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Catholicism Against Itself


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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Jan 15 2006, 08:35 AM']The best response to these two works of falsity and fallacy is "Catholicism and Fundamentalism" by Karl Keeting. They are so rediculous even protestant academics shun them.


L_D otherwise gave a great answer to the question on another board.
How do you know the're false? Have you READ them? No body on this board has, but you keep calling them false!

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[quote name='desertwoman' date='Jan 17 2006, 02:08 PM']:lol_roll:  :lol_roll:  :lol_roll:

I do more than just read the Bible.  I do my best to live like Jesus, and I try to do this everyday.

If you read it too, you would know about the nine fruits of the spirit and bestow and show that through and through regardless of what conduit you use, may it be internet or in person.

So to answer your question once more, yes I do read my Bible.  But I also try to live the way Yeshua tells us to live.

Why are you humouring him? Its obvious that this individual has not learnt the presence of God for nobody who hates his brother can claim to have the love of God in Him as St John the beloved teaches in Sacred Scripture. If he came to proselytise because he feared for our salvation that would be different but it was more than obvious to me from the start that his intention was only to satisfy his ego. He would travel land and sea to make a single convert (Mt 23:15)... :ohno:

My advice dear lady is to keep reading your Bible and putting into practice its teachings such as:

[quote]Do not give what is holy to dogs; and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under foot and turn and maul you. [b]Matthew 7:6[/b][/quote]

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[quote name='2tim215' date='Jan 17 2006, 09:08 AM']VERY convenient Religion isn't it?  You can live like the Devil and just ask a MAN to for give you and give him money!  Alls well there is no HELL!

Again, you don't know anything about Catholicism. You don't have a clue. You don't understand it in the least. And that isn't an exageration. It is an under estimate if anything. You've got everything so turned around in your own head I wonder if you even are a Christian to begin with. You're pitiful son. Do you go to Muslim websites and scream at them and claim that they believe in the Mosaic law? That's how bad your screwing up the Way, the Catholic faith.

It really is too bad that you aren't here to dialogue and learn the love of God, but rather spread hate. :ohno: It really is sad. I'd love to dialogue with you, as would most people here, but unfortunately you aren't hear to learn or to share. You seem to be here only to hate. It is the opposite of what God is calling you to. It seems as if you think you have a dollars worth of knowledge, yet you are only carrying around a penny, if even that.

Should I even bother correcting your errors? Perhaps, but not for you since you are not interested in listening, but instead for others who have hearts that love God and neighbor. Catholicism is anything but easy or convenient. It is a difficult faith. Christ has called us to pick up our crosses and follow Him. The Way, the Christian faith is one of growing in holiness. We do sin and fall at times, we are human, but on this path to holiness God has given us a means to approach him by confessing our sin to God with a fellow Christian companion to hear, give solice and advice, and offer absolution. And priests do not take payment in a confessional. That is the most bizarre thing I've ever heard. Sacraments are available to anyone at no financial cost. Catholics, like non-Catholics offer almsgiving in a regular Sunday collection. And Catholics affirm the reality of hell. Even your anti-Catholic fore-fathers affirm that much.

Edited by Brother Adam
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[quote name='Paphnutius' date='Jan 15 2006, 06:27 PM']I prefer to work out my salvation with fear and trembling Phil 2:12-13 OUT OF CONTEXT!
Salvation is a gift.(FREE) Christ Jesus did the Work! All we have to do is accept it! Mt. 11:13; 22:36-40; Jn.5:39-47; 8:32,41,43-45,47,51,55; John 1:17 Rom. 10:4-10 Grace and Faith THROUGH Jesus Christ, NO works!

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[quote name='2tim215' date='Jan 17 2006, 08:11 AM']How do you know the're false?  Have you READ them?  No body on this board has, but you keep calling them false!

You are right, I have not read them. I should not have said they were full of falacies with out reading them or letting you explain your position. I was wrong to so quickly act. Please forgive me.


If the books claims what you have claimed, espcially in the same uncharitable tone, then it is full of falsity and fallacy. The best example of this would be the name calling of the Pope. That was really unchristian.

Just out of curiosity, which translation of the King James Verision is the best? Did you know the original King James version had the books of Tobit, Judith, Maccabees, etc.. in it?

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[quote name='2tim215' date='Jan 17 2006, 08:45 AM']Salvation is a gift.(FREE)  Christ Jesus did the Work!  All we have to do is accept it!  Mt. 11:13; 22:36-40;  Jn.5:39-47; 8:32,41,43-45,47,51,55;    John 1:17  Rom. 10:4-10    Grace and Faith THROUGH Jesus Christ, NO works!


Do not forget though that "So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:17

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[quote name='2tim215' date='Jan 17 2006, 09:11 AM']How do you know the're false?  Have you READ them?  No body on this board has, but you keep calling them false!

Tim you have COMPLETELY ignored L_D's posts. He has read some of your books and showed how much fiction they are...

