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Bush Signs Torture Ban


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[quote]We are at War sometimes "torture" is necessary, if we refuse to see it we are geniuses, and more Americans will die because of it. And the Terrorist Ememy will be happy to see it.

I disagree with you

Congress disagrees with you

and the Church definitely disagrees with you.

I guess that's a lot of geniuses

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Like I said your minds will change when the Terrorist attack US again, and thousands of dead Americans lay in the streets. ANd they will attack again. They have the tatse of the blood of 3,000 people in their mouths, they want more. The torture ban ads the Terrorist ememy.

The "torture" the good and true troops are being accused of is not Real Torture.

I agree with Holy Mother Chruch, I never said "torture" was right or holy, but it is necessary in a time of war to save innocent people like you all from having your heads cut off by Terrorist sreaming "Allah is Great". The US Congress is spineless that is why they are not the head of the army. They blow with the wind, when the winds change they will change.

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jamie and philothea what do you do if your the US goverment ahd you have a terrorist that knows about a attack on Americans that will kill thousaunds? And if you do nothing thousands will die? What do you do? Ask real super nice and give'em a hug?

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[quote]I agree with Holy Mother Chruch, I never said "torture" was right or holy, but it is necessary in a time of war to save innocent people like you all from having your heads cut off by Terrorist sreaming "Allah is Great".[/quote]

Then you disagree with her. The Church doesn't say its wrong but necessary.

She says its wrong and contrary to respect for human dignity.

Again there are two issues here.

One is the immorality of torture

the other is the abuse of power. The President shall not rewrite laws. That is the job of Congress.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' date='Jan 17 2006, 09:51 PM']jamie and philothea what do you do if your the US goverment ahd you have a terrorist that knows about a attack on Americans that will kill thousaunds?  And if you do nothing thousands will die?  What do you do?  Ask real super nice and give'em a hug?

These are my choices? Torture or a hug?

I follow the Church's teachings.

And I'd give Philothea a hug.

Edited by jaime
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[quote name='KnightofChrist' date='Jan 17 2006, 09:17 PM']Why are we giving a bill of rights to the ememy?  Thats just a little... no wait... completely stupid.  Most of the people who praise and want the Mcain anti-torture bill passed will turn a complete 180 when the terrorist nuke New York City, and we find out later we had a terrorist that knew when where and how.
We are at war, if the goverment has to "torture" a ememy terrorist to save the life of american so be it. 


Real Torture is having your head cut off while the terrorist ememy screams "Allah is Great".

Real Torture is having your throat cut with a box cutter by the terrorist ememy.

Real Torture is sitting in your seat on a plane and have the terrorist ememy fly the plane in towers filled with thousands of people

Real Torture is sitting in your office one second the next being burnt to death by jet fuel.

Real Torture is suffocating to death by smoke from burning jet fuel or having the wtc collaspe on thousands of people.

We are at War sometimes "torture" is necessary, if we refuse to see it we are geniuses, and more Americans will die because of it. And the Terrorist Ememy will be happy to see it.

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is not "Real torture" the point of torture is not to kill you silly boy! It's about suffereing, about drawing out PAIN as long as possible. I don't know how old you are but you need to have a meeting with something called REALITY. Death is the easy way out, they get 70 virgins or whatever. Don't you get it? They have no reason to talk! These people blow themselves up in the name of their god, you think they are just going to talk? And the way the terrorist cells are set it up that doesn't matter anyway they are everywhere and are not dependent on each other, they can work by themselves. .

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' date='Jan 17 2006, 09:47 PM']Like I said your minds will change when the Terrorist attack US again, and thousands of dead Americans lay in the streets. ANd they will attack again.  They have the tatse of the blood of 3,000 people in their mouths, they want more.  The torture ban ads the Terrorist ememy.

The "torture" the good and true troops are being accused of is not Real Torture.
I agree with Holy Mother Chruch, I never said "torture" was right or holy, but it is necessary in a time of war to save innocent people like you all from having your heads cut off by Terrorist sreaming "Allah is Great".  The US Congress is spineless that is why they are not the head of the army.  They blow with the wind, when the winds change they will change.

