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Catholicism Against Itself


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Ok - I, and the rest of the moderators, cannot spend all of our time editing 2tim215's posts. Therefore, I've chosen to suspend his account for 3 days, and have asked him to consider returning with a better outlook and more respect.

Normally, I would overlook some of this stuff, in order to keep a debate with a non Catholic open, but this isn't a debate. Its inflammatory rhetoric.


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[quote name='Azriel' date='Jan 17 2006, 11:30 AM']Ok - I, and the rest of the moderators, cannot spend all of our time editing 2tim215's posts.  Therefore, I've chosen to suspend his account for 3 days, and have asked him to consider returning with a better outlook and more respect.

Normally, I would overlook some of this stuff, in order to keep a debate with a non Catholic open, but this isn't a debate.  Its inflammatory rhetoric.


Thank you. I think we all are open to anyone who disagrees with us, but this person does not even bother practicing what he preaches. He defames the name of God in some of his posts, he has no respect, he isn't willing to dialogue, he ignores most of what is posted, he can't come up with anything to defend his own position, and his 'verse-slinging' wouldn't hold up in most of the Baptist colleges I'm aware of. He almost goes beyond anti-Catholic and I would wonder if he doesn't have a mental disorder that needs to be treated.

And yes L_D, I've read Boettner, Swaggart, Jack Chick, MacCarthy, and many other various anti-Catholic authors. Like democrates, they are often guilty of what they accuse the party they are attacking of.

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tim, while you are away for 3 days, we all emplore you to learn how to write for the internet.

writing in random CAPS. and in giant blocks of continuous text is awful on the eyes (protestant and catholic eyes alike).

if you want to be heard (which i assume is the case since you are very emotional) please write clearer.

heres another tip on how to communicate on these mysterious things called "internets". - if you are going to make claim after claim after claim you are endowed to respond to people who actually take the time to defend against one of your claims.

im talking about L_D. and the more your ignore him the bigger a jerk you appear and the more i (and everyone else) would never ever want to listen to you or believe anything you could ever say.

do you see how counter productive you are?

now your on temporary ban - pretty counterproductive indeed.

we have our beliefs just like you have your beliefs. truth is found by the two groups putting their beliefs side-by-side and objectively analyzing it. conclusions are then found and the respective parties decide what they want to do. neither party has the power to convert another. conversion is solely done through God. the best either party can do is show what they believe in the best possible light. your rudeness and inability to respond to L_Ds points and instead act childish blankets your beliefs in terrible light.

you are not being a good follower of Christ.

God bless, and i hope when you come back you can actually do something in 5 pages of thread instead of run around exploding and making a mess of our rug.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Jan 17 2006, 10:35 AM']And yes L_D, I've read Boettner, Swaggart, Jack Chick, MacCarthy, and many other various anti-Catholic authors.
Yeah, I remembered a thread from way back where you were talking about some of the anti-Catholic books you were reading. :)

I hope you don't mind that I kind of spoke for you. :blush:

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Jan 17 2006, 11:35 AM']Like democrates, they are often guilty of what they accuse the party they are attacking of.
Why was this statement needed in your arguement?

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[quote name='2tim215' date='Jan 17 2006, 10:25 AM']AGAIN! YOU DO NOT READ!  That part of the verse IS Capitalized!

dang its not capitalized in my version... I must have got a defective one :sadder:

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[quote name='2tim215' date='Jan 17 2006, 10:57 AM']GOD!  II Pet. 1:21
"...human beings moved by the holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God."
[i]2 Peter 1:21[/i]

Correct! The Magisterium speaks under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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[quote name='thedude' date='Jan 17 2006, 02:55 PM']"...human beings moved by the holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God."
[i]2 Peter 1:21[/i]

Correct!  The Magisterium speaks under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Jan 17 2006, 12:56 PM']Why was this statement needed in your arguement?

Current events example.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Jan 17 2006, 04:16 PM']Current events example.

a bad one

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hahaha, there is already too much political talk on this site these days. Please don't turn this thread into another one. :lol:


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Why was he banned? Now i'm going to remain bored for the rest of the week :( Where I come from, calling someone a pimp is a good thing.... even if his context was in a weird almost literal way. See, if I said, "the Pope's a pimp". That would go under the category of "cool" or "flippin' awesome".

Lets ask Urban Dictionary about it:

As an adjective: If somethin' is pimpin', it's pretty darn cool. It's probably something "normal" that's tricked out ghettolicious and gawdy.
Basically, you look very ghettofab and blingbling.

However, as a verb
1.) to pimp something out is to *make* it look very ghettofab and all that nifty stuff in the above paragraph.
2.) to pimp is to advertise (generally, in an enthusiastic sense) or to call attention in order to bring acclaim to something; to promote.

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