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Psychological Testing


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Keep yourself from rambling. Be consistent in your answers. Ask for clarification if you don't understand a question. (the worry is not if you look stupid, but if you look crazy!) Don't be defensive. Stay away from purely religious jargon as the tester may or may not understand what you mean. (stuff like "the spirit led me" etc.) Most of all get used to it, because this stuff will happen again the longer you stay in the process.

My prayers are with you all.


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Thomas Marian

I get to take my psych evals the end of this month. I have to go to Shreveport (with two friends of mine, thank goodness) on Feb. 27 & 28 for what I think is the written test, and then again that friday for what I think is the actual interview. I'm not sure if this will be more nerve wracking or going before the Vocations Board.

Thanks for the tips!

Edited by Thomas Marian
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Psychological tests are never easy. The feear of the unknown for the most part is what scares many people. When I took mine, a priest advised me to start doing the "lectio divina" days before the exam. "Lectio Divina" is the meditation on the Word of God in total silence. Freeing your mind and heart before God calms every fear and relaxes a person. Of course it is true that it helps a lot if ONE HAS NOTHING TO HIDE for as Scriptures have it: nothing concealed that will not be brought to light. One piece of advice: don't smile excessively or fidget a lot. These are signs that there is/are something within the person. Answer honestly and to the point (yes, don't babble) and take your time; remember you are simply being tested and/or interviewed and being tried for murder! Good luck and God bless.

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Sorry about an error above. What I mean to say is: "Remember your are simply being tested and/or interviwed and NOT being tried for murder!" My apologies.

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My formation director tells me that the whole thing is used as a guide to help me grow in formation, not a document to determine the validity of my vocation...


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just wondering does the psych test vary depending on the area or is it standardized? Also does if vary if one was entering religious life rather than the priesthood?


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[quote name='MC IMaGiNaZUN' date='Feb 2 2006, 11:06 AM']My formation director tells me that the whole thing is used as a guide to help me grow in formation, not a document to determine the validity of my vocation...


That is such an awesome way to put it.

My spirtual director once told me that religious orders almost ALWAYS use someone to do the tests who is Catholic.

Even making it to the testing aspect of application is great, becasue the VD is the one who tests your call, not the psychologist. You would not be in this phase if the VD didn't feel you had a call.

I once had a friend (who is a Sister) tell me the story of a young man who wanted to be a Priest so he could be a hero and save people. He never made it because he was too busy trying to prove to people how heroic he was by putting others down. Surely he wasn't focused on Christ. A sure sign of the Holy Spirit is "joy". If you are constantly surrounding yourself in drama and trying to make others "look up to you" by proving everyone else wrong, you are not focused on what Christ is really calling you to do because you are too busy doing yur own Will. This gentleman was so caught up in drama that he never made it. Had they had psychological testing back then, this personality disorder would have come out.

And if someone is not following their true vocation, they will never be happy. So the testing is really an excellent tool. It also helps you better know yourself.

I think when you do go in for the testing (and it's not that bad), that you go in with an openess to the Spirit. Following Christ entails honesty and openess. Don't be afraid to be yourself and learn about yourself, because it will make you that much better a religious!

After all religious life is about growing in Spirit, becoming ever closer to Christ and bringing Him to others through JOY!
Hope everyone has a great weekend, tootles. :)

Edited by Laurentina1975
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  • 3 weeks later...

Greetings all! Well I'm back from the psychological testing, and while I was anxious and excited the entire weekend, I certainly walked away feeling a sigh of relief. It was very interesting to learn a little more about myself, but good to know there wasn't anything surprising. It was a wonderful experience. Thank you all for keeping me in your prayers.

Now, on to the next step....


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[quote name='GonnaBeAPriest' date='Feb 21 2006, 10:20 AM']Now, on to the next step....

Which is???

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