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Complete list of approved traditional Orders


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[quote name='srmarymichael' date='Jan 26 2006, 10:47 AM']"Traditional" to me means basically --
A Community that upholds the truths of the Roman Catholic Church, obeys and supports the Magisterium, prays the rosary (is Marian), has daily Mass and common prayers, and usually wears a habit.  Some people call it "orthodox" or authentic. 

There are many Communities like this -- we are all striving to be holy by studying the documents of the Church and doing everything that is asked of us by the Church, living true Community Life, and living our vows and the Rule of Life that we have taken vows to.

The reason why I said "usually wears a habit" above:  We had a retreat master that summed this up:  "Wearing a habit no more makes you a Sister than wearing window shades makes you a window."  We have to remember that holiness is much deeper than what we wear.

Did I answer your question?

Yes you did and it's wonderful! I love what you wrote about the window and the window shades...that's a keeper for me. It's lesson for Catholics in all vocations.



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[quote name='srmarymichael' date='Jan 26 2006, 11:47 AM']"Traditional" to me means basically --
A Community that upholds the truths of the Roman Catholic Church, obeys and supports the Magisterium, prays the rosary (is Marian), has daily Mass and common prayers, and usually wears a habit.  Some people call it "orthodox" or authentic. 

There are many Communities like this -- we are all striving to be holy by studying the documents of the Church and doing everything that is asked of us by the Church, living true Community Life, and living our vows and the Rule of Life that we have taken vows to.

The reason why I said "usually wears a habit" above:  We had a retreat master that summed this up:  "Wearing a habit no more makes you a Sister than wearing window shades makes you a window."  We have to remember that holiness is much deeper than what we wear.

Did I answer your question?

You mean you don't wear your veil and Franciscan Crown to bed????

:scream: Scandal :scream:

Just kidding..... :rolling:

I think that your community is fantastic.....keep on, keepin' on.....and pray for me.

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[quote name='Cam42' date='Jan 26 2006, 02:30 PM']You mean you don't wear your veil and Franciscan Crown to bed????

:scream:  Scandal  :scream:
Just kidding..... :rolling:

I think that your community is fantastic.....keep on, keepin' on.....and pray for me.

[b]Thank you![/b]

I have to correct something. After posting yesterday, I realized that I made a mistake. The word "traditional" to me (when talking about Religious Orders) would definitely mean wearing a habit. In fact, the longer habit would be considered more traditional.

Holiness is another word. It comes in all kinds of shapes and sizes and Religious Congregations. It's not good to judge..... :shock:

Did I clear that up?

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[quote name='Mary-Kathryn' date='Jan 26 2006, 01:36 PM']Yes you did and it's wonderful!  I love what you wrote about the window and the  window shades...that's a keeper for me.  It's lesson for Catholics in all vocations.



Here's another one for you -- can't remember who said it:

"Sitting in a pew does not make you Catholic any more than sitting in a garage makes you a car!"


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[quote name='Cam42' date='Jan 26 2006, 02:30 PM']You mean you don't wear your veil and Franciscan Crown to bed????


I know it's surprising, but ..... :idontknow:

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  • 4 weeks later...

[quote name='srmarymichael' date='Jan 26 2006, 10:47 AM']"Traditional" to me means basically --
A Community that upholds the truths of the Roman Catholic Church, obeys and supports the Magisterium, prays the rosary (is Marian), has daily Mass and common prayers, and usually wears a habit.  Some people call it "orthodox" or authentic. 

There are many Communities like this -- we are all striving to be holy by studying the documents of the Church and doing everything that is asked of us by the Church, living true Community Life, and living our vows and the Rule of Life that we have taken vows to.

The reason why I said "usually wears a habit" above:  We had a retreat master that summed this up:  "Wearing a habit no more makes you a Sister than wearing window shades makes you a window."  We have to remember that holiness is much deeper than what we wear.

Did I answer your question?
Sister, what you are described would probably be more properly described as orthodox (and God bless you for it!)

