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republican and why?


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It seems to me like most Catholics tend to consider themselves Republicans. I most definately consider myself a Republican - I just don't really know why. I go to a very liberal public school, so my answer why I am Republican is always simply because a lot of facets of the Democratic party disgust me - such as pro-choice, pro-gay marriage and stuff like that. They are obviously against the Catholic faith, which is what I try to live my life by (please don't hold me acountable, I have been making a lot of mistakes lately and need to go to confession). anyway, next week in civics out teacher said she is going to divide us up into the democrats and republicans in the class. I need other reasons why the the Republican Party seems to coincide with general morals of the Catholic faith - if it does, im pretty sure it does. Anyway, your comments would be very helpful. Thanks and God Bless

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I'm not a Republican but i have friends and fam who are, and a reason is, they put emphasis on hard workand that you deserve to earn what you work for.

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Well, the democratic party has been taken over by Communists, for one. It was a communist goal.. There are a lof of Christians and Faith filled people in the republican party, something the democratic party highly lacks, not to mention the democratic party pushes christians to the side. in the name of the communist interpretation of "seperation of church and state". The republican party has it's downside too but no where near like the democratic party. That wicked party is in a downward spiral.

Why Republican? Because most devout Roman Catholics in america are republican.

Edited by Akalyte
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I'm a registered independent. I'm open to any politician who is good, true, and honest. And I am against any politician who is not. I don't care what political party he may affiliate with. The Church is here to transcend Republicans and Democrats, speaking Truth to power when either of them need it. I'll leave it to others to decide whether I'm politically "liberal" or "conservative". I choose not to box myself in, partly because I don't want to be a useful idiot for politicians. Religion is not a gimmick to win votes.

Edited by Era Might
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They're the lesser evil. I'd like to see the GOP restored to more conservative principles.

The Dems lately have done all they can to promote the "Culture of Death" at odds with the Church: radically pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, pro-immorality, and radically secdularist, wishing to remove any influence of Christian principles from law and public life.
Their brand of big-government socialism also contradicts Catholic principles of subsidiarity.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Jan 5 2006, 06:43 PM']They're the lesser evil.  I'd like to see the GOP restored to more conservative principles.

The Dems lately have done all they can to promote the "Culture of Death" at odds with the Church:  radically pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, pro-immorality, and radically secdularist, wishing to remove any influence of Christian principles from law and public life.
Their brand of big-government socialism also contradicts Catholic principles of subsidiarity.


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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Republicans and neo-cons are much to liberal for me and i would not vote for one in the election.

they are as bad as democrats and liberals

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