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Lay group mobilizes against Monologues on Catholic


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[quote name='Pig of Intrigue' date='Jan 20 2006, 08:30 AM']HEADLINE

"Crowds at 'Penis Dialogues' Shrink when Criticism Erupts Over Play"

hoo hoo

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Pig of Intrigue

[quote name='Sojourner' date='Jan 20 2006, 07:38 AM']:lol_pound:
Thank you, thank you very much.

I'm here all week.

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Granted, I went to a public university for grad school, but I had a professor for a class, Storytelling, who assigned us to see that on V-Day. One of my guy friends and I said we really didn't think it was appropriate for her to make it an assignment, and that we would have to abstain because we were Catholics and the money from the performance was going to support the NARAL/PP group on campus and this traveling tent that passed out condoms and info on emergency contraception. Her response was something like, "That's your opinion. There might be extra credit to make up the points later in the semester."

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I hate when professors say stuff like "That's your opinion." Like she isn't doing the same thing by making you give money to Planned Parenthood...

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