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U.S., Israel to attack Iran

Lounge Daddy

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And [b]I'M[/b] the Originist here?

Aside from that, I do agree that Zionism is a huge problem. I have three Jewish-born atheist friends that agree with me. Even if the Jews wanted a theocracy, they had no right to expropriate the land of Palestine to carry it out. Apparently, the Jewish people (and not even all of them) were able to convince the world that two very wrong acts equal a right. Zionism was opposed by the Hasidic Jews up until their voice became irrelevant.

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[i]The relationship of the Church with the Jewish People.[/i] When she delves into her own mystery, the Church, the People of God in the New Covenant, discovers her link with the Jewish People, "the first to hear the Word of God." The Jewish faith, unlike other non-Christian religions, is already a response to God's revelation in the Old Covenant. To the Jews "belong the sonship, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises; to them belong the patriarchs, and of their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ", "for the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable."

And when one considers the future, God's People of the Old Covenant and the new People of God tend towards similar goals: expectation of the coming (or the return) of the Messiah. But one awaits the return of the Messiah who died and rose from the dead and is recognized as Lord and Son of God; the other awaits the coming of a Messiah, whose features remain hidden till the end of time; and the latter waiting is accompanied by the drama of not knowing or of misunderstanding Christ Jesus.

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[quote name='Mercy me' date='Jan 25 2006, 07:39 PM']As a note, on Ash Wednesday of the the Great Jubilee, [b]JP the Great announced that the church herself would repent for the sins she had committed in her past and specifically mentioned her sins as relating to your above post.[/b]  He then formally did repent on the very next Sunday.  I remember because I was there.  The dates were 8 March 2000 and 12 March.  Still I am sticking with JP2

Well said. Me too.

EENS, in your view, was Pope John Paul II a "politically-correct liberal"?

Edited by Nathan
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[quote name='avemaria40' date='Jan 25 2006, 06:49 PM']Lord, please place the Dove of Peace on this world.  Amen

Instead of arguing, I think I'll just keep praying. Amen, avemaria40!

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This "evil religion of judaism" is your history!

forget not the past, this is the race AND RELIGION that bore our Savior!

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

show me where John Paul II said that Judiasm is the same relegion it was before christ.

BTW the church can not commit sins. members of the church can.

Edited by Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Jan 25 2006, 10:11 PM']BTW the church can not commit sins. members of the church can.

This may be a little off-topic, but the "members" of the Church [i]are[/i] the Church. The people make the Church.

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

[quote]For this reason, some members of the Catholic hierarchy have been openly critical of John Paul's binge of apologizing. "As regards the sins of history," Cardinal Giacomo Biffi of Bologna wrote in a 1995 book, "would it not be better for all of us to wait for the Last Judgment?" [b]Biffi also drew attention to the theological distinction between sins committed by individual members of the Church, and the sinless Church itself. John Paul usually makes this distinction clear, and a recent preparatory document for the apology refers to the Church as "holy and immaculate," despite the sins of its members[/b].[/quote]

ohhhhhhhh Wrong again.

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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Jan 25 2006, 08:50 PM']Please what?

I have nothing agianst jews, nor against the race of Jews. I have something against the Evil relegion of Judiasm. If you disagree you deny Church teaching. Stop Bieng a politcally correct Liberal.
"Liberal" ?
WOW! if [i]we[/i] are left-of-center to you... um...
I don't know how to ask if you really agree with the President of Iran with out sounding like i'm calling you a maniac :idontknow:

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[quote]We are not at peace with others because we are not at peace with ourselves, and we are not at peace with ourselves because we are not at peace with God

--Thomas Merton[/quote]

God save us from war!!!!!

Edited by Era Might
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[quote name='zwergel88' date='Jan 25 2006, 05:59 PM']It wouldn't surprise me.  i keep wondering when we're going to invade our next country....
Dear child,

Imagine if we took out Hitler before he attacked Polland.

Now, send Bush a thank you email.

