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Noel's angel

His sister replied to everyone who had sent emails to him. This is what it said:

"Hello all,
I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you who have sent encouraging and uplifting e-mails for me to read to Harold. As I read each one to him he just smiled from ear to ear (it's hard to smile with three tubes down your throat, but nothing can stop my bro from smiling). He has also been smiling at his many visitors who come by each day... (if he's awake when they come). I know that it helps him to know how many of you are praying for him.
Now, for the medical update:
Turns out Harold has pneumonia. He is still breathing with the help of a respirator, from which they are slowly trying to wean him off. Today another attempt was made to take him off of the respirator. However, after about 10 minutes he began to experience shortness of breath and needed to be placed back on it. The doctors said they will try the whole process again tomorrow. This is generally what has been going on each day at the ICU. We are all hoping and praying that he will be able to breathe on his own soon! Thanks again for your continued prayers! God bless.
Henrietta "

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