Do you not realize the irony of the word "TERRORists" and the fact that they have you right where they want you? You are all freaked out about them attacking again, that's the point. They use fear just like the government uses fear. If you want to live your life a coward having the government control every aspect of your life because your so afraid you'll be attacked than go to china man. Let them do the thinking for you, because you are just a sheep

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Jan 17 2006, 08:52 PM']Then you disagree with her.  The Church doesn't say its wrong but necessary. 

She says its wrong and contrary to respect for human dignity. 

Again there are two issues here.

One is the immorality of torture

the other is the abuse of power.  The President shall not rewrite laws.  That is the job of Congress.

"WASHINGTON -- When President Bush last week signed the bill outlawing the torture of detainees, he quietly reserved the right to bypass the law under his powers as commander in chief."

It is not a abuse of power, you missed a little important part of your story can you say "The Right"?

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Jan 17 2006, 08:53 PM']These are my choices?  Torture or a hug? 

I follow the Church's teachings.

And I'd give Philothea a hug.

I did not give you any choices to choose from I asked what would you do? You came up with nothing, and if you were the US goverenmt thousands would be dead.

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they gave him the "right" to use force against iraq and he used it almost immediately. Do you think politicians don't think ahead? Of course he needs a loophole because he's going to torture again, just like he's going to kill again.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Jan 17 2006, 08:53 PM']These are my choices?  Torture or a hug? 

I follow the Church's teachings.

And I'd give Philothea a hug.
^_^ yay hot stuff!

And Knight, if [i]I[/i] was the US government, I assure you that the terrorists would not be attacking in the first place.

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[quote]Section 2. The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.

He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law: but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments.

The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. [/quote]

Nowhere does it say that the President has the right to independently rewrite laws.

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Jan 17 2006, 08:59 PM']Do you not realize the irony of the word "TERRORists" and the fact that they have you right where they want you?  You are all freaked out about them attacking again, that's the point.  They use fear just like the government uses fear.  If you want to live your life a coward having the government control every aspect of your life because your so afraid you'll be attacked than go to china man.  Let them do the thinking for you, because you are just a sheep

The Terrorist have me NOWHERE! I am not "freaked out" about them attacking again I just know they will and I am ready for that attack, are you? I am no coward, nor am I a "sheep" in your flawed since of the word. I am a sheep in the flock of Jesus Christ. Sir, I will gladly die for my country and be proud to do so. I FEAR NO ONE BUT GOD ALMIGHTY. They are the weak ones what is more weak than killing yourself ago with women and children as they do? Answer - Nothing

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Jan 17 2006, 08:59 PM']Do you not realize the irony of the word "TERRORists" and the fact that they have you right where they want you?  You are all freaked out about them attacking again, that's the point.  They use fear just like the government uses fear.  If you want to live your life a coward having the government control every aspect of your life because your so afraid you'll be attacked than go to china man.  Let them do the thinking for you, because you are just a sheep

The Terrorist have me NOWHERE! I am not "freaked out" about them attacking again I just know they will and I am ready for that attack, are you? I am no coward, nor am I a "sheep" in your flawed since of the word. I am a sheep in the flock of Jesus Christ. Sir, I will gladly die for my country and be proud to do so. I FEAR NO ONE BUT GOD ALMIGHTY. They are the weak ones what is more weak than killing yourself ago with women and children as they do? Answer - Nothing

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Jan 17 2006, 08:59 PM']Do you not realize the irony of the word "TERRORists" and the fact that they have you right where they want you?  You are all freaked out about them attacking again, that's the point.  They use fear just like the government uses fear.  If you want to live your life a coward having the government control every aspect of your life because your so afraid you'll be attacked than go to china man.  Let them do the thinking for you, because you are just a sheep

The Terrorist have me NOWHERE! I am not "freaked out" about them attacking again I just know they will and I am ready for that attack, are you? I am no coward, nor am I a "sheep" in your flawed since of the word. I am a sheep in the flock of Jesus Christ. Sir, I will gladly die for my country and be proud to do so. I FEAR NO ONE BUT GOD ALMIGHTY. They are the weak ones what is more weak than killing yourself ago with women and children as they do? Answer - Nothing

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