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The Impeachment of George W. Bush


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[quote name='crazymaine catholic' date='Jan 13 2006, 11:44 PM']anyone wanna buy a private island and create our own country? sounds like a good idea to me. a nice, catholic island.  :P:
I think someone was trying that earlier last year. Was it Aloysius? I cannot remember. :idontknow:

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[quote name='Paphnutius' date='Jan 13 2006, 11:54 PM']I think someone was trying that earlier last year. Was it Aloysius? I cannot remember.  :idontknow:
prolly who yer thinkin of. he wanted to get land some place, not an island as far as I know. And he still wants to do this.

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[quote name='Paphnutius' date='Jan 14 2006, 03:51 AM']Okay, so I am not well educated on exactly what happened on the torture issuse. Can someone please clearly and briefly explain it to me or point me to an article that would?
If they're alluding to Guantanamo bay, you won't want to know.

[quote name='Didacus' date='Jan 14 2006, 12:34 AM']Americain politics  :pinch:

I think i'll stick with Canada thank you.
Yeah, what's Canada like? NZ is pretty bad as well, so maybe I'll join y'all on that Catholic island....sounds pretty hot! ;)

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Jan 13 2006, 08:38 AM']...killing innocent civilians and totally ignoring the geneva convention.  None of this worries you elephants, it's all a "drug induced fantasy" cooked up by the liberal media!  I guess whatever lets you sleep at night....
i have your "killing innocent civilians" right here, Padre!


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[quote name='Paphnutius' date='Jan 13 2006, 11:07 AM']I am just curious...is anyone going to approach the topic of torture? I honestly do not know what happened, so can someone please explain it?

I don't know the details...But here's the deal, when a war is going on (and I don't mean the fictional "War on Terror" (a war against ghosts and specters) but the war in Iraq) BAD THINGS HAPPEN. That is why in general one likes to avoid war, but, when the decision is made, its made, and one can't prevent the bad effects of such a war. It's like complaining about all the symptoms of an STD after you've had random sex with somebody! There are moral dilemmas in war, as in all other passionate human actions, due to that whole nasty "fall of man" thing. We have and will often suffer because of it, and so will others. Sometimes torture is necessary, that doesn't make it good. Sometimes bombing a civilian target, that doesn't make it good.

Let the left complain to its little heart's desire, if Kerry had been elected the War would either be going exactly as it is now, or he would simply have started pulling back our troops out of unprotected areas and left thousands of people stranded without assistence. That would have been morally wrong as well...so let's just screw ourselves up and take care of this thing, without all the bickering!

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Jan 13 2006, 06:38 AM']Sooooo Murder, treason, torture none of these things are illegal?  What about outting CIA operatives, lieing to the american public, killing innocent civilians and totally ignoring the geneva convention.  None of this worries you elephants, it's all a "drug induced fantasy" cooked up by the liberal media!  I guess whatever lets you sleep at night....

Liberal democrats are responsible for the murder of lets see, just about 50,000, 000 babies? Maybe we can impeach the entire party!!! I know if i had the power that party would be shutdown for good.

Edited by Akalyte
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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Jan 13 2006, 08:38 AM']Sooooo Murder, treason, torture none of these things are illegal?  What about outting CIA operatives, lieing to the american public, killing innocent civilians and totally ignoring the geneva convention.  None of this worries you elephants, it's all a "drug induced fantasy" cooked up by the liberal media!  I guess whatever lets you sleep at night....
[url="http://www.zpub.com/un/un-bc-body.html"]right right right... its all a dream[/url]

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[quote]The President has done nothing illegal. If you feel otherwise, find the laws which he has broken.....I'll be waiting years for you to find one.... [/quote]I was checking CNN today and found this article. I am not sure about credibility and what not, but is seemed to pretain to just this thread. I am not supporting either side, but found this and thought it appropriate to post:[quote]Gore said the use of the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on Americans without a court order shows that President Bush "has been breaking the law repeatedly and persistently."[/quote]

There articel may be found [url="http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/01/16/gore.constitution/index.html"]here[/url]. I still cannot find which law specifically, but this was at least something related.

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[quote name='Mrs. Bro. Adam' date='Jan 16 2006, 02:30 PM']CNN isn't exactly the best news source.  They're extremely biased.
I know but it was something to post.

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First someone calls him the "worst terrorist in human history" (they dont know their history) then they say his administration is the worst in US history(they still dont know their history) and now they want to impeach him. The people making these claims, they are making them because they are immoral and cant handle having a pro-life Christian in office.

They want a president who calls good evil and evil good, kind of like Johnny Kerry.

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[quote name='Akalyte' date='Jan 17 2006, 04:24 AM']First someone calls him the "worst  terrorist in human history" (they dont know their history)  then they say his administration is the worst in US history(they still dont know their history)  and now they want to impeach him. The people making these claims, they are making them because they are immoral and cant handle having a pro-life Christian in office.

They want a president who calls good evil and evil good, kind of like Johnny Kerry.

Calling a pig an eagle doesn't make him fly.

Saying Bush is pro-life doesn't make him pro-life either.

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On the torture issue:
Check out this article and its links to see what the Bush administration and Bush himself have said.


As far as the Geneva Convention not applying to "terrorists", "al Qaida" and "Taliban" combatants...this is only minimally debateable. As a matter of what is known as international law - codified and "common" law - the Conventions govern the actions of the signatories towards other combatants. If a country/army is not a signatory, those combatants are still protected because of the Geneva Convention codes which are supposed to restrict the actions of the signatories, in this case, the US.
:turban: :rip:

Secondly, we are all forgetting that torture is also prohibited under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to which the US is also a signatory.

Thirdly, Bush's pro-life ( regarding abortion) position is irrelevant to whether he overstepped his bounds and broke the law in allowing or ordering wire taps and such. Two separate issues. :annoyed: And please, dont insult us by saying he is "pro-life" we should say "anti-abortion" because there is nothing pro-life about his positions regarding the death penalty, pre-emptive war, civilian casualties, migrant rights etc. Ok?

Lastly, isnt it curious that no Red Cross, UN or Human Rights observers have been allowed in Guatanamo? hmmm.... and that the Bush administration has been known to "condemn" torture, but play with the definition. Is waterboarding torture? or does human organ failure need to occur? :sadder:

Lastly, I dont think the media people are smoking anything :smokey: when they bring to light violations by the Bush administration. Come on people - think about how much coverage Clinton got for "Whitewater" a real estate deal that occured before his presidency. I think Human Rights, Torture, Illegal Wire Taps, and the WHOLE PATRIOT ACT are completely unconstitutional and violations of numerous treaties to which the US is party, that guarantee these Rights!!!!!

Peace people! :hippie: I hope none of us ever gets blown up because some other country KNOWS that we have WMDs!!!!!!

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