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Action against Iran...

Myles Domini

Is any manner of action to halt Iran's nuclear programme justified?  

28 members have voted

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God's Errand Girl

[quote name='Myles' date='Jan 14 2006, 04:45 PM']Iran will not attack the West because terrorists are fundamentally cowardly individuals.

What you say will never happen already has happened several times in our recent history.

On September 11, 2001, fundamentally cowardly terrorist individuals destroyed the World Trade Centers and murdered almost two-thousand people. If a small cell of terrorists connected with Al Qaeda did this, who's to say what an entire country (Iran) can do with a few nuclear weapons.

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The people of Iran mostly sympathize with the US- we need to send in covert black ops to start an uprising and over throw the govt.

But something MUST be done. IF you say other wise thats pretty foolish

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[quote name='Myles' date='Jan 15 2006, 08:40 AM']
The U.S. alone has the arsenal to wipe out the planet three times over.
That just freaks me out....

[quote]We'll get hit and we'll hit back harder. The West's (over)reaction to Iran to me wreaks of fear--and to an extent, cowardice. Why should we be afraid of a little country in Persia? To me thats a joke.[/quote]

[quote]The war on terror will never be won if we keep giving off the impression that our civilisation is truly terrified...[/quote]
War on terror - what an oxymoron...

(thats all for me, I haven't read the rest of the thread yet. sorry.)

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[quote name='curtins' date='Jan 14 2006, 08:36 PM']The people of Iran mostly sympathize with the US- we need to send in covert black ops to start an uprising and over throw the govt.[right][snapback]856256[/snapback][/right]

Could someone comment on this who lived through Khomeini? I don't really know if you are correct or not, but I'd assume that currently most of the nation of Iran supports their government.

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The rationale for letting them build isn't just that we can annihilate them if they attack. The main thing is that as of now they pose no threat should they build the programme. We can't casually allow someone to knowingly blow up a whole city of ours just cause we can destroy them completely. That's allowing war and death that you knew you could have prevented. Again, the thing is that to be fair they too should have a programme, and they pose no threat.

Israel concerns might be warranted if there's tensions there. Even a good army such as Israel stand nothing against a few nukes.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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I don't think you can ever say without qualification that "any manner of action" is justified. In light of sound ethical principles anyway. Whether or not some extraordinary manner of action can be justified is another question.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' date='Jan 15 2006, 10:47 AM']The rationale for letting them build isn't just that we can annihilate them if they attack. The main thing is that as of now they pose no threat should they build the programme.  We can't casually allow someone to knowingly blow up a whole city of ours just cause we can destroy them completely. That's allowing war and death that you knew you could have prevented. Again, the thing is that to be fair they too should have a programme, and they pose no threat.

Israel concerns might be warranted if there's tensions there. Even a good army such as Israel stand nothing against a few nukes.

Oddly enough Dairygirl I agree with you today :P:

I think you misunderstood the thrust of my post (not that it would be the first time :lol_roll:). I'm not saying that we should let them attack us so we can blow them off the face of the earth. I'm saying that even if Iran did break its word and develop nuclear weapons capability they still wouldn't be a threat because any attack from them would lead to the complete annihilation of their country, which contra to common belief is not a nation of fanatics.

Yes, there are some genuinely convinced Jihadi's there but as in most countries there's also a large section of people who though traditional in their outlook would balk at the idea of seeing their entire nation removed from the face of the earth by a massive Western counter strike. Iranians might wish for the propagation of Islam, even by the traditional means employed by the original Caliphs. But that doesn't mean every Iranian desires that at the expense of the lives of their lives and those of their loved ones. If so they'd already be out there in Iraq fighting co-allition soliders on behalf of the 60% Shiite Iraqi majority. People thought the Samurai spirit of Japan would see them fight on til the last man during world War II. Hiroshima and Nagasaki taught us otherwise...

My point is they dont pose a threat regardless of what they do with their uranium so let them go about their merry business. If they do try anything we can easily take care of them. So, its no biggie. At present they say they dont even have intentions to develop nuclear weapons and thus I dont believe we should be getting so jittery over this. As I said before we give off the impression of a people who have been terrorised by the terrorists in which case Al-Queda for all their military losses are winning the ideaological warfare because they've succeeded in their aim: to cause terror.

The West has nothing to fear from Iran or any other Islamic nation and we should start acting like it. If they motioned to attack Israel, if they motioned to attack us we'd pulverise them. The point is at present all these are hypothetical worse case scenarios so why is everyone getting so jumpy? Let them do what they're doing and if and when it comes to it then we can decide to take action. Thats not the old appeasement policy used by the Europeans on Hitler, its the if you did try anything we'd kill you so we dont need to bother loosing sleep over it.

We cannot be terrorism by force of arms alone thats not how it works, thats why terrorists dont fight us in pitch battles. Its not their intention to break our bodies but our spirits. They want to show us up for being weak for being easy to manipulate and to cow. We have to stand firm puff up our chests and dismiss this crisis for what it is: a nothing issue which even if it did become a problem later on is one the West could deal with in a heartbeat if it decided to truly flex its muscle.

