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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus


a recent thread was on ecumenicism. I would like to discuss ecumenicism in a civilized way comparing the ecumenicism of today to the ecumenicism of yesteryear in order to find the truth. this not a debate more of a discussion.


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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

[quote name='JeffCR07' date='Jan 10 2006, 06:48 PM']no, true ecumenism is two religious groups coming to the table to talk out their differences in a respectful manner with the aim of coming to the truth.

Since the Church [i]is[/i] the Truth, true ecumenism will lead others to the Church, but those instances of personal conversion are posterior to true ecumenism itself

this is what JeffCR07 says true ecumenicism is.

Does this involve praying with these people?

does it involve finding common ground?

God Bless,


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Some reference material for good measure:





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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

[quote name='catholicinsd' date='Jan 11 2006, 09:22 AM']Ecumenicism is the greatest thing ever! Brother Roger was a rockstar.

your point bieng...?

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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Jan 11 2006, 09:23 AM']your point bieng...?

I just thought I'd put that.

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As far as my personally opinion goes, I believe oecumenism with the EO Churches is essential and Rome's duty. Ecumenism with the protestant ecclesial communities is another story. It seems like dangerous ground unless there are very clear boundaries. From what I know of the movement the boundaries are vague or "ambiguous" (to use a favourite term of the rad trads). I won't express my views beyond that. My only point is that there is a big difference between East/West oecumenism and ecumenism in the broader sense which includes protestant groups.

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I highly recommend a reading of the following chapter in "The Spirit of Catholicism" by Karl Adam.


This book was written in 1935 (very pre v II). It has the Nihil Obstad and Impratur so it is solid. I think it will clear up alot of misunderstanding on Church teaching about other religous bodies.

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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Jan 11 2006, 09:13 AM']just read it

not much about ecumencism more about Grace and EENS.

The topic is related. One cannot have a proper view of ecumneism without understanding the relationship of Christ's Church to other religous bodies and how we view them.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Jan 11 2006, 02:30 PM']As far as my personally opinion goes, I believe oecumenism with the EO Churches is essential and Rome's duty. Ecumenism with the protestant ecclesial communities is another story. It seems like dangerous ground unless there are very clear boundaries. From what I know of the movement the boundaries are vague or "ambiguous" (to use a favourite term of the rad trads). I won't express my views beyond that. My only point is that there is a big difference between East/West oecumenism and ecumenism in the broader sense which includes protestant groups.


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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Jan 11 2006, 09:08 AM']this is what JeffCR07 says true ecumenicism is.

Does this involve praying with these people?

does it involve finding common ground?
God Bless,


I pray with non-Catholics all the time...

When they come to Mass! That's how I look at it...as a way to bring them back, not to become one of them.

Pope Benedict said it really well in one of his books:

(Paraphrased!) Schism can only happen when a truth is no longer loved within the Church. The point of religious discussion is to find this truth and bring it back into the mainstream of the Church. (Think of this especially with regards to SSPX if you're looking for an example. Obviously today there is a lack of love and respect for the Liturgy.)

To finish, I have no problem going to an Eastern Orthodox Divine Liturgy (I won't let it count as my Sunday obligation!) and I wouldn't mind going to a Jewish synagogue...but this isn't because I think theyr'e right in everything...rather, I think they have something to offer...I love for the Sacred. :)

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