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Wow! look at this Church

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus







check out the site for more awesome pictures of the beatiful Church. Its In Illionois and Is a Ruthenian Byzantine Rite Catholic Church.


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I've been there and worked with the pastor Fr. Tom Loya before, both he and the church are awesome! :D: The priest actually painted most of the icons in the church himself. He's also an expert on theology of the body. :)

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Ora et Labora

[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Jan 24 2006, 02:21 PM'][img]http://www.byzantinecatholic.com/images/photos/DCP_0352.jpg[/img]






check out the site for more awesome pictures of the beatiful Church. Its In Illionois and Is a Ruthenian Byzantine Rite Catholic Church.

eewww dont like it.

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

thats cuz your a latin! :P:

thats cool that you have been there and met the priest. Is he orthodox?

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

the first sentence was directed at you.

the second for morostheos

sorry for the confusion.


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Ora et Labora


i thought you were latin as well...and the comment didnt really make sense.

i go to a lating mass...im not "a latin."

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

I am a latin. A latin is a member of the Latin rite. Greeks will ussally call Latin Rite Catholics "latins"

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Ora et Labora

oh...i didnt know that.

im sorry sam...but i really am still upset with you. why did you come back? you dont know what you want...did you pray about it?

just give me time...:)

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Ora et Labora

um...cuz you kinda gave me a shock when you said you gave up. and i deal with emotions by getting upset. lol

believe it or not...your confusing. lol

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

lol yes i am confusing.

If its any consolation, sometimes i go through spiritual battles where i don't belive in the church etc. and all that jazz, but they only last about a day, and only when i get really frusturated.

I am Not an "Ultra-Trad" anymore. but I have been cautious to label myself, etc. for fear "finding traditon" again.

God Bless,


P.S my John Paul Movie should be here soon!!!!!!!

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Ora et Labora

[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Jan 24 2006, 07:25 PM']lol yes i am confusing.
If its any consolation, sometimes i go through spiritual battles where i don't belive in the church etc. and all that jazz, but they only last about a day, and only when i get really frusturated.

I am Not an "Ultra-Trad" anymore. but I have been cautious to label myself, etc. for fear "finding traditon" again.

God Bless,


P.S my John Paul Movie should be here soon!!!!!!!

You mean your not traditional anymore...nothing wrong with being it...but one can get ahead of oneself. ^_^

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