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psych results are in...


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Well, i just got back the results from the psychological testing and meeting the other day. Tomorrow i have a meeting with the psychologist and formation director to discuss those results.

There were some good things and some bad things. But it really throws a lot of stuff in my formation plans up in the air.

So if you have the heart, please pray for my worried self, and that God may give me the strength to face the challenges and issues i obviously will need to confront in growing into God's call for me.


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[quote name='Rick777' date='Jan 25 2006, 03:35 PM']What does this test consist of?Do you have to take a lie detector test or something?

That would help because i am so unbelievably untrustworthy :idontknow: jk


I met with the Dr. He does appear to be sane. We cleared up a particular area of the results that i read before hand.

It was problematic, because i took it as absolute, but mostly because i judged it more in the negative.

For those who don't know.

I took a series of fill-in-the-bubble tests. These are common with assessing the characteristics of the test-taker. The questions are all pretty much what do you prefer, what sounds more like you, etc. There was an unbelievable amount of these questions, maybe over 1000 in total over a few different tests. There was also a test that required that i finish the sentence.

The second part was to have a meeting session with the psychologist. He asked me questions about my life, views, values, family, relationships and sex.

I was a bit worried, that he would be a little too fruedian in his handling of sexuality, but the idea of sexuality and celibacy were covered, in what i thought was a mature way. So the upside i guess, there was no mention whatsoever on the results pertaining to my views on sexuality. I suppose there is nothing i have to worry about in having some kind of messed up view.

Finally the comprehensive results are given to my formation director, for the order to have, and of course the psychologist. I recieved a summarized version (which still was nine pages long)

It covered a lot of my overall strengths of character. Including my emotional and intellectual aptitudes. It also covered my weaknesses, and gave explenations of why i might be like that. And it ended with, ways in which i need to grow.

The pychologist was very pleased in my cooperation, openness and acceptance of the whole process, because he sees others a little more resitant. There was, until now a slight fear, that the psychologist would locate some unimaginable defect in my personality that would make me unsuited for religious life. The psychologist also explained, with concrete examples, on how i can grow in the areas needed.

The one i had misinterpreted the area explaining how i need to grow in one way. I thought it amounted to saying i was unwilling to grow in that area, and that the oppurtunity hadn't presented itself. But upon more careful explantion, it had more to do, with not being to experience such and such, i was deprived of a critical experience.


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Keep is apprised, I am sure all will be well!
Did they give you anything in regards to the enneagram? I was just wondering...the Sisters I know are real into the enneagram, they don't use it for testing in the admissions process, but it's cool to learn your personality type and wing!

Peace and I am praying for you in your journey!
Lauren :)

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I remember those test, they were not to much fun. I also remember my meeting to discuse them, also not to much fun. But stay focused an you will make it through. You will be in my prayers
God Bless

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[quote name='Laurentina1975' date='Jan 31 2006, 07:40 PM']Did they give you anything in regards to the enneagram?  I was just wondering...the Sisters I know are real into the enneagram, they don't use it for testing in the admissions process, but it's cool to learn your personality type and wing!

The Enneagram is New Age garbage with roots in the occult. Please check out this [url="http://www.lhla.org/globalwatch/gwenneagram.htm"]article[/url] to learn more.

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[quote name='MilesChristi' date='Jan 31 2006, 09:59 PM']The Enneagram is New Age garbage with roots in the occult. Please check out this [url="http://www.lhla.org/globalwatch/gwenneagram.htm"]article[/url] to learn more.
YES! a good book to read is [u]Catholics and the New Age[/u] by Fr. Mitch Pacwa.

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