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Guest Rick777

[quote name='the_rev' date='Dec 29 2005, 10:06 AM'][color=blue]We don't care what you have to say Brendan[/color].  holy Mother Church teaches they are in Schism, so thus we abide by the Church.  Your Cardinal and Monsingor are not the pope nor infaliable, nor are they God.

now that wasnt very charitable, no need to use such rude comments

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Cam, will you please verify for me that I am still a Catholic- i deny no dogma or doctrine. i am faithful in observing all the Commandments and the Precepts of the Church.

i'm giving up talking about the SSPX.... i won't introduce any more posts on them.

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Guest JeffCR07

we should keep in mind that there is a difference between formal and material heresy. One might be a material heretic (i.e. accidentally and innocently not hold a dogma of the faith on account of ignorance) without being a formal heretic (i.e. voluntarily reject a dogma of the faith, having full knowledge of the aforementioned dogma).

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Incidentally I rarely attend the SSPX Mass, usually the Indult, and I haven't any desire to be in schism or to seperate myself from Peter.

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Guest Rick777

[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Dec 30 2005, 07:06 AM']let the protestant believe what he wants...

its amazing how everyone loses respect for anyone when discussing this topic

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After alot of prayer and thought, after alot of giving alot into temptation, even though hours and minutes ago i was so bent on trying to prove the contrary, I can truly and sincerely state:

When Archbishop Lefebvre consecrated the bishops, he did perform a schismatic act, and that the Society of Saint Pius X is NOT in communion with Rome.

Thank you Holy Spirit and Mother Mary!

God bless,

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[quote name='brendan1104' date='Dec 30 2005, 10:46 PM']Cam, will you please verify for me that I am still a Catholic- i deny no dogma or doctrine. i am faithful in observing all the Commandments and the Precepts of the Church. 

i'm giving up talking about the SSPX.... i won't introduce any more  posts on them.

Where did I say anything like that? I have never said that you were not Catholic. Wrong person.

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[quote name='brendan1104' date='Dec 30 2005, 09:54 PM']Pham...

After alot of prayer and thought, after alot of giving alot into temptation, even though hours and minutes ago i was so bent on trying to prove the contrary, I can truly and sincerely state:

When Archbishop Lefebvre consecrated the bishops, he did perform a schismatic act, and that the Society of Saint Pius X is NOT in communion with Rome.

Thank you Holy Spirit and Mother Mary!

God bless,

Deo gratias. :)

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you're the Lord and Master of Orthodoxy so I wanted you to verify that so toledo_jesus would be proven wrong... anyways thanks alot Cam you've really helped me but I have to go to confession, so talk to you all in about 30 minutes.

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Brendan, I am sure that almost all never we have thought that you
are a heretic, you do not take the blame, and it prays so that the SSPX returns to the Church. The same one to that always you have belonged.

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[quote name='brendan1104' date='Dec 30 2005, 08:01 PM']toledo_jesus what you have said is unexcusable. it is slander, and it is not permitted by both Phatmass' rules and the Code of Canon Law:

I therefore request that you withdraw your statement, immediately.
I'm a rude person, but the thrust of my statement was that I regard the SSPX as no better than Protestant, picking and choosing what aspects of Catholicism it wishes to adhere to. So, I feel most SSPX, ironically, are more Protestant in their outlook than they would care to admit.

Perhaps my impression is wrong.

Got your attention though. I'm sorry, you're not a Protestant. Unless you act like one.

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Ora et Labora

[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Dec 30 2005, 07:58 AM']Brendan,

Bishop Fellay even said that a decree of excommunication was placed on the SSPX.

Then why are you still struggling with the matter Sam???

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