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Myles, only a few months ago the leader of Iran called for the extermination of the Jews and said that the holocaust was a lie propagated by the west. Even if you are correct that the [i]nation[/i] would not nuke Israel or the US, what is to stop them from giving nukes to extremist factions that they support monetarily now? How could we in good faith take that chance with Israel as our ally? One nuke and most of Israel's population will be wasted. Then what will happen?

Interestingly enough it reminds me of the movie "Sum of All Fears".

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[quote name='Myles' date='Jan 14 2006, 02:40 PM']Even if they did somehow manage to launch a nuclear warhead against some Western nation and even if, in the worst case scenario, the missile hit ground zero before being shot down the repercussions would be so swift and so unbelievably destructive that Iran would cease to exist. Unlike Hiroshima and Nagasaki there would be no chance for rebuilding the entire nation would be obliterated.

So...? Why are we so jittery? Personally if the Iranians want nuclear power I say give it to them and if some nutjob Iranian leader down the line decides he wants to try and take on the Occident I say bring it on. We'll get hit and we'll hit back harder. The West's (over)reaction to Iran to me wreaks of fear--and to an extent, cowardice. Why should we be afraid of a little country in Persia? To me thats a joke.


The whole point is to prevent a nuclear attack in the first place. If a nuke is launched then it is too late. No amount of retaliation will undo the damage already done. It will not bring the dead back to life, nor cure the radiation damage to people, or rebulid the cities. The damage to the economy will make the 9/11 attacks look like a 50-man layoff at Wal-Mart.

I voted yes but with UN action. I know Israel can do it - it took out Iraq's nuclear lab in the early 1980s - but Israel has enough problems of its own and maybe it's time to take the heat off them. With the UN, the USA will not be accused of acting unilaterally; it can repair damage with our European allies. Besides, with our troops tied up in Iraq, we would militarily be stretched. We could effectively give air and naval support, but leave the troops to the other UN nations.

Although in my heart I feel we missed our chance to improve relations with Khatami. He was a reformer (although on a leash by the hard-line clerics). Now we have to deal with a nut job.

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[quote name='Myles' date='Jan 15 2006, 12:53 PM']At present they say they dont even have intentions to develop nuclear weapons and thus I dont believe we should be getting so jittery over this. As I said before we give off the impression of a people who have been terrorised by the terrorists in which case Al-Queda for all their military losses are winning the ideaological warfare because they've succeeded in their aim: to cause terror.

The West has nothing to fear from Iran or any other Islamic nation and we should start acting like it. If they motioned to attack Israel, if they motioned to attack us we'd pulverise them. The point is at present all these are hypothetical worse case scenarios so why is everyone getting so jumpy? Let them do what they're doing and if and when it comes to it then we can decide to take action. Thats not the old appeasement policy used by the Europeans on Hitler, its the if you did try anything we'd kill you so we dont need to bother loosing sleep over it.


I hate to rain on your parade Myles but the idea that Iran has no intention of developing nuclear weapons is proposterous. They are one of the largest oil producers in the world. They do not need nuclear plants for energy! The others on this sight are correct. They are the ones behind Hezbolah, Islamic Jihad and many other terrorist organizations. They have made open threats against the west and Israel which are getting bolder. And, that is not even the scary part.

The scary part is that you think we have nothing to fear from Iran. They are working on a weapon. I have no doubt that they will use it as they say they will. They will not tell the world when they get it. And are you ready for the scary part? They scary part is that we really don't need to worry about them developing long range missles to hit us. They have been buying old Russian submarines. They could just sail one up the Thames or into the Chesapeake. Them the problem is in our front yard.

I would like to find a way to shut their nuclear activities down. I do not want lives lost. There are many good people in Iran. I have been furtunate to know a few. However, I believe that their leaders are evil. They aare a threat. They need to be stopped before they are a threat with nuclear weapons. I don't know how to do it though. So, I pray for those in higher possitions than mine, that God will grant them the wisdom to handle this.

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We could fight Iran peacefully... just like we're fighting Syria now. I don't think we need to invade Iran or kill anyone to stop this... yet. If it was any other country such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia, or even Egypt, it'd be less idiotic to allow a nuclear program but Iran funds a lot of terrorist groups OPENLY. It's not like its a big secret. They fund groups(Hezbollah for example) that attack Israel. So in a way, they already are attacking Israel.

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Is there any improvement over the Syria situation though? Externally they have less power (especially Lebanon), but internally aren't they still the same, without any reform?

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[quote name='Circle_Master' date='Jan 17 2006, 08:21 PM']Is there any improvement over the Syria situation though?  Externally they have less power (especially Lebanon), but internally aren't they still the same, without any reform?

The former VP wants to make a new government and overthrow Al-Assad. The former VP was a total jerk but supposedly wants to make things better. They still support terrorism and so far haven't changed.

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Jan 17 2006, 10:02 PM']MAD-mutual assured destruction...

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