The term traditional is more commonly used to refer to all things pre-Vatican II. I don't always agree with this usage though. For example, I don't consider not being faithful to the Magisterium as traditional at all but unfortunately many groups who are just that use the 'traditional' label to describe themselves. This is precisely why Brendan specifically identified this list as the 'approved' list. Kind of sad, isn't it?

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[quote name='OLAM Dad' date='Feb 19 2006, 03:56 PM']Sister, what you are described would probably be more properly described as orthodox (and God bless you for it!)

The term traditional is more commonly used to refer to all things pre-Vatican II.  I don't always agree with this usage though.  For example, I don't consider not being faithful to the Magisterium as traditional at all but unfortunately many groups who are just that use the 'traditional' label to describe themselves.  This is precisely why Brendan specifically identified this list as the 'approved' list.  Kind of sad, isn't it?


Thanks for your support. If you ask me, there's only one way to go -- STAY WITH THE CHURCH!

If the Church through its wisdom and promise of the Holy Spirit changes a couple of things and guides us in ways, we must follow. We must read the Documents of the Church, Vatican II, etc. -- they are SO beautiful and full of life! It's the only way to go. I can't understand anyone who can't see this.

God bless you for being a faithful dad!!! :saint:

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[quote name='srmarymichael' date='Jan 27 2006, 08:31 AM']Here's another one for you -- can't remember who said it:

"Sitting in a pew does not make you Catholic any more than sitting in a garage makes you a car!"


I tried that once. . .all I got was dirty (from the garage, not the pew! LOL)

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[quote name='srmarymichael' date='Jan 27 2006, 08:28 AM'][b]Thank you![/b]

I have to correct something.  After posting yesterday, I realized that I made a mistake.  The word "traditional" to me (when talking about Religious Orders) would definitely mean wearing a habit.  In fact, the longer habit would be considered more traditional.

Holiness is another word.  It comes in all kinds of shapes and sizes and Religious Congregations.  It's not good to judge.....  :shock:

Did I clear that up?

Sr Mary Michael,

I just wanted to add that I read your Community's web page. Don't you just feel so honored to be able to adore Jesus EVERY day? :love:

Your community looks wonderful. And of course you're Franciscan. . .enough said. :D:

Thank you for being a public witness for our Spouse, who is so neglected by so many today. May God reward you.

Denise, future PCPA

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[quote name='PCPA2Be' date='Feb 20 2006, 10:49 AM']Sr Mary Michael,

I just wanted to add that I read your Community's web page.  Don't you just feel so honored to be able to adore Jesus EVERY day?  :love:

Your community looks wonderful.  And of course you're Franciscan. . .enough said.  :D:

Thank you for being a public witness for our Spouse, who is so neglected by so many today.  May God reward you.

Denise, future PCPA

Denise, what are your feelings on switching in a sense from Carmelite to Franciscan life and spirituality, joining the Poor Clares, etc.?

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Well, I was so in awe of how the seemed to meld the two: Carmelite and Poor Clare. There are Carmelite saints we read in the novitiate, as well as hermit days we take each month to enter more into Alone with the Alone. I think that's what really attracted me to them. They had their own spirituality of the Perpetual Adoration, which I am intensely attracted to. . and they combined some Carmelite spirituality, which too is a great part of me.

Mother said that there have been a few women who thought they were called to OCD life, and then entered PCPA. And as she smilingly said. . . Carmelite saints are not just for Carmelites. .they are first and foremost Catholic saints, for the universal Church.

They were so excited to know that I am bringing my books on Teresa of Avila, Teresa of the Andes, as well as my Italian Statue of Teresa of Avila with me. "oh we've been wanting one of her for a long time now! She's so hard to find!"

At first, when I visited, and I just 'knew' He was calling me there, I poutingly said to Him, "But I thought I was called to be an OCD!" He embraced me, and said. . "look closer".

May God be praised!

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