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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

i am going to start going to an Eastern rite divine liturgy when i can not make it to the TLM.

i am still discerning what God wants from me and who God really is and what the nature of his church is.

God Bless,


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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

have you ever been to one?

what is this veneration of icons that goes on?

and do they genuflect?

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I've been to a few. I even went to a Divine Liturgy of the Orthodox Church once for fun...had some blessed bread (we need to bring that into the Latin Church in my humble opinion). My best friend is Orthodox and their Liturgies aren't so different. :)

Now for the Catholic Eastern Divine Liturgies:

Veneration of the Icons is something I try to do at home myself and love to do there! (In fact, in Greece I was able to venerate theirs which was pretty cool...an icon is an icon no matter where it is). It is where you do the Signum Crucis and kiss the icon...they view it as a window to Heaven where it is almost as kissing Our Lord or the Saint himself. It is an ancient practice and one I think we could stand to have again.

Otherwise, they do not genuflect and do not kneel. As a Latin this might make you uncomfortable...I recommend you don't kneel in spite of all this. It is actually the reason the Bishops have asked us not to kneel when we receive Holy Communion in the Novus Ordo. (I disagree with that personally, but will stand in spite of my personal feelings as obedience is best when it is not contrary to the Faith).

They do the Signum Crucis backwards, but technically we do it backwards. They use three fingers in a sign of the Trinity and do it three times normally, again in the sign of the Holy Trinity. They go up, down, right, left (we go left, right following what Priests used to do).

Anyways, that's a quick introduction to differences and interesting features.

Oh! Also, they receive Holy Communion in both Species at once on a spoon. Do not lick or bite the spoon! Many Latins do that, and it's quite funny! Anyways, you may receive if it's Catholic and they will normally let you.

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

i read some stuff about it. they said they kneeled do they not?

how does one lick or bite the spoon? does the priest just drop the eucharist into your mouth? how does that work?

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He just places it in your mouth, and that makes more sense at the Divine Liturgy.

Maybe some do, but I've never been to one that does. :)

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[quote name='qfnol31' date='Jan 5 2006, 04:18 PM']Otherwise, they do not genuflect and do not kneel.  As a Latin this might make you uncomfortable...I recommend you don't kneel in spite of all this.  It is actually the reason the Bishops have asked us not to kneel when we receive Holy Communion in the Novus Ordo.  (I disagree with that personally, but will stand in spite of my personal feelings as obedience is best when it is not contrary to the Faith).

I went to a greek orthodox liturgy but they all kneeled during the consecration, and were kneeling when they recieved Holy Communion...

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Re: Novus Ordo, Tridentine, Byzantine Rite...

I generally make a habit of not claiming that one rite is better than another, because they all highlight different aspects of faith. That doesn't mean I don't criticize abuses, because I do, but I don't think that the Novus Ordo should be replaced by the Tridentine, or anything like that. I really enjoy knowing that my Church is so rich in so many traditions.

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[quote name='Tata126' date='Jan 5 2006, 07:06 PM']Re: Novus Ordo, Tridentine, Byzantine Rite...

I generally make a habit of not claiming that one rite is better than another, because they all highlight different aspects of faith.  That doesn't mean I don't criticize abuses, because I do, but I don't think that the Novus Ordo should be replaced by the Tridentine, or anything like that.  I really enjoy knowing that my Church is so rich in so many traditions.

I don't think that one should wipe out the other...that would be a mess.

However, I have preference, and like to think they're somewhat objective. But I think you know them. :P: ;)

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Catholic Culture's review of the site.

Their insane Geocentrism Challenge.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

[quote name='kamiller42' date='Feb 10 2006, 04:23 PM']Catholic Culture's review of the site.

Their insane Geocentrism Challenge.
That challenge was posted on Fark.com yesterday. It's that kind of stuff that opens up Catholics for teasing.

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[quote name='kamiller42' date='Feb 10 2006, 04:23 PM']Catholic Culture's review of the site.

Their insane Geocentrism Challenge.

thats crazy... although the date says 2002.

seriously I can't believe this. You know why the theory of the Earth revolves around the sun exists?? Yes it was only a mathematical formula at the time, but it worked. That formula put every planet right where it said it was going to be. When the hypothetical meets reality thats how you know its a solid formula.

I can't believe that... just plain crazy :wacko: :topsy: :wacko:

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[quote name='1337 k4th0l1x0r' date='Feb 10 2006, 04:15 PM']That challenge was posted on Fark.com yesterday.  It's that kind of stuff that opens up Catholics for teasing.
It would be nice if Fark included a link to Catholic Culture's rating of the site. "Fidelity: DANGER!"

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