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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Center for Bio-Ethical Reform


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exactly. Just hearing about abortion as a seven year old in Catholic school was scary, I can't even imagine how scared I woulld have been to see it. Even if they aren't near elementary schools, they could pass preschools, or grocery stores where chlidren w/their mothers would have no doubt seen it, or anyplace b/c there are children everywhere. Would you want your 5 year old seeing bloody dead corpses, no doubt murdered? Because that is exactly what abortion is and yes, children should know that it is wrong, but that's it. Children also learn from their parents how babies are conceived, especially if their mom is pregnant, but would that mean you want them to see how? No, you wouldn't. They also learn not to take "candy" from strangers, does that mean we should show them pictures of what meth does to your body? They are children and have a right to their innocence, not to be tampered with the corruption of the world. They will see that when they get older, but it is no reason for them to have nightmares about it now.

Edited by avemaria40
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It is precisely [i]because[/i] the act of abortion is so horrible that children deserve to be sheltered from such evil. However, people in the pro-life movement need to exercise caution and prudence regarding showing such pictures to adults as well.

People also have to recognize that abortion is a traumatic event. Women who have had abortions often develop post-abortion syndrome and such pictures can induce traumatic episodes... Also, survivors of abortion can be triggered by such imagery as well.

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