it's wrong so the Church "must" be homophobic.[/quote]

Call it what you want. I use the term "animus". Whatever it is, it exists. The fact that it does exist doesn't make homosexuality any less wrong, or the "gay agenda" any less destructive. But the Church recognizes that it profits a man nothing to have all the moral truth in the world, and no charity, no prudence, no compassion, no humility, no mercy.

[quote]The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

CCC, #2358[/quote]

Our message to homosexual persons must not be "God hates you", but "God loves you so much, there is so much more beyond this degradation".

Edited by Era Might
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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Jan 30 2006, 10:07 PM']plus sodomy is a Sin that cries to heaven for Vengance.

Sodomy includes all sex that is not natural.

God Bless,

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[quote]What is the fascination with sins of the flesh?[/quote]

Because those are some of the greatest and easiest to fall into.

You are reading what you want into what I have wrote and are not thinking about what I wrote. I am not saying that signs that say "God hates fags" are ok.. they are not.

This is about the term "homophobic" - it's a dumb term coined by people to push for the acceptance of homosexual acts.

I know full well the teaching of the Church.

[quote]Our message to homosexual persons must not be "God hates you", but "God loves you so much, there is so much more beyond this degradation".[/quote]

My post has nothing to do with our message to those who suffer from same sex attraction, my post has to do with the term "homophobic". My post does not have anything to do with how mistreated some homosexuals are by people full of hate. My post has to do with the term "homophobic".

My post also had to do with pointing out that same sex attraction is not the only sin that people protest about. My post is about how flawed the statement is when someone says "they act as if it's the abominations of abominations"... We actually don't know enough about "them" to say such things. Where is the charity in trying to understand why someone would put that there.

God Bless,

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Jan 30 2006, 10:43 PM']This is about the term "homophobic" - it's a dumb term  coined by people to push for the acceptance of homosexual acts.


I agreed with you in my original response. "Homophobia" is, indeed, a common case of "doublespeak" for "Christian".

But we shouldn't let that obscure the real animus that exists toward homosexual persons. The Church has been very careful for a reason. She knows that homosexual persons are often despised or not treated with proper Christian charity, and this is why she constantly reminds us that we must respect homosexual persons, we must show them compassion and understanding.

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[quote name='Era Might' date='Jan 30 2006, 10:46 PM']
But we shouldn't let that obscure the real animus that exists toward homosexual persons.

And I'm not.

[quote]The Church has been very careful for a reason. She knows that homosexual persons are often despised or not treated with proper Christian charity, and this is why she constantly reminds us that we must respect homosexual persons, we must show them compassion and understanding.[/quote]

Why I refer people to [url="http://www.cathmed.org/publications/homosexuality.html"]Homosexuality and Hope[/url] quite often.

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Jan 30 2006, 10:52 PM']And I'm not.
Why I refer people to [url="http://www.cathmed.org/publications/homosexuality.html"]Homosexuality and Hope[/url] quite often.

Great. I'm glad we're on the same page.

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Jan 30 2006, 10:26 PM']however, I wouldn't blame any man for striking another man who tries to make a move on them.  That would be justifiable anger, and I put down that I probably would.

that doesn't mean beat the carp out of the guy, but any man who makes a sexual advance to another man ought to expect to get a black eye or a bloody nose.
If a gay man comes onto another man, and the gay man persists to the point where it threatens the other man's safety, then it is OK to hit him. However, if he is not threatening your safety and you can get him to stop with words, why hit him? Do you think it would "teach him a lesson?" The only lesson you'd teach him would be that Christians are hypocrites because they don't imitate Christ.

How would that help the homosexual man? How would that bring him closer to Christ? Hitting the man would be a terrible thing to do! You would be adding fuel to his fire, giving him a reason to be more angry at the Catholic Church. Imagine what the people around you would think, knowing that you claim to be a follower of Christ.

Punching a gay person in the face when they come on to you is a BAD idea, if you are able to stop them with words. While I could see that you might feel insulted (that he would suggest that you were gay) and angry, it is still not the way to treat someone.

Instead of hitting the guy, you could look at the situation as an opportunity to evangelize. Why not say, "No, because that's a sin?" Why not tell him that there's a better way to live? Why not give him reasons why the Church teaches that homosexuality is degrading to the homosexual and offensive to God? Our Lord desires homosexuals to repent and come to Him, and this is not achieved through violence. We who call ourselves Catholics ought to strive to evangelize in all situations and never push people away from the Faith, no matter how insulted or angry we may be.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

I'll take a page out of Mitch Hedberg's routine.

Homophobia is the only phobia that you can be yelled at for. "Dang it Billy, you're a homophobe." "Dang it Billy, you're an arachnophobe."

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Birgitta Noel

26 - Your score rates you as "non-homophobic."


It seems to me that a lot of what they qualified as homophobic behavior is quite unchristian. Glad to have the distinction.

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