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Are you a homophobe?

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Jan 30 2006, 06:17 PM']That site is nothing but liberal, "gay-rights" garbage.[right][snapback]870401[/snapback][/right][/quote]

My thoughts exactly. Anyone who doesn't tow the liberal thought line is disordered and in need of social re-engineering.

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='Nathan' date='Jan 30 2006, 07:29 PM']My thoughts exactly. Anyone who doesn't tow the liberal thought line is disordered and in need of social re-engineering.
Yes, because they are all for free-thought, unless it is contrary to their own :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Nathan' date='Jan 30 2006, 06:29 PM']My thoughts exactly. Anyone who doesn't tow the liberal thought line is disordered and in need of social re-engineering.
It's a great stategy - if you think there is anything wrong with homosexuality, it means you yourself are a repressed homosexual.

I actually think that's been a very effective way to quell opposition to the "gay" agenda.

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Jan 30 2006, 07:59 PM']that's an odd assumption.  the very definition of homosexual is one who has sexual relations with members of his own sex.

Homosexual refers to a sexual proclivity to persons of the same sex. It does not mean you actually indulge those proclivities.

[quote]35   -   Your score rates you as "non-homophobic."

In his 1996 study of 64 white, male college students, Dr. Henry Adams classed 29 participants as "non-homophobic." Their mean score was 30.48. This is not conclusive, however. Dr. Adams, the researcher who helped develop this scale, writes that "a major difficulty of this area of research is in defining and measuring homophobia." Elsewhere, he cautions: Since there is no universally accepted definition of homophobia, the scales currently in use may not measure all aspects of homophobia. [/quote]

Edited by Era Might
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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Jan 30 2006, 07:25 PM'][url="http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/assault/etc/quiz.html"]http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/sh...t/etc/quiz.html[/url]

I want to know if people are fornophobes, adultrophobes, pedophobes, stealophobes, lyophobes, and violencophobes.

"Homophobic" is a word created by anti-Christian/anti-God people who practice homosexuality to make people think it's ok to be homsexual.

God Bless,

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I agree that "homophobia" is commonly a PC codeword, but an irrational animus toward homosexual persons does exist.

I'll give you a personal example. I'm riding with my brother one day. He's some sort of Protestant (maybe Fundamentalist). So out of nowhere he says Luther Vandross was gay. I say "Get out of here, he wasn't gay". My brother insists he was. So he asks, "You have a thing for gays?". I say, "So what if I do?" And he says, "I feel bad for you, they're a bunch of fudgepackers".

As if sodomy were confined to homosexual persons.

The kind of hatred that drives "Christians" to hold up signs saying "God hates fags" is disturbing. I don't know all the psychology behind it, but this fascination with homosexual persons is very unhealthy. Homosexuality becomes the abomination of abominations, as if no other sin exists.

Edited by Era Might
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[quote name='Era Might' date='Jan 30 2006, 08:27 PM']I agree that "homophobia" is commonly a PC codeword, but[b] an irrational animus toward homosexual persons does exist[/b].

I'll give you a personal example. I'm riding with my brother one day. He's some sort of Protestant (maybe Fundamentalist). So out of nowhere he says Luther Vandross was gay. I say "Get out of here, he wasn't gay". My brother insists he was. So he asks, "You have a thing for gays?". I say, "So what if I do?" And he says, "I feel bad for you, they're a bunch of fudgepackers".

As if sodomy were confined to homosexual persons.

The kind of hatred that drives "Christians" to hold up signs saying "God hates fags" is disturbing. I don't know all the psychology behind it, but [b]this fascination with homosexual persons is very unhealthy. Homosexuality becomes the abomination of abominations, as if no other sin exists.[/b]
Well said Era!

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I would consider those who key people's cars and kill them for being homosexual homophobic. A guy I know had an iPod stolen from his pocket and somebody replaced that with the word "f**" on a piece of paper. Nobody deserves that. Mother Teresa herself had said that, when people asked her what she thought of homosexuals, she would say she didn't judge people and it would be wise to take that advice

Speaking of homophobia, I recently read about a girl who got expelled from a Christian school because her mom is a lesbian and lives with another woman. I dont' think that was fair, because even if the school has a legal right to expell her (being a private organization), was that right to punish her for something she didn't do and has no control over? I know that's off topic, but it shows that people can be so judgemental, a student can get punished for her parent's actions. I'm against homosexual behavior, but the extent people will go is frightening.

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