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How to deal with ulta-conservatives...


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[quote]nyways, I know some people who are ultra-conservative. They believe in conspiracies in the Church, that the world is ending, and are absolutely not flexible on ANYTHING in conversation. I would almost consider them pre-Vatican II like.[/quote]
Just my two cents, and a little off topic, but I don't consider them ultra-conservative, but to quote Scarface, "How do you say . . . .pera-oid" :detective:

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Desert Walker

You know "ultra-conservatives" AND "ultra-liberals" AND "conservatives" AND "liberals" AND "centrists" AND "republicans" AND "democrats" AND "capitalists" AND "communists" AND... well

all those terms are linguistic attempts to describe people who believe and behave in specific AND non-specific ways. All this is VERY apophatic or unsayable.

But anyone who describes himself in such terms and behaves accordingly is very capable of gossiping with another guy who describes himself the same way or similarly. In my opinion it is all wasted effort when anyone is belittled by anyone else. Just don't talk about people negatively behind their backs. If you've got something to say to someone about him, say it, or don't say, but don't create a network of people who think that the guy is "ultra-conservative" or "ultra-liberal" by saying things to these people like "that guy is ultra-conservative" or "that guy is ultra-liberal."

That kind of stuff, in the end, will prevent some people from getting to authentically know the guy in question because they will believe something about the guy which may or may not be true, but ultimately DOES NOT DESCRIBE HIM FULLY.

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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Jan 25 2006, 06:01 PM']As Catholics we are called to hate sin. A part of that is Hatred for Lies. And False man made relegions. This is why we are called to hate other relegions, But NOT other People.

are you a conservative - or an anti-semite maniac who blames all wars on Jews and Bush?

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