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Daughters of Mary, Mother of Healing Love


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Just passing along some information I got in an email....

[quote]....  We have started a new Association of Sisters called the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Healing Love to work with abused and neglected children, their families, and other persons in need of healing.  We also want to advocate for the unborn so I'll be going to the March for Life again this year.  We operate St. Charles Children's Home in Rochester, NH where currently we have 17 children who are between 5 and 12.  What we are most well known for is running with the kids because we've found that it helps them very much and so we usually run 4 miles a day with those who are able.  Authentic religious life and true devotion to Mary and praise and worship are very important to us.  ....  God bless you.

Sister Mary Rose, DMML[/quote]


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thanks for that [post, see what e;lse you can get out them like, formation wish, etc...all those wonderful questions...i want to know more about them because that seems like a very rewarding apostolate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dang, these sisters do sent info quickly! Praise be Jesus and these wonderful sisters! As promised, this is the summary of some of the literature they sent me:

~ A brochure sharing the story of Sr. Maximilian Cote's vocation. Very beautiful- a rebel who found God calling her when doing mission work in Dominican Republic.
~ Quotes from another brochure about the community: "Our calling is to lead those who are part of the broken body of Christ to wholeness." "The SIsters are consecrated to Jesus through Mary, and their specific mission is taking care of abused and neglected children." "The Sisters' lives are modeled on that of Mary, the Immaculate Conception, who through her opennes to the Spirit's charisms, and her prayers and good works desires to bring God's Healing Love to all." "Prayer; Consecration to Mary; Life in the Spirit; Poverty, Chastity, Obedience; Defense of Human Life; Care of Children."

What beautiful sisters!!! They don't have a website, but you can email if you'd like info: dmmlsisters@hotmail.com. :)

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  • 1 year later...

[quote name='Laurentina1975' post='865237' date='Jan 25 2006, 12:22 AM']:banana:[/quote]
Hey! I spent a week at St. Charles with the sisters. They're AWESOME!!!!!!!!

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:topsy: Just click on the wbsite for St.Charles Children's Home and click on staff.It has about the sisters,and a link to their website.The community was founded by four sisters,members of the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady,Mother of the Church.The Sisters of Charity of Our Lady,Mother of the Church had decided after much pray and advice to close the home.Then four of the sisters decided to form a community to help abused and homless kids.
I think what they are doing is great.Unfortunately I live to far away and might only be able to visit them.
On KENS5 San Antonio they did a story about vocations to the sisterhood and about the shrinking number of nuns serving the church.Yet all the time you find out about new communities like these sisters, The Sisters of Christian Love,Intercessors of the Lamb,Society of the Body of Christ,Mission of Divine Mercy(they have both men and women and are located out near Startzville,Tx by Canyon Lake ,east of San Antonio,and many others.
Some communities will fade away and new ones will be born.Has happend over the centuries and will again.
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So bizarre! I just learned of them on Saturday and here they are on phatmass! An acquaintance's sister recently entered there. I didn't learn any more about them than you guys have mentioned here, but for me it's at least a non-negative proof when someone entered and hasn't popped back out ;) This is their web page: dmml.org/default.aspx

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