Iran wants to destroy Israel. All of the arab countries want to destroy Isreal for being Jewish.

You really should read what the Iran president has been saying. He believes a muslim messiah is coming soon and needs to prepare the country for a great jihad... What possibly could he have to go up against in a great jihad? Jewish people in Isreal.

Isreal will take out Iran before they get Nukes because the fact is if Iran gets full nukes, they will use them. He has already threatened to.

Even France has threatened to use nukes against Iran.

It is a shame so many people on this board do not know what it takes to keep peace.

Islam is not a religion of peace... it is a religion of pieces. The Quran says to hack off limbs when people steal... even if for food. Doesn't matter the age or sex. I've seen video of girls about 13 years old have their hands cut off on the side of the road for stealing. The Quran says "do not take the Christian or the Jew as your neighbor". There has been war in the middle east since 700 AD because of Islam. (This is where the ignorant state the same thing about Christianity - but that's another topic)

The bottom line is as long as there are not enough people in America who are Christian and pray for peace there will be horrible wars. I thank God for a president like Bush. He has his faults, but he was the closest to Catholic teachings who had a chance to win. He has appointed two Catholics to the Supreme Court. That will make five total. Would another president do that? No.

You seem to forget that Saddam had years and numerous requests to comply. The Iraq war was just.


God Bless,
[url="http://www.CatholicSwag.com"]http://www.CatholicSwag.com[/url] <- Catholic shirts that are bullet proof.

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[quote name='Era Might' date='Jan 25 2006, 09:02 PM']God save us from war!!!!!

"war is a blessing compared to national degredation" ----one of my favorite quotes

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I am honestly shocked at the response this thread has gotten … especially from allegedly peace-loving liberals who turn out to be stupid hate-mongering anti-Semites (who seem to wanna push the nuke button for Iran and level Israel) …
I wanna remind you – The President of Iran wants to nuke American as much as Israel, and he has China, Russia and possibly Syria and North Korea forming up on his side…
the picture is the President of Iran during a conference - and he is dicussing the end of the USA and Israel!

This is evil - this is our enemy comming at us... and many liberals seem to agree with the enemy, and wish appeasement...
This is anti-Democracy, this is Communism, this is anti-Christ, this is the Evil Axis, this is the Devil of the last century, this is what you see in our American political system with the left freaking out about the supposed constitutional right to kill the unborn, this is the last stand of evil… and its clear who stands on what side of the line that has already been drawn in the sand

I predict things will get a bit weird and confusing for those who don’t get on the right side right now … and then cling to what you know is true faith

If the last century was handed to the devil as a test… we are coming out of that century right now – and not without a fight, both socially and foreign.
I believe we have been doing the right thing – the damage has been lessoned - big things are to come – confusion is on the horizon – prayers are needed
We must fight evil and we can not do that if we do not see evil for what it is
God help us.

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oh well lounge daddy....as soon as the 1st nuclear bomb goes off over america, ppl will wonder why the hell they didn't do more to stop the occasion, esp when it was so obvious

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[quote name='ardillacid' date='Jan 26 2006, 02:52 AM']oh well lounge daddy....as soon as the 1st nuclear bomb goes off over america, ppl will wonder why the hell they didn't do more to stop the occasion, esp when it was so obvious
Oh ya – I totally agree that is inevitable
Despite that fact we were repeatedly attacked several times over the 1990’s and we responded by doing nothing or withdrawing our military (appeasement is awesome, right?) and each attack was bigger than the last – commentating in the 9/11 attack

We brought the war to our enemies
We not only [i]have not had another attack [/i]… (thanks to the Patriot Act) we know that we have prevented a few attacks, including a “Dirty Bomb” smuggled from Canada into Detroit in 2002… and an attack on the Brooklyn Bridge in 2003

We could have an [i]Appeasement President [/i]in power that has a picture of him hanging in a place of honor in a museum honoring communists in Vietnam … Kerry
I would rather have a President that sees evil for what it is and does not negotiate and does not back down

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