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Action against Iran...

Myles Domini

Is any manner of action to halt Iran's nuclear programme justified?  

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i got this quote from a story today off of cnn, this is what the U.S. State Department counterterrorism coordinator had to say about nuclear attacks:

"It is not just the nuclear threat that bothers me," he was quoted as saying. "I think, if anything, the biological threat is going to grow."

"As catastrophic as a nuclear attack would be, it would be self-contained."

They don't even care about nukes cause you know it's contained, no problem! Forget those myths about 100,000 dead in an instant and nuclear radiation taking months and years to slowly kill those not fortunante enough to be close to the blast. Not to mention the fact a nuclear attack could set off a chain of events that could end the entire world as we know it.

My point being that I can already see another false pretense being made up so we can goto a war for oil....AGAIN! And we haven't even finished the first one yet!

Edited by PadreSantiago
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The day myles and people like him see the shadows of Jews or NewYorkers burnt into the sidewalk they'll regret thinking Iran was not a threat. Maybe Iran will not nuke the Jews or the west... maybe... Iran says different... Iran says they will... But maybe not. Heres a thought since Iran sends terrorist into Iraq to bomb our troops what if Iran didnt nuke anyone rather gave a nuke to terrorist one day, the next....

Iran is not a threat? Please dont make me sick. Hilter said he would kill the Jews he did, Iran says they will nuke them. Will you truly wait until its to beaver dam late?

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[quote name='musturde' date='Jan 17 2006, 08:49 PM']The former VP wants to make a new government and overthrow Al-Assad. The former VP was a total jerk but supposedly wants to make things better. They still support terrorism and so far haven't changed.

So there is no imporvment, yet. want toos and supposeds dont cut it.

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You should watch Dr. Strangelove.... :shock: And btw, Iran does not yet have nuclear weapons capabilities, additionally, they are still cooperating with inspecters from the IAEA, and the chairman of the IAEA has urged restraint and diplomacy.

And as far as Jews and New Yorkers being killed - I suppose that on the "possibility" of that happening the US should just go kill thousands of innocent Iranians who happen to have a lousy government. That sounds fair :fishslap:

Lastly, the pope, JPII, even said that the last war - Iraq - was not justified and that the US/other states should wait for the diplomatic process and the UN to act before hastily running into an ill-planned war that costs thousands of lives.

BTW most of the soldiers in the US army are from lower class households, joined to get money for college, or are immigrants/children of immigrants and their army service helps them get citizenship. Of course the rich guys in the Senate (all of them are millionaires - look it up) don't mind if poor people die to ensure that they can stay safe, secure and rich. What about all the injured soldiers, dead soldiers and their families??? Wars make money for the people at the top, but crush those further down. :maddest:

PEACE! PEACE!!! PEACE!!!! :kiss: :hippie:

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Jan 17 2006, 10:47 PM']Forget those myths about 100,000 dead in an instant and nuclear radiation taking months and years to slowly kill those not fortunante enough to be close to the blast.
My friend, these are not myths. NYC is home to 8 million people. Even a small nuclear device, like a suitcase bomb, detonated in the heart of NYC would kill many, many times your 100K dead figure and the radioactive fallout would make the city uninhabitable for many years AND kill many more people in time.

[url="http://www.csi.ad.jp/ABOMB/data.html"]Don't take my word for it, this is history[/url]
[url="http://www.atomicarchive.com/Example/Example1.shtml"]Effects of bomb detonated in NYC[/url]

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[quote name='peacenluvbaby' date='Jan 18 2006, 03:57 AM']You should watch Dr. Strangelove.... :shock: And btw, Iran does not yet have nuclear weapons capabilities, additionally, they are still cooperating with inspecters from the IAEA, and the chairman of the IAEA has urged restraint and diplomacy.

And as far as Jews and New Yorkers being killed - I suppose that on the "possibility" of that happening the US should just go kill thousands of innocent Iranians who happen to have a lousy government.  That sounds fair  :fishslap:

Lastly, the pope, JPII, even said that the last war - Iraq - was not justified and that the US/other states should wait for the diplomatic process and the UN to act before hastily running into an ill-planned war that costs thousands of lives.

