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"Jesus is a Liberal"

Lounge Daddy

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There are Kerry stickers all over NW Ohio. You'd think the election was still on. And I've seen a car at a church that had about 20 of a wide variety of liberal bumper stickers.

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My parish priest actually told me this the other day when we were having lunch, he said "You know I don't like how your so conservative, Jesus was a liberal. He did what people didn't like, and he wasn't afraid to say it. He didn't wear a uniform like you want me to wear, etc." all I heard was Yada Yada Yada.

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[quote name='the_rev' date='Jan 3 2006, 05:27 PM'] He did what people didn't like, and he wasn't afraid to say it.  [right][snapback]844865[/snapback][/right]

Wow, that Jesus guy sounds like a staunch conservative right there! :)

Liberals sit around congratulating each other on having the same "bold" politically-correct ideas, then go into a tizzy if someone dare say something contrary to the politically correct orthodoxy!

Jesus was guilty of many "hate crimes" no doubt!

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It seems these days that Jesus can be made to stand for any ideology.

BTW, read my signature.

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[quote name='Ave Maria Totus Tuus' date='Jan 3 2006, 02:28 PM']:pinch:

that's whacko  :wacko:

I know a Dominican Sister with one.

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Jesus was a pretty liberal Jew. They killed Him for it...

Still, can't pigeonhole Our Lord into one political classification. He is Truth.

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Ash Wednesday

[quote name='thedude' date='Jan 3 2006, 05:53 PM']It seems these days that Jesus can be made to stand for any ideology.

Exactly. I have read over time, each of the following claims:

Jesus was a vegetarian. Jesus would have supported the Aryan Nation. Jesus would have agreed with the KKK. Jesus was a communist. Jesus was homosexual. Jesus was black. Jesus was white. Jesus was Arab. Jesus was Jewish. Jesus was married. Jesus was Krishna. Jesus met Buddha...

...and so on.

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I know a Dominican priest who has that on the door of his campus ministry office. :ohno:

1. It kills me that libs are all about "diversity", "tolerance" and "inclusion", but then they want everyone to think like them, don't tolerate conservative views and put up bumper stickers that exclude conservatives from Christianity.

2. And what is the message, exactly? That we those not "like Jesus" should feel sad? Should we all become carpenters? Should we all make sacrifices yearly in Jerusalem?

3. But the craziest thing about that bumper sticker is the assumption that the word "liberal" can possibly be translated back 2000 years. It's actually a very interesting assumption. Who is more like a "liberal" of 200 years ago, say. The one who has the same behavior, or the one who has the same views? Because often the two are in conflict. Someone who had what were considered liberal views in 1960 might hold the same views but be seen as conservative in the 1980s (the neocons for instance). Would we classify Susan B. Anthony or Gandhi or George Washington as liberals since they were revolutionaries and sought to transform society and bring it closer to a just one? Or do we consider them conservative because, by today's standards, they were against abortion, gay marriage, etc, etc? I think if MLK were still alive, he'd be appalled at the antics going on today in the civil rights movement. I think that if JFK were around today, he'd be a Republican (at least if he were consistent with his views) since he was for a strong military, pro-life, etc.

So it would be no contradiction to say that Jesus was a radical revolutionary figure in his time, and yes, a liberal (especially in the classic sense of liberating) but that today, he would be considered a conservative because society has changed so much. Liberal and conservative are meaningless outside of a cultural context. If George Bush went back in time to 1st century Palestine, he would probably be stoned to death for his liberal views on women, marriage, etc.

One example: Jesus's teaching against divorce. Conservative or Liberal? Well, neither but it is radical and challenging. But it is probably more conservative, because self-control and responsibility are higher priorities for conservatives than liberals.

Christ is sacrificial love. Although all politicians fall short, which side emphasizes more that we can't have everything we want, when we want it and that we need to make sacrifices for our children, spouses and our community (and country)?

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Lounge Daddy

[quote name='avemaria40' date='Jan 3 2006, 03:14 PM']I can see that if your talking about immigrants, poor, enviornment, etc. but I would not think that abortion, homosexuality, etc. would make the cut.  If they supported that, you'd have to draw the line there.  But just because someone is a liberal, doesn't always mean they support abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, birth control, etc.  There are some liberals who are against all of that. 

BTW, not all homosexuals are child molesters, i have some friends who have homosexual attraction but would NEVER hurt a child.

wow - i wrote "i am pretty sure Jesus wouldnt support liberal organizations that defend murderers, and child molesters – but then attack the Boy Scouts of America" i wasnt referring to homosexuals at all as child molesters nor murderers
i was actually referring to liberal organizations...
[url="http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=18029"]LIKE THE ACLU[/url] who supports NAMBLA "the national man / boy love assoc" who support sex between adults and children

im sorry, but liberalism is sick

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[quote name='Lounge Daddy' date='Jan 4 2006, 02:45 PM']wow - i wrote "i am pretty sure Jesus wouldnt support liberal organizations that defend murderers, and child molesters – but then attack the Boy Scouts of America"  i wasnt referring to homosexuals at all as child molesters nor murderers
i was actually referring to liberal organizations...
[url="http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=18029"]LIKE THE ACLU[/url] who supports NAMBLA "the national man / boy love assoc" who support sex between adults and children

im sorry, but liberalism is sick

it is sick, and its a sin, but i wont go to far there are some on phatmass who believe liberaal is "somewhat acceptable".

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Cow of Shame

Jesus was a liberal.

He said all could come to God, gentile or jew. Certainly was a very liberal & radical thought at the time.

I think you're letting current 'liberals' poorly define the group for you. Just because they are currently making a stance on abortion does not mean that defines 'liberal' as a whole, nor does it mean that being a liberal makes you evil.

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Lounge Daddy

[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='Jan 5 2006, 12:23 AM']Jesus was a liberal.

He said all could come to God, gentile or jew.  Certainly was a very liberal & radical thought at the time.
I think you're letting current 'liberals' poorly define the group for you.  Just because they are currently making a stance on abortion does not mean that defines 'liberal' as a whole, nor does it mean that being a liberal makes you evil.
i think the fool with the dumb slogan on his car was a "current liberal" who was equating Jesus with "current liberalsim"
and excuse me for finding liberalism offensive at least, and evil at most

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Cow of Shame

[quote name='Lounge Daddy' date='Jan 4 2006, 08:53 PM']
and excuse me for finding liberalism offensive at least, and evil at most


I'll excuse you if you fluffy air extraction, but not for that....you'll get a slap upside yo' head and SING FOR ME, DILLYKNOCKER! SING!

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Lounge Daddy

[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='Jan 5 2006, 12:57 AM']I'll excuse you if you fluffy air extraction, but not for that....you'll get a slap upside yo' head and SING FOR ME, DILLYKNOCKER!  SING!

...oh wait.. no

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