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yeah, there are. quite an unnatural action though. i still hold hope that most people would never do something so henious... and I have to believe everyone everywhere would know what they were doing was wrong when they did it.

i'm just an eternal optimistic humanist though.

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There is never a need for a baby to be abandoned. Most states have a provision you can drop a baby off at a hospital etc no questions asked, no criminal repercussions.
Many places leave baskets on their doorstep just for that purpose.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Jan 26 2006, 09:51 AM']There is never a need for a baby to be abandoned. Most states have a provision you can drop a baby off at a hospital etc no questions asked, no criminal repercussions.
Many places leave baskets on their doorstep just for that purpose.

Yes, but I'm [i]still[/i] hearing stories on the radio of abandoned babies!

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Jan 26 2006, 11:51 AM']There is never a need for a baby to be abandoned. Most states have a provision you can drop a baby off at a hospital etc no questions asked, no criminal repercussions.
Many places leave baskets on their doorstep just for that purpose.
That's because of a few tragic incidences of babies being abandoned in cruel ways. A couple of years ago, when I as in high school, there was a teenage girl who was pregnant, and she did a good job of hiding it from her family. Then, when it was time to deliver the baby, she and her boyfriend went to the hospital. After she came out, they decided to leave the newborn baby in a dumpster. Later on, a garbageman found the baby dead. Everyone around here was shocked and horrified. After this happened in several other places, a lot of laws were passed that said that you could leave a baby at a hospital, police, fire department, or church.

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crazymaine catholic

i can only imagine the psychological issues going on in a woman's head if she completely abandons her baby, leaving it to die somewhere. something can't be right for someone to do something so cold and hateful.

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Jan 26 2006, 12:47 AM']contrary to public opinion, the vast majority of the world is not so cruel and cold-hearted.  that is only the "liberal elite", and that's usually because they're only dealing in theories and numbers

when any human being looks upon a baby in the flesh, their natural reaction is to make sure it is cared for in any way possible.  even if it's leavin them in a basket on the doorstep of an orphanage, the vast majority of humanity has not, and the eternal optimist in my heart of hearts says will never, descend to the point where they would completely abandon that baby.

i think even that liberal elite so concerned with populations and numbers, when faced with a living and breathing baby that cannot be cared for by the mother, will do everything humanly possible to make sure it is cared for by someone.

hey al, do you think this guy is cold hearted? [mod]We don't need to show that kind of language here.[/mod]

Edited by Lil Red
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I don't think $10,000 is enough. Rich people will still get abortions. At least $10,000,000 per abortion. It needs to be an amount that will deter even a single abortion. How can we put a cost on human life?

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[quote]hey al, do you think this guy is cold hearted? Edited by moderator: We don't need to show that kind of language here.[/quote]

Hey I just got the link from another thread <_<

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jan 26 2006, 12:56 PM'] After this happened in several other places, a lot of laws were passed that said that you could leave a baby at a hospital, police, fire department, or church.

..except that it still happens, even where this 'service' is available.

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I think it is briliant, an abortion tax. So simple too!

When we look into the reasons for abortions especially among the young it is fear that drives them. They know that they are not prepared to handle a child. Finances play a big roll.

What need to change is our societies stance on adoption. There is a stigma attached to not "keeping your baby." We don't seem to make clear enough that to give a child up for adoption is to truly love that child. It is putting the child's needs above one's own. Also, we need to make sure that once a child is placed in an adoptive home, that child stays there. The courts taking children from adoptive parents at 3 and 4 years old is aweful for the child and discourages others from adopting or sending them out of the country to adopt.

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jan 26 2006, 12:34 AM']i guess for liberals, taxing is the solution to all the world's problems.  Although I guess with whatever money they might make from abortion, maybe they could use it towards more social programs for people in crisis pregnancies...

although the idea of the government profiting from murder is just sickening.

They'll probably use the money to hire regulators to compel insurance companies to pay for the abortion, including the tax (and hire inspectors/auditors to make sure they do), so everyone pays and no "I don't want to be a" mother has to forego her rights because of the cost

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I could never support this.
In such a case, the government would be profiting from abortion. Something about that just makes me sick.
If the government wants to really take action against abortion, it should just make it illegal.
Just putting heavy taxes on it would still imply that it is a somewhat legit activity.
But the government profting from the blood of innocents is just wrong and revolting. And if a government profits from a business, it will likely do little to try to eradicate it.

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I know, I have the same hesitation about taxing abortion. When there's money to be made, there's a lot less incentive for lawmakers to eradicate something.

However, since the legislatures [i]cannot[/i] at present make abortion illegal... well, it might be helpful to make it economically unfeasible...? :idontknow:

I don't really have an opinion; it's just an interesting idea.

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I can't support a government profiting from the intentional destruction of life via an abortion tax.

This candidate also wants to levy a hefty tax on violent videogames (to be decided by his committee). Nevermind all the studies done of violence and video games. I would support legistlation keeping certain games away from children, but not an all out tax! With the internet age, it wouldn't do anything.

Ah, but back to abortion.... If one wanted an abortion, they would travel out of state to procure one. As sad as it sounds, then at least the state's coffers wouldn't be filled with the money from the child's death. :ohno:

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