BTW most of the soldiers in the US army are from lower class households, joined to get money for college, or are immigrants/children of immigrants and their army service helps them get citizenship.  Of course the rich guys in the Senate (all of them are millionaires - look it up) don't mind if poor people die to ensure that they can stay safe, secure and rich.  What about all the injured soldiers, dead soldiers and their families???  Wars make money for the people at the top, but crush those further down.   :maddest:

PEACE!  PEACE!!! PEACE!!!!  :kiss:  :hippie:

:rain: :rain: :rain:

Does anyone remember the lessons of Munich in 1938? Neville :rain: Chamberlain also trusted the diplomatic process and came back saying "peace in our time" :rain: :rain:

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John Paul II said that all war is "a tragedy for humanity," even a just war. Ultimately it will cause or continue problems in a vicious cycle, as simple military force never conquers the powerful forces [i]driving[/i] the creation of nuclear bombs and instruments of terror, such as hate, misunderstanding, etc.
As an example take the disciplining of a child. If the child is punished without understanding why he sees his parent as a tyrant, which then fuels further misunderstanding and usually rifts in relationships that last a lifetime. The parent sees the harsh dicipline as a good and just solution to bad behavior. Does this temporary subduing actually stop the source or cure the child's bad behavior? In some rare situations yes, but in extreme cases, as with certain very independent countries, harsh action such as invasion and military action only fuels anger and misunderstanding- so it would seem.

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[quote name='Semperviva' date='Jan 18 2006, 02:31 PM']harsh action such as invasion and military action only fuels anger and misunderstanding- so it would seem.

Very true, the Middle East (and most of the world) hates America because we do whatever we please and interfere a lot in foreign countries. I'd say using peaceful means would be best at first. Then they can enforce going into Iran if they don't listen to America.

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Jan 18 2006, 12:08 AM']well it's about money, it's about oil, it's about defense contracts and it's about rebuiling contracts.  War is money...DUH
right - thats why why we invaded Venezuela to out President Chavez... because we occupy for the oil... [url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4635187.stm"](right ???)[/url]
oh wait...

i guess we only depose dictators that sponsor terrorists and offer democracy
and in know liberals HATE that
so it not not about the oil
... "boooooo" say the libs

we also liberate oppressed while stopping mad dicators who threaton the west
i am looking forward to Iran because all the Libs i know were saying a few years ago "why Iraq? invade Iran!"
we'll see what happens now
Liberals are very good at being on the wrong side of history and freedom

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Just a couple of thoughts

1. Time is not on our side when it comes to dealing with Iran.

2. Iran is not cooperating with the IAEA.

3. It is not about oil but about recognizing evil when we see it. We failed to recognize it in Hitler.

Just a reminder. The president of Iran. You know the one sho has been out there threatening Israel. According to the U.S. hostages who were held for 444 day in 1978-79 when "students" seized the U.S. Embassey in Tehran, the president of Iran was the leader of the students. this is the reason for the debate on whether the president of Iran would be granted a visa to attend the opening of the U.N. session. Let's remember who we are dealing with.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' date='Jan 18 2006, 03:00 AM']So there is no imporvment, yet. want toos and supposeds dont cut it.

Well, you misunderstood me to a degree. You have a point but when i said "wants to", I meant that the VP is under persecution for speaking up against the President and wants to make a new government and overthrow him. The former VP could be killed for treason if he goes back into the country. In other words, his heads coming off within a year. He isn't good either so the change of Syria changing completely is unseen for a while... that is unless he smells of elderberries up for power (but he'd be going against many terrorist groups so i doubt it).

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Jan 17 2006, 10:08 PM']well it's about money, it's about oil, it's about defense contracts and it's about rebuiling contracts.  War is money...DUH

400 billion (is it more now?) on a war to get oil? That's pointless on many levels. One, they could pay Saddam for that amount of money. Two, find me some credible information backing your claim.

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