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New And Frustrated


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girl, your testimony is wonderful and it's not going to be easy to be faithful to God. The devil is a sneaky little fella and he is always trying to tear us away from our beloved! I go to a Catholic University and it isn't really that much better than any secular schools. I went to Indiana University for 2 years, so I've had the experience of a public school versus a Catholic one. I can't seem to find anyone on my campus that has the same values of life or even about Catholicism. I don't even attend Mass on my campus because these people are whack, so I understand what you mean about being alone and having to go against your friends. I'm wanting to enter a Convent next August. You should see the stares I get even though I'm on a Catholic campus.

You must always give all your worries to God. I know it sounds easy, but it is extremely difficult. I know this because I'm trying to do it myself. My spir dir keeps telling me to keep giving myself to Him everyday. The best way to stay focused on God is through prayer and esp adoration. I know we don't think that we have time for Him, but we need to make time for Him if we are to stay sane. :) Know that the pham is here to support you whenever you need it. There are so many great people here!! Know of my prayers!!! May God continue to Bless you!!


:peace: :):):) :peace:

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I'm not at all attempting to be confrontational. Just informative: I'm a boy. Name's Patrick...hence the icon of one of my favorite saints for interventional purposes, St. Patrick. I realize I didn't tell you my name in my first post...so there it is :)

I get the feeling there are more faithful females than males out there, so I understand the assumption (little "a" not big "A"). Guys get too caught up in the macho image, I think.

Regardless, which Catholic school do you attend? I know of most Catholic schools in the Indiana area. I'm from Dayton, OH and we have our own Marianist University comprised by thousands of deliquent college youth. Drinking is out of control there (partly why I went elsewhere). My brother contemplated becoming a priest for a long time, so I know a bit about how tough that type of decision can be. He was in an official period of discernment for about a year. A retreat ultimately helped him clearly hear that he is called to be a father and husband and not a priest. He's now seriously dating a fine young woman as dedicated to her faith as he is. I'll keep you in my prayers as you make this incredibly difficult decision. I wish you the best of luck regardless. You clearly have a very strong faith and your character and will are obviously as tough as nails. Attributes for which to be very proud. Anyway, I must peace out...I have finals to study for!

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sorry, dude I just have a habit of starting out with girl. hehe I guess I should just start replying without that. I'm so sorry... :ph34r:

I attend Xavier in cinci...Jesuits can be great, but most are so liberal...


:):) :)

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I heard about a university funded student Pro-Choice group at Xavier. I would be up in arms about it. I have always been a fan of their basketball team though. My dad is a UC grad so I obstinately rooted for the little Catholic school over the big public school to demonstrate support for the little engine that could. I've rarely been disappointed as a Xavier fan.

I'm sure you know all about the Univ. of Dayton's drinking problems being so close in Cincy. I have many friends at Xavier. Do you know Ethan Mezoff or Matt Byrne? Both good guys and friends of mine from HS.


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Thanks for posting. I'm sure you're faced with a great amount of challenges living your faith -- I am, and I don't even live in the dorms. I'll pray for ya.

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Try2bFaithful, no those names don't sound familiar, but then I am just wretched with names. We in the Students For Life group weren't too happy about the pro-choice group on campus. It's sad that a Catholic University would support such a group...The Jesuits here want to include everyone at the expense of excluding the Catholic faith. so, so sad. What I really dont like about the parish we have on campus is that they try to say that it's 'nondenominational.' There's a statue of Mary and Joseph and stations of the cross. Those are VERY Catholic things! But, they do have Jesus in a side room unlike the 'prominent' place He is supposed to be in like the GIRM says and there is no crucifix in or near the sanctuary! They have this huge cross they they decorate with bright colors for the diff seasons, it kinda scares me...Keep praying for these people!

:):) :)

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Do you have a Newman Center on your campus? If you have some faithful Catholics to hang around with you should have less temptation.

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I am a graduate of Notre Dame (undergrad), T2BFaithful. At the Law School, the Thomas More society is where you can get a good Catholic formation, also the Knights of Columbus on campus and Windmore, the Opus Dei House just off of Notre Dame Avenue.

At Notre Dame you can have all the stuff a secular university has to offer (drinking, sex, avoiding God) but you also have a choice because there is a lot of good at ND too. You can choose to be with people who are taking the faith seriously and are having a really good time.

My biggest recommendation, when you get to Notre Dame Law school, is to meet Paolo Carozzo. He is the responsible for a lay movement called Communion and Liberation at Notre Dame. He's really amesome, probably one of the best Law Professors at ND, and he'll help you get your bearings.

I'll be praying for ND for you. God Bless!

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Hey Trying2BFaithful, you experiences are so inspiring! If you are really trying to find a really good Catholic college, the 2 major, major, 100% Catholic ones I know are:







I am not sure if Franciscan Univ has law school though...


The University of Notre Dame is definitely not on the 100% Catholic universities list because much liberalism has made its way in.(That is not to say that a Catholic could/should never go to Notre Dame--a very strong and firm Catholic could do alot at liberal colleges by being a good Catholic example on campus)

Bud MacFarlane is the creator of a fully Catholic foundation called the Mary Foundation (its amesome, you can get free Catholic educational tapes). He's a famously faithful Catholic and he's also a graduate of Notre Dame. Here's what he said about the University of Notre & particularly about 1 student play, click below:


I cannot recommend enough Ave Maria College and Franciscan University --I think the kind of atmosphere that you are looking for is one that is going to bring you closer to God as much as possible; these 2 colleges(and others that are the same) are what you are looking for. There are lots of Catholic colleges out there, but there are few who are authentically Catholic. :angry:

I would have gone to either FUS or Ave Maria if only I could have afforded it :weep: ^_^

To get an excellent education that covers your all your needs, especially acadamic AND spiritual, seriously check out these colleges! (I sound like a commercial but their for reals)

Your screenname makes me think of one of my favorite quotes by Blessed Mother Theresa! See my signature below...

God bless ya!


PS that Jose Maria Escriva quote from duST is amesome

"You tell me in your heart you have fire and water, cold and heat, empty passions and God: one candle lit to St Michael and another to the devil.

Calm yourself. As long as you are willing to fight there are not two candles burning in your heart. There is only one: the archangel's." - St. Josemaria Escriva

Edited by angelica
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