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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Jan 2 2006, 10:38 PM']Knights of the Holy Sepulchre have certain powers that were given to them by the Pope centuries ago. Among them are the power to pardon criminals on their way to execution (this would be cool to do), and declare bastards legitimate. So I suppose even if there was something forbidding bastards from joining, one of the Knights could be so kind as to use his power and declare you solemnly legitimate.

How would they go about that?

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[quote name='catholicinsd' date='Jan 2 2006, 09:38 PM']Is that knight in the miliatary or does that order just have a lot of medals?
The order of Knights of Gregorius Magnus has ranks and different decorations that can be earned based on service to the Church. I don't really know much about it beyond that.

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[quote name='catholicinsd' date='Jan 2 2006, 09:39 PM']How would they go about that?
I suppose it was more efficacious and meaningful in medieval society. Knights were held in high regard and the Pope has more temporal power. If a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre demanded that a prisoner be spared execution people listened. Similarly, if a person was denied a particular office for being a bastard, and I Knight of the Holy Sepulchre declared him legitimate, people listened and he was able to take office. It was like pardoning or absolving the out of wedlock birth. Today's society is not so much concerned with legitimacy and hereditary succession and things of that sort. I guess if such restrictions still remained on paper, they'd just be ignored anyway.

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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Jan 2 2006, 09:42 PM']lets ask LD more questions....
i want to join.....

I'm not sure, but I found this:

[quote]Pontifical decorations are the titles of nobility, orders of Christian knighthood and other marks of honour and distinction which the papal court confers upon men of unblemished character who have in any way promoted the interests of society, the Church, and the Holy See. The titles range all the way from prince to baron inclusive, and are bestowed by the pope as temporal sovereign. The title ordinarily conferred is that of count prefixed to the family name, which title is either merely personal or transferable by right of primogeniture in the male line. Bishops assistant at the throne are de jure Roman counts. There is another title which is usually called Count Palatine, but the true designation is Count of the Sacred Palace of Lateran, which is attached to many offices in the papal court. [b]The papal orders of knighthood, ranking according to their importance and dignity, are:

Supreme Order of Christ;
Order of Pius IX;
Order of St. Gregory the Great;
Order of St. Sylvester;
Order of the Golden Militia, also called of the Golden Spur;
Order of The Holy Sepulchr[/b]e (semi-official note of the Cardinal Chancellor of Equestrian Orders, "Osservatore Romano", 12 Feb., 1905).
Pius X decreed that the Orders of Christ and the Golden Militia should have only one, the other four orders, three grades or classes ("Multum ad excitandos"; 7 Feb., 1905); that occasionally, but very rarely, in matters of special importance and by special papal permission, a commander eminently distinguished might be allowed to wear the badge (smaller size than that of the first class) on the left breast. According to critical historians, these orders do not antedate the Crusades. After the Crusades, the kings of Europe founded and placed under the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or the Saints, orders of chivalry. Of these, some were intended to protect their kingdoms from the incursions of the infidel, and were in reality religious military orders; others were designed as a desirable and honourable recompense for eminent services to king and country. The lavish and indiscriminate creation of knights of the latter orders led in course of time to a loss of prestige and desire on the part of men of eminent merits to be knighted. The Roman pontiffs, in their dual capacity of spiritual and temporal rulers, either founded or approved, or remodelled and restored to their pristine glory, the six papal orders afore-mentioned. [/quote]

The whole article: [url="http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04667a.htm"]http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04667a.htm[/url]

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Wow this interesting. I wouldn't to be legitimated even if a Knight/Dame wanted to do it to me. Bastards rock.

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I also found out that the Supreme Order of Christ was only given to heads of State and that the former President of Ireland, Eamon de Valera, was awarded with this by Pope John XXIII, but that there are no living holders left. I hope B16 bestows the Supreme Order of Christ on someone.. Can't think of any awesome Catholic heads of state at the moment.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Jan 2 2006, 10:52 PM']I also found out that the Supreme Order of Christ was only given to heads of State and that the former President of Ireland, Eamon de Valera, was awarded with this by Pope John XXIII, but that there are no living holders left. I hope B16 bestows the Supreme Order of Christ on someone.. Can't think of any awesome Catholic heads of state at the moment.

Would you have to give it up after you left office?

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[quote name='catholicinsd' date='Jan 2 2006, 09:54 PM']Would you have to give it up after you left office?
I don't think so. You can't lose knighthood like that.

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This site is phat:


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The Most Illustrious Order of the Golden Fleece sounds pretty neat. They're another chivalric order of the Church.
They wear a full-length mantle made scarlet cloth and this is one of the decorations for it:



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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Jan 2 2006, 10:58 PM']better pic:


I hate to sound rude but this for the bastards, not the Orders that my peeps and I can't join.

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The Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George seems pretty phat too:




And dude, you can join! Let's become Knights. :yahoo:

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Jan 2 2006, 11:04 PM']The Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George seems pretty phat too:




And dude, you can join! Let's become Knights. :yahoo:

I don't think knights can be priests though, and I haven't yet ruled that out.

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