He has also posted a big article and your best response is 'its out of context' :rolleyes:

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[quote name='2tim215' date='Jan 17 2006, 08:11 AM']How do you know the're false?  Have you READ them?  No body on this board has, but you keep calling them false!
I've quoted from both "[i]Catholicism Against Itself[/i]" and Foxe's "[i]Book of Martyrs[/i]" and highlighted some of the ignorance and radical misinformation contained in these books (which is typical to this class of literature). And besides the fact that there are plenty of Catholic converts who once put faith in this type of anti-Catholic literature, a great many Protestants will admit that this sort of propaganda is embarassing and nonsensical.

And I have (for whatever reason) read some of the literature you mentioned so your statement is already false. But the real question is whether you have read any authentic Catholic literature? Is everything you know about Catholicism based on these dishonest propaganda tracts? If the only "proof" you have of your anti-Catholic view is a list of obscure hate literature, I'd say you have no chance of converting people here to your perspective.

God bless.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Jan 17 2006, 09:41 AM']Again, you don't know anything about Catholicism. You don't have a clue. You don't understand it in the least. And that isn't an exageration. It is an under estimate if anything. You've got everything so turned around in your own head I wonder if you even are a Christian to begin with. You're pitiful son. Do you go to Muslim websites and scream at them and claim that they believe in the Mosaic law? That's how bad your screwing up the Way, the Catholic faith.

It really is too bad that you aren't here to dialogue and learn the love of God, but rather spread hate.  :ohno: It really is sad. I'd love to dialogue with you, as would most people here, but unfortunately you aren't hear to learn or to share. You seem to be here only to hate. It is the opposite of what God is calling you to. It seems as if you think you have a dollars worth of knowledge, yet you are only carrying around a penny, if even that.

Should I even bother correcting your errors? Perhaps, but not for you since you are not interested in listening, but instead for others who have hearts that love God and neighbor. Catholicism is anything but easy or convenient. It is a difficult faith. Christ has called us to pick up our crosses and follow Him. The Way, the Christian faith is one of growing in holiness. We do sin and fall at times, we are human, but on this path to holiness God has given us a means to approach him by confessing our sin to God with a fellow Christian companion to hear, give solice and advice, and offer absolution. And priests do not take payment in a confessional. That is the most bizarre thing I've ever heard. Sacraments are available to anyone at no financial cost. Catholics, like non-Catholics offer almsgiving in a regular Sunday collection. And Catholics affirm the reality of hell. Even your anti-Catholic fore-fathers affirm that much.
What about indulgences, Purgatory? The lisst is endless! Get the book and READ It!

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[quote name='2tim215' date='Jan 17 2006, 09:12 AM']What about indulgences, Purgatory?  The lisst is endless!  Get the book and READ It!
Adam read Loraine Boettner's book so I doubt he's entirely ignorant of the anti-Catholic perspective.

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Jan 17 2006, 09:52 AM']Amen

Do not forget though that "So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:17
Like I said before "a text is a pretext with out a context" Who is he talking to? The 12 Tribes of Israel! Jas. 1:1 Working for the Lord AFTER salvation is a JOY not work!

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[quote name='JeffCR07' date='Jan 15 2006, 04:34 PM']2tim215, I would be happy to discuss with you any one of the different arguments you bring up, if you are willing to stick to the subject with me. Would you like to discuss the Pope or the question of calling no man "Father"?
Did you NOT READ! Post #10!!!!!!!!!!! YOU do not READ! THAT is your PROBLEM!!

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Jan 15 2006, 02:17 PM']I suppose that this means I am going to have to check out the book from the library and quote at least one fallacy in the book. In the mean time...

I do think that it odd that if we answered as you expected, then it seems a waste of time for you to be here.

That being said the book is only two volumes long, IF the Catholic Church is wrong surely it contains more errors then that.

Also, I did not mention any debate as the answer to the book, but another book. It really is a good read. As far a public speaking concerning Keeting that is neather here nor there.

Why do you not pick one issue at time and lets work through it in Charity. Love will lead you to the truth.
Zech 2:10  Up, up! Flee from the land of the north, says the LORD; for I scatter you to the four winds of heaven, says the LORD.
                              It is IDOL!  Like your PIMP  Zech. 10:2
11:17 Woe to my foolish shepherd who forsakes the flock! May the sword fall upon his arm and upon his right eye; Let his arm wither away entirely, and his right eye be blind forever!

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Jan 15 2006, 02:23 PM']Yeah, all that caps lock ABOMINATION and WHORE stuff is pretty messed up. At the very least it is counter-productive and rude. I'm up for a cool discussion, but not all that yelling and name calling stuff. It's childish. :hehehe:

P.S. Are you by chance a devotee of Ruckman? Would you say that the King James version of the Bible is superior to the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts? Just curious.
AGAIN! YOU DO NOT READ! That part of the verse IS Capitalized!

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Jan 16 2006, 05:03 PM']protestants get so cranky

Have a drink

calm down
[mod]no, way no how. not here.[/mod]

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