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Free Masons


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Whats the deal with these guys? What do they teach or believe that makes them so dangerous to the Church? Can you still be excommunicated for joining them?

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Guest Rick777

Freemasonry explicitly and openly states that it is not a religion, nor a substitute for religion. There is no separate "Masonic god", and there is no separate proper name for a deity in any branch of Freemasonry[4]. Freemasonry accepts members from almost any monotheistic religion - as well as, for example, Buddhists and Hindus. In the irregular Continental European tradition, since the early 19th century, a very broad interpretation has been given to a (non-dogmatic) Supreme Being - usually allowing Deism and naturalistic views in the tradition of Spinoza and Goethe (himself a Freemason), or views of The Ultimate or Cosmic Oneness, along with Western atheistic idealism and agnosticism. This leads some anti-Masonic pundits to suggest that even regular Freemasonry will, in practice, accept certain kinds of atheists - willing to adopt quasi-spiritual language. However, in some jurisdictions (mostly English-speaking), Freemasonry is actually less tolerant of naturalism than it was in the 18th century, and specific religious requirements with more theistic and orthodox overtones have been added since the early 19th century (mostly in North America), including belief in the immortality of the soul. The Freemasonry that predominates in Scandinavia, known as the Swedish Rite, accepts only Christians.

Yes, you can still be excommunicated for joining them.

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yea I read that bit on Wiki also...

so whats the deal with them? If they really don't push anything and almost seem more like a fraternity than a religion, why the excommunication? Or is there more to the story?

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To all freemasons: ANATHEMA :madrant: Gnostic, relativist, enemies of the Church, engineers of anti-Christian politics, despoilers of the legacy of the templars a thousand times anathema!

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Jan 21 2006, 11:35 PM']HELLO the free masons control the world, they are a branch of the illuminati

Thank Heavens they're not such a force. Nonetheless, their poison allowed evil to flourish in 18th century Europe and henceforth. Their insidious and subtle trechery is not to my liking.

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Here's a tiny list of some free masons you might of heard of:

Buchanan, James - President of the U.S.

Ford, Gerald R. - President of the U.S.

Ford, Henry - Pioneer Automobile Manufacturer

Franklin, Benjamin - 1 of 13 Masonic signers of Constitution of the U.S.

Gable, Clark - Actor

Garfield, James A. - President of the U.S.

Gatling, Richard J. - Built the "Gatling Gun"

George VI - King of England during W.W. II

Glenn, John H. - First American to orbit the earth in a space craft

Harding, Warren G. - President of the U.S.

Houdini, Harry - Magician

Houston, Sam - 2nd & 4th President of the Republic of Texas

Hoover, J. Edgar - Director of FBI

Hope, Bob - Comedian

Jackson, Andrew - President of the U.S.

Jackson, Reverend Jesse - Minister

MacArthur, General Douglas - Commander of Armed Forces in Philippines

McKinley, William - President of the U.S.

Monroe, James - President of the U.S.

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Composer

Roosevelt, Franklin D. - President of the U.S.

Roosevelt, Theodore - President of the U.S.

Swift, Jonathan - Wrote Gulliver's Travels

Taft, William Howard - President of the U.S.

Truman, Harry S. - President of the U.S.

Washington, Booker T - Educator and author

Washington, George - President of US, 1st

Thurman, Strom )- US Senator and Board member of Bob Jones University

Helms, Jesse - US Senator

Dole, Robert- US Senator and '96 candidate for President.

Kemp, Jack- Running mate to Dole in the 1996 Presidential campaign.

Reagan, Ronald - Taken in during Presidency of the US

Bush, George - US President, world oil baron, and Ambassador to the UN


that sure is a lot of american presidents! I didn't even include the 100s of senators and supreme court justice's because there are just too many to list.

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Here's a really good link about freemasons:

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[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='Jan 22 2006, 12:31 AM']They do quite a bit of good charity work for children's hospitals.  To broadly paint them as being evil is inaccurate
Communists and Satanists can do charity work, too - it doesn't prove any one "not evil" ... it does make them deceptive

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Just as a side note to the list of freemasons, Bob Hope was not a free mason when he died. He left and entered the Catholic Church near the end of his life. There is a Capel built by him and his wife in the National Cathedral of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (Out Lady of Hope, right before you enter the Confession Chapel).

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John Kerry was in the same "skull and cross bones" masonic fraternal club in college as George bush, the only difference is George bush was" reborn". I dont think he's part of that anymore..

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[quote name='Lounge Daddy' date='Jan 22 2006, 01:23 AM']Communists and Satanists can do charity work, too - it doesn't prove any one "not evil" ... it does make them deceptive

Just because you disagree with someone's beliefs doesn't automatically prove they're evil, either. Simply belonging to the freemasons does not make